Wtf is wrong with these sjw?

wtf is wrong with these sjw?

Well, you also need to give an oscar worthy performance.

Her face is so busted.

They literally can't understand talent and think everything has to do with identity

You don't understand. She's transableist. She identifies as talented/skilled.

what's wrong with settling out of court. if she was really stare raped or whatever the victim could've taken it to trial.

If the Afflecki family died I would smile

You're as disgusting as those crazy sjw.


no you need to have some talent too which is bad news for her

Why does Sup Forums and Sup Forums get pissy with Roman Polanski then?


Was this taken with a fish eye lens?

why is she so sad bros

>wtf is wrong with these sjw?
wtf is wrong with THESE sjws

you got a problem with alt rightists pal? that image fails to produce anything particularly cringeworthy. every blurb on that image is perfectly reasonable. nothing does not make sense on that image. the left is so much more ripe for roasting. there is nothing wrong with being an altrightist. the half-wits that make these memes have nothing to work with and it shows. makes me laugh. just a lil bit. like a momentary chuckle. then i forget about it. cause it's not memorable. not particularly effective. not the hell much of anything tbph.

Some people just can't separate real life from artistic works. Following this logic, we should retrospectively hate Michael Jackson songs, Roman Polanski films, Woody Allen films, etc.

>google this casey affleck
>thought it was some woman related to Ben Al Allifcki
>it's some dude that was sued in 2010

If Casey was a jew accused of being a pedophile no one would defend him here but since he just raped a woman is fine and cool.
His brother defended muslims and is treated like shit here tho

The question is what's wrong with people like you.


>that image fails to produce anything particularly cringeworthy.
youre probably the type of SJW that makes these memes unironically

Polanski is a pedo. Sup Forums and Sup Forums protect their own.

Nobody is directly defending him retard, they are attacking idiots like the person in OP's pic who show hypocrisy by shitting on Affleck but keeping quiet about actual admitted rapists like Polanski

except he didn't, since he's not in jail

If the other side agrees to settle then they probably didn't have a good case to begin with

>he just raped a woman

no one kept quiet about Polanski

there is no reason to bring it up now when talking about Casey

He didn't raped anybody! Where do you get those things? Do you know what rape is?

In other worse "somebody I don't like or I disagree with"

Type that out again? Some random Twitter user is a hypocrite because they didn't also complain about Roman Polanski? Sup Forums is such a unique form of brain damage, it's really fascinating. It's like you think whining about Jews is a mathematical axiom woven into the fabric of the universe. Maybe walk outside once every few months?

Get out normie.

I don't know who that is. She has a blue tick, does this mean I should pay attention to her?

>me gusta

try harder, commie boi.

>If Casey was a jew accused of being a pedophile no one would defend him
Who exactly is defending him?
>since he just raped a woman is fine and cool
what does that has to do with him being nominated for an academy award?
>His brother defended muslims and is treated like shit here
But he's often regarded as a good actor and director, you need to go outside capeshit threads

And I'm not even american, so don't even try to group me with Sup Forums

she's Weinerdog

Uhhh remind me, what Oscarbaiting films has this Motzaball done again? I know she was in something like Felicia Day.

still no idea

are the academy awards nominations for who's the best person? No? Then what's the point of this?

He's a jew.

>this is literally the same crowd that demanded everyone forgive Lena Dunham for sexually abusing her sister

I want plebbit to leave.

>man accused of rape when it was either consensual or made up
>mindless feminists bitch on twitter
every time

from what I recall, dude got drunk and climbed into bed with an onsite producer during the filming of I'm Still Here, sounds like he was just sloshed and lonely as he had either just broken up with his wife or was going too. Apparently he literally did something one of his indie characters in some depressing movie would do as she freaked out and he apologized and left. She filed a civil suit, i think there were some examples of other drunk behavior given and she's able to tarnish him. Is nothing like Polanski or Allen and you twats bandying about the word rape in regard to the matter are bigger cucks than bernie supporters

Why are feminists so stupid that when gold diggers sue celebrities for sexual harassment they take it personally and demonize the accused?

literally who?

If he was Jewish you'd be saying he's guilty and receiving special treatment and how the Oscars are glorifying a criminal. It's just stupid to see this complaint when the alt right babies here do the same exact shit on a daily basis. At least complain about something that's slightly distinct from your own exact behavior, retard.

>that image fails to produce anything particularly cringeworthy. every blurb on that image is perfectly reasonable.

>Trump will fix everything
>I wish I lived in V for Vendetta
>Racism just makes sense
>Fascism works
>Based Milo

Why, the powerhouse actress of Welcome to the Dollhouse, Hostel 2, and The Princess Diaries 2!

holy shit you thought about jews way more than i did faggot, i hate nu-Sup Forums

why are you assuming i'm an antisemite or poltard. Your final sentence makes no contextual sense. consider help