Post your fav album and your fav book. Others guess your personality

Post your fav album and your fav book. Others guess your personality.

>The Grapes of Wrath

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>Lighght by Kishi Bashi
>Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
You're depressed a lot, and think most people are trash.

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>Elliott Smith - s/t
>The Age of Reason - Jean Paul Sartre

You constantly switch between feeling superior to everyone and hating yourself.

Attached: elliott.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>Beyond Good & Evil

>hunger (sult)

>Fav book: More Information Than You Require

Attached: ModestMouseLonesomeCrowdedWest.jpg (340x340, 130K)

You want to feel rootsy, but you still have a knee-jerk reaction against poor people
You just want the world happy
you claim to not think of yourself as an intellectual, but you secretly do
can't tell if bait

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Since I left you - avalanches
The Power of Habit

>Frances the Mute
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
You have a tendency to overanalyse things
Very empathetic towards others

Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse

Genuinely interesting guy
You're a cool guy and have great taste but just don't read a lot
You do things that you think will make girls like you more

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>Nietzsche - The Antichrist

You eat lots of fruits and vegetables and probably have a vagina
you're constantly trying to fix the people around you
you hate vegetarians
you're over 30

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>Laurie Spiegel - The Expanding Universe (1980 release)
>Julio Cortazar - Hopscotch
"you're depressed a lot and think most people are trash"...
when i read Nietzsche I would describe myself as a "bitter recluse". I'd imagine you're a bitter reclusive.
you do administrative work. as a hobby you're a sort of consumer without really developing many talents, but you probably have an interest in creating visual art.
extremely adaptable, you're extroverted meaning you would have a lot of friends, maybe not so many close ones, and they call you an asshole because of quirks in your behavior. they probably believe this is something you aren't gullible enough to take as their truthful opinion
sort of a pseud, like me. or just quite young
overworked karoshi, but a very charismatic and disciplined (male). i'd imagine probably heterosexual leanings...
extremely busy most of the time. you experience the polar opposite of social anxiety, due to a tendency to maladjust to the community you live in by believing you have to prove you are relevant by constantly engaging in conversations.
extremely obnoxious but not outspoken
extremely obnoxious and outspoken. pursued interest in art & design

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>Notes From Underground

Attached: glow.jpg (577x582, 86K)

Shy but fun and thinkful
You are apathetic toward normal existance
You choose carefully your friends
You don't express your emotions
>album: pic related
>book: franz kafka - the castle

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>calls me obnoxious
i've been thinking about trying Hopscotch, it looks like my kind of gimmick

Hopscotch is a pseud book, but a very fun book

cool, i'd rec the poetry book i posted too, especially to people who like works that play with structure

I'll add it to my backlog, eventually I intend to read it. gotta finish joseph conrad - nostromo first

>Charles Baudelaire - Les Fleurs Du Mal

Was never bullied.
Enjoys getting fucked in the butt
Edgier than me
Your first Kafka book was The Castle

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>White Noise (Don DeLillo)

pretty cool

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It's the only one I read, sadly I read few fiction these days


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>Days of Future Passed- The Moody Blues
>The Picture is Dorian Gray

Everyone here has shit taste apart from me

>Closer - Joy Division
>Pedro Páramo - Juan Rulfo

Attached: Closer.jpg (220x220, 7K)

Greymachine - Disconnected with Beta Pope's White Hate as a close second
The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosiński with The Road as a close second.
I'm not much of a reader. I prefer painting and music as mediums of art. Gotta love Francis Bacon.

It kinda amazes me that you picked the Castle for your first Kafka, hes kinda hard ya know. Were you recommended it?

Lurk more normie scum

you have laboured breathing after exercise

Depressed, does not take very good care of himself, very few close friends.

>Iggy and The Stooges - Raw Power
>Phillip Roth- Sabbath's Theater

Attached: 220px-StoogesRawPower.jpg (220x220, 10K)

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

Depressed, has a pessimistic worldview.
Young, trying to discover who you are. Close, small group of friends.
Appears normal on the surface but has deep psychological issues, has extremely low self worth. Puts on a facade as a selfless person but is deep down selfish. Feels nostalgic about his youth. Has most likely attempted suicide.

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too right

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My sister read it so it was his only book in our house, she hated it but I said you know it could be good. Also I tried to read one of his published short stories and found it very hard

Its fucking way too hard to choose one favorite for two of your most significant hobbies.
Album: Tv Girl - Who Really Cares, or maybe Talking Heads - Remain in Light.
Book: Ovid - Metamorphoses or Don Quixote

>Tubelord - Our First American Friends
>A Confederacy Of Dunces

what do you think of the track bubblegum?

> Nectar in a Sieve
> Walden by Thoreau

Attached: nectar in a sieve.jpg (700x700, 42K)

>The birthday party - junkyard
>Ryu Murakami -coin locker babies

Attached: junk.jpg (226x223, 13K)

You wish you weren't as angry as you are on a daily basis. In a few years,it will hit you that this anger has stemmed from a lust for a higher social status.

You fantasize about your friends praising your personality and intellect behind your back

Your romantic relationships have been very enjoyable and full of mutual love, and despite them not ending well, you remember them fondly

I'm gonna post a few of mine
Sonic Youth- Daydream Nation
The Zombies- Odessey & Oracle
Modest Mouse- The Lonesome Crowded West

Camus- The Stranger
Hesse- Siddhartha
The Bhagavad Gita
Metiu- Quantum Mechanics

>Fugazi - Repeater
>Flann o'Brien - The Third Policeman

Attached: fugazi_repeater.jpg (220x221, 15K)

A: Animal Collective - Feels
B: Vonnegut - Sirens of Titan

gr8 b8 m8

if you like yourself: you are probably an awful person to be around. if no: youre probably a cool person.

youre dirt, bubt in a good way

>Blonde on Blonde
>Shakespeare's sonnets

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>The Blue Album
>Blood Meridian
hardcore edge
is very picky about who he hangs out with
doesn't enjoy his job
chill dude

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close tastes to my best friend, so yure good

How to Leave Town - CSH
The Waves - Woolf

Attached: CSH How to leave.jpg (300x300, 10K)

Flaming Lips - Clouds taste metallic
Murakami - Kafka on the Shore

Attached: FlamingLipsCloudsTasteMetallic.jpg (300x296, 22K)

>tom waits - rain dogs
>william gaddis - the recognitions

Attached: Tom_Waits_-_Rain_Dogs.png (300x300, 46K)

The National - Alligator
Charles Bukowski - Women