Can someone give me a rundown on Ariel Pink?

Can someone give me a rundown on Ariel Pink?

Attached: 51bf9db8ef851eb760cea09c567fad3d.jpg (500x429, 91K)

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a real xhe

ima need about 3.50

What's an xhe?

Ariel Soy

He's a white Mexican jew who lives in Echo Park

He makes 80s sounding music even though it's not the 80s

>Pop genius
>Grimes bows to Ariel
>in contact with Stevie R Moore
>rumored to possess anti sjw abilities
>controls hypnagogic pop with an iron but fair fist
>owns tape cassettes and 8 track recorders all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient LA blood line
>will write lofi pop songs for the first cities on Mars (Arielgrad will be be the first city)
>Controls the LA music scene
>Ariel Pink will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love with his music

Attached: nyorker22706.jpg (476x606, 203K)

but muh hauntology

Been active for about ten years. Countless releases, LOTS of forgettable filler. A couple of unforgettables (

He's the guy who cracked pop, figured it all out but doesn't like it so he just throws out the occasional pop masterpiece to make enough money to live comfortably.

>Ariel Pink is jewish

what the FUCK

I get the vibe that you don't actually listen to pop lol

what the fuck is a vibe u faggot


i think it's more shocking that he's mexican





Attached: B37AGYsCIAAtqT4.png (599x413, 450K)

im a fan of ariel pink and this is gay as fuck

it really is.


Why does it seem like he gonna breakdown and sob in this interview?

ah leave him alone, he was just giving OP the quick rundown meme

probably hardcore psychedelic use at the time.

you're right. im sorry. no sarcasm.

you can hear the sheer desperation in his voice.

Damn... Is being a manlet really this bad?

Hes a gay Jewish manlet that makes shit music.

this is his gf she also makes music

Attached: 1521776870316.jpg (975x650, 137K)


Attached: ariel pink.jpg (320x341, 37K)

Replace it with the word "feeling", dumbass

yeah - the fact he's mexican is weird as fuck

he doesn't look mexican, is his dad one of those white jewish mexicans?

he's probably half spanish half ashkenazi

not a hint of amerindian blood in him

his dad probably is yeah

i think ariel's mom is just a typical white lady - she's like a blonde woman with the "speak to the manager" haircut from what i saw

shes probably like german or something

his dad is the jewish one, and was born in mexico, and is a doctor (colonoscopist)

this is his dad

Attached: ariel's dad.jpg (480x640, 45K)

Attached: mario rosenberg.jpg (600x452, 74K)

Attached: doctor mario.jpg (288x432, 45K)

Attached: mario rosenberg md.jpg (393x503, 16K)

Why is this board so obsessed with race?


it's an outlet for their own failings

it's Sup Forums dude

Attached: dr mario.jpg (300x450, 95K)


Why do you keep posting his dad you autistic fuck

Attached: ariel.png (670x418, 319K)

he looks just like ariel


lemme get my truck..

I love that part

Holy shit

>Been active for about ten years.
what? he's been active for over 20...

I audibily kek every time I see this

Otherwise known as "using him to get famous"

niggers, spics and jews are fuckin racist (much more than white people) so you must be a FUCKIN COMMUNIST

I imagine a childhood of his parents guilt-tripping him about everything and pushing him really hard to being a successful artist.

not sure why. probably because his dad is a doctor, and ariel is talented and focused but still hates himself

actually i don't know if they supported his artistry as a career

i assumed they disapproved about him becoming a musician and that's why he seemed broke in his early days using cheap equipment etc


Are you high?

visual artist I mean, apparently he was really good at that and everyone wanted him to do it. they may have disapproved of music idk

He'll be in and out of your life

Not everyone in mexico has dark brown skin, dumbass