Is westworld kino?

Is westworld kino?

The scenes with Hopkins are

The scenes with BBC and laughable LWC are better.

Whatever you say, buddy

who and who

Why else would they include them, if not for kino?

Every shot has a purpose.


I'm pretty sure that's completely made up

it sounds like some internet theory that wasn ever verified, because it's bs

Are you guys retarded or something? That's a pretty popular theory among art historians. Obviously, no way to confirm it now, but it's generally accepted as a theory.

>generally accepted as a theory.

Jesus? That you?

Well that's generally what happens with art history. You won't ever know what any of the dead artists meant by their work will you.

well there's no way to ask michelangelo but it does look like a brain, so i guess it's up to the viewer
sort of the point of art

dropped if no peefu in s2


>Trying to make the audience feel pity for the robots

Of course not

thanks for the (You), friend

That or because of how the human mind works he saw the shape of a human brain from the side on based on how the cloth is draped around them and they added that subtext.

The whole Renaissance era was about Man as the center of all things and hidding things in plain sight to avoid Church oppression

Also, Michelangelo was known for buying corpses and opening them to see details of human anatomy

The theory is very likely to be correct

thats just an interpretation, the message could very well be that the part of humans that is devine resides in the brain, and not someplace else in the body, such as the balls

>uncultured swines of Sup Forums are only finding out about that theory in 2017
>from a fucking tv show
Kill yourselves dumbasses

This. Of course it's a brain you fucking mongrels.