MCU finally writes a decent villain

>MCU finally writes a decent villain
>evil and crafty as fuck
>could actually use him in the films for interesting plots
>killed off in the most anticlimactic way by the most retarded hero so far


>>MCU finally writes a decent villain


This is actually a very poor representation of purple man. He looks different, acts different, his relationship with jessica isn't the same because strong women. Which is stupid because jessica and him really have a complex relationship in the comics.

He also breaks the 4th wall sometimes and lets you know jessica isn't telling you everything etc. Real good stuff, bit dark but still.

Marvel fucked this up completely and made it into a generic marvel show. It's a shame really, i didn't even finish the first season. Could've been much better.

because female empowerment

when you listen to the creators of the show and smeagol feet ritter, they only cared about making a show about strong women and were much less interested in making it good

Help! I'm trying to find the skit where Jimmy Kimmel is pretending to be an artist and pokes fun at how pretentious they usually are. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

well that was obvious. there were only 3 white male characters in the show, 2 were evil rapists and the other was an autist who got his throat slit. Two white women get the BBC (all 3 black characters in the show are good btw, as are all the women).

Yeah it's really shit, when I seen he wasn't purple approaching the end of the season I was really pleased. I had assumed at the end of the season he would somehow get purple skin and that would leave room for him to be in future seasons, sadly that was obviously not the case

Why can't MCU keep villains alive? I can only thing of Loki, Baron Zemo, Kingpin a few from Luke Cage and The Collector if he can be counted, considering how vast the rooster of villains has been that is very few indeed.

you know the writers are stretching a character's relevancy when their parents show up

i honestly don't see how jessica Jones was portrayed as a strong woman. she was a clumsy fighter, a crap detective and made stupid decisions all the time. She was beaten up by average people a bunch of times and most of her detective work was literally googling people. plus she had so many chances to kill kilgrave and fucked them up. where was the part where she's a strong female?

The only time she is strong is when she breaks his neck. Honestly is quite shit writing or lack of imagination to not find some other way to empower her, other than killing a good character

why didn't kilgrave just tell jessica to kill her friend when he's still 50ft away from her? that's what i didn't get. it was so obvious.

Wasn't the whole point of the scene that he could no longer control her?

because the plot needed for him to die

Kilgrave had the ability to control another person's mind through literal verbal commands and make them completely obedient to him, thanks to a virus that he emits through micro particles in the air.

literally midichlorians

Because he's literally immortal you retard

Also breaking someones neck isn't a surefire way to kill them. Depends on how bad the fracture actually was

>where was the part where she's a strong female?
How about when she lifts a fucking car?

>DC has good villains meme

Op didn't mention DC.

Marvel fans are like Trump supporters. They can't handle any criticism so they instantly try to turn the argument to DC/Hillary

That autistic anaon

No it isn't.

The moment marvel gets mentioned for being bad the fanboys come out screaming "HURRR DC A SHIT AND DIDN'T DO IT BETTER!!" despite no one even mentioning DC being better, or even mentioning them at all.

>Trump says/does something stupid/bad
>People criticise him for it
>Trump fanboys come along screaming "HURRR HILLARY WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER HUH? FUCKING LIBTARD!!!"

I really liked Kilgrave and wished he would remain alive for the rest of the series.

In-universe tho killing him would be the first thing Jessica should do.

>tfw a season two of JJ

kill me

>as are all the women
this is arguable

>all 3 black characters in the show are good btw, as are all the women
There's only 2 villains in the series, though. It isn't like a 50/50 split where there are going to be 'good' and 'bad' characters. The series is basically just everyone against Kilgrave with Nuke as a subplot. No shit the villains aren't 'diverse'.

Are you talking about this guy?

I mean he might come back. The Hand are clearly gonna be part of The Defenders, and they revive a whole lot of people. Plus, what other motivation does Jessica Jones have to do anything heroic relating to them without Kilgrave being alive?

Movie treatment aside, being a normal joe in the Marvel universe and seeing this guy or Frank Castle armed and pissed would leave me shitting my pants.

Realistically running up against Thor or Cap should do the same, but they don't kill as many people.

I don't care if they have to make up some bullshit to bring him back tbqh. Just do it.

This show easily had the most wasted potential in a TV series ever. Super-soldier boyfriend plot thread gets abandoned. Weird, irrational muh supermax plot thread never makes sense and predictably dies. Kilgrave's mystery is revealed halfway through the series.

If they'd made it anything other than victim porn, it could have been great, watching Jones and Cage troll the city as detectives. Instead, we get to watch Jones accomplish nothing during the last half of the season and entirely waste Anne-Moss' renaissance.

are you for real

He has a healing factor.

The Nuke subplot was really bad. It made no sense.

>make first Marvel property with female centric roles
>main character is an unlikable cunt who fucks things up for everyone and bumbles her way through each scene while her friends do all the work

Not even making a MUH WOMEN complaint here because her blonde friend was more capable and the lesbian lawyer was actually intriguing.

Jessica Jones, however, was like a petulant 14 year old. Kristen Ritter is a shit actress.

Yeah, his performance was better than the series. Absurd they offed him.

Hellcat and Nuke were more interesting than Jessica as well. That said, at least there's still Wilson Fisk, one of the GOAT cape antagonists in any media.

>as are all the women)

Who is Hogarth. The ice-blooded lawyer that sets Kilgrave free just so that she can force her wife to sign the divorce papers because she's been banging her secretary.

And Patsy's mom who physically and emotionally abused her daughter all through her childhood.

mfw "strong" character literally means a strong character

When SJWs complain about "strong female characters", what they actually mean is a 3D character that doesn't exist just for romance. I think JJ fulfills that requirement. The story focuses on her and her dealing with her trauma. She makes mistakes and learns from them. Her creepy as fuck romance with Luke makes her life better, but doesn't magically heal her PTSD or alcoholism.

I only watched the show for based kilgrave. I don't know what they can offer in season 2 2bb

I honestly cannot understand people who seriously think Jessica Jones is a feminist power fantasy.

EVERY woman in the show is fucked up in some way.

With the probable exception of Clare the nurse no woman comes off well. Jessica herself is an absolute wreck of a human being, even after she "takes back her power" from Killgrave. Trish too.

If anything the most sympathetic character in the show is a MALE. The abused afro druggie. All because he has the apartment nest to Jessica and Killgrave wanted a stoolie.