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haven't heard from this guy in months, did that show ever get picked up or is he back to begging for sheckels on patreon

He made threatening motions to Shia LeBeef's stream thing

But didn't go through with it all

he's trying to make himself relevant again by saying he'll beat up shia lebeouf lol

he went from JUST to JUSTER, Sam Hyde is permanently JUSTED

probably didn't have the gas money lmao

this threads are made by him

Remeber when he said he was getting his show back
Remeber when his fans said they was no way he would be cancelled
Remeber when his fans tried to shill even harder and claim the show had good views (alas it didn't)

good times

haha this is what internet bullies deserve

why didn't sam just apply for obamacare

lifters are in a risk group that don't qualify

i wish this ugly hambeast fuck would realize he's a talentless grotesque douchebag and an hero

his fecal photo is polluting all of Sup Forums even more than it already is

>Remeber when his fans tried to shill even harder and claim the show had good views (alas it didn't)
It did though, about a million per episode. Is that considered bad these days?

enjoy the medicaid, sammy

Sammy really gets yalls panties in a bunch lmao. Keep giving him the free publicity

> $6000 deductible
Yea it's great

How can anyone stand him? Edgy rants aside, how do you bare looking at that face day in and day out?

>ywn have hordes of autistics obsessed with you and promoting your work for free every day.

Sam truly is a genius.

>looking at that face day in and day out?

>Sams haters have posters of him above their beds

get help guys hes driving some of you insane.

he voted Trump


He's funny. I don't look at his face that much, comedians generally aren't pretty to look at

brb driving to glendale


How are the book sales?

Is Charlis OK?

you seem jealous for some reason

Health insurance only cost $200 per month if you're just an average single person. If he can't afford that with his show and content, then that means he's a fucking idiot and blew it all.

Are there any funny liberal comedians?

I felt bad when I heard he has to live in Fall River. That place is a shit hole. Things will get worse if he has no health insurance when he gets jumped by some junkie.

It was a joke you mongs

Why was he so upset? Obamacare will help him out

>have to spend $2400 a year for something you might not even use that year
Americans I swear to god

Ya I fucked his face.

>I was just pretending


>everything a comedian says in his act is factually correct
You live a hard life

Was the crying also a joke?

not an argument, not even logically accurate

More like have to spend $2400 a year for something you can't even get until years later.

thats the price if you DON'T use it

considering I watched the video and he didn't cry, yeah it's a bad joke on your part


So basically Sam gets minimum wage doing nothing but taken money from NEETs. What a loser.

>mfw I'm 32 and I've never had to go to the hospital once in my life, never been sick at all
I don't even pay for the shit anymore. In a few years here it'll probably be inevitable but I'm gonna risk it for a little while longer.

Sam will be on HWNDU at 3PM today, supposedly.

he gonna get divided

>he has no job
>hes 30
>hes untalented
yea thats it

he speaks the truth

Perhaps even sooner...


This. Half of yuropoors have free healthcare while my ass has to be forced to get medicare and mediCal. All these extra things you have to get personally when you could instead get taxed slightly more. Fucking corporate assholes have the country by the balls, and influence government via lobbyists to get even richer. And the answer to solving this, according to poor hicks and trumpcuck contrarian teens, was to support a corporate asshole with a history of lying and fucking over little people (sometimes not even paying them) to get where he is. Good job bypassing the lobbyists, now you can get directly fucked in the ass with his new lobbyist and corporate administration. Head of education who doesn't teach and has ties to shit counter to her job, a guy in charge of protecting the environment who doesn't believe in global warming, a defense advisor who believes in debunked conspiracies, etc. But no, it triggers SJWs so it's all good. Fucking cucks.

>Sam fans been saying that for the past 4 days.

the culture war is a cancer that drives people away from discussing real issues.

i wouldn't be surprised if the media promotes it for exactly that reason.

You're fucking retarded if you think the republican committee will allow the affordable care act to be the same if not repealed by the time the year ends.

Are hospitals in America all private or do you have public owned ones too?

Friendly reminder all non-Americans need to kill themselves and stop obsessing over us and /ourguy/.