Can we discuss the best waifu of TOS?

Can we discuss the best waifu of TOS?

also where is the star trek general?

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That's literally the worst girl you could have picked. I can not imagine a bigger bitch aside from some of the psychic greeks.


It's tsundere, you wouldn't understand.

and let's not forget this lovely lass and here practical cold-weather attire

yeah, I'm drawing a blank


well, it's practical for the audience

>Likes Elaan
>Posts on Sup Forums

Yeah, it checks out.

what about the timegirl?

I made this thread as a joke, but im beginning to realize that TOS has a ton of waifumaterial.

she's a robot, she can't love you, not really.

look at this and tell me she doesn't give you a boner.

It's only a paper moon
Hanging over a cardboard sea

I'll program her to love me

My dick shrunk three inches that day

>My dick shrunk three inches that day
So now it's an innie?

This episode was really immersive for me. I'm the same height as Ruk's actor, so I was able to see how I would look next to Shatner. Made me feel all warm and fluffy.

wtf, I'm a girl now?

Young Pulaski :3


>be Kirk
>see this

what do?


Someone post the space hippies who play their harp with Spock and sing YAAAAAAY BROTHER


IIRC one of two girls in the show Kirk actually fucked



Watching Kirk defeat every enemy with speech checks will never not be enjoyable.

>I can not imagine a bigger bitch aside
Eleen, the Capellan who kept slapping McCoy for trying to deliver her baby.

>the two worst girls in TOS

At least you know Eleen would be kinky as fuck in bed.


>best gril still not posted


Kirk has so many points in charm that he can make an emotionless android fall in love

The plot holes in that episode killed it for me.

>she doesn't even have her own article
Ha ha ha!


Alright which one of you was this?

Wait, if they stole the cloaking technology in that episode, how come the federation never used it outside of All Good Things?

>it's a Cardassia Prime establishing shot


Human names:
Jean-Luc Picard, Montgomery Scott, James T. Kirk
Aliens names:
Spock, Sarek, Worf, Kor, Rom, Nog, Odo


she wears the centuries pretty well in TNG

Mccoy is really is the best character

>always angry
>even when he's happy he still looks angry.
>talks down to spock like he's an idiot.
>yells at his captain without a hint of fear. Frequently.



>expecting aliens to have surnames
>based on human tradition and culture

Star Trek waifu? This is now an Ezri Dax thread.

TOS thread, p'takh.

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

Ok. Let's discuss how much better TOS would have been if Ezri was in it.

One syllable is simply not enough to identify an individual from a race of millions or billions, the names would repeat themselves all the time.



as if anyone ever referred to scotty and bones as anything other than scotty and bones

She could play a nameless redshirt on an away mission who's father Kirk knew at the academy.

No she should be captain.


Rodennberry liked her , he made her queen of the dinks.

first trelaine

then koloth?

>that enormous head

If you want tribal ladies, this is the best pick

Literally came here to start this thread.
TOSfu objectively best girls

>Ctrl+F no Yeoman Barrows

tfw suddenly rank of Yeoman stopped being a thing in ST universe and never appeared again, even in the prequel

>that jiggle in the baseball ep

>Ok. Let's discuss how much better TOS would have been if Ezri was in it.
He didn't use Mirror Ezri

I'm not sure how I feel about Mirror Ezri.

I fell asleep during this episode. Does it wrap up after Kirk shoots the mirror?

It's a shame. The babe of the week formula is one of the reason I love the old Star Trek so much.

tfw I'll never have a qt Yeoman to bring me my coffee and daily schedule first thing in the morning

Replicators ruin everything

Mirror Ezri was best Ezri. Bad girl attitude makes her hotter.

No. Trelaine starts to hunt kirk around, untill Trelaine's God-parents appears and yells at him for fucking around with humans. They then teleport Trelaine away and asks kirk for forgiveness for having a little brat for a child.

What the fuck, that sounds amazing.

He literally gets BTFO's by his mommy and daddy. Also, to close out the episode, there's some classic Spock/Kirk banter.

based doctor

Are the new trek films any good?


Jadzia or bust, motherfuckers.

The best episode in the entire Star Trek history is the one where they remove that old washed up hag.


ST09 - 8/10
STID - 6/10
STB - 3/10

The first one was a fun action space adventure, but it's got some JJ Abrams sized plot holes. The opening scene is great.

STID has some cool scenes and Alice Eve, but the last 30 minutes are laughable and there's even more plot holes.

STB was just a non-movie. The gag in the opening scene is pretty funny, and the last 5 minutes where the bad guy explains his motivations is good. Everything in the middle sucks.

Keep your mousy little librarian.

Give me a woman who can handle her blood wine. And her bat'leth.

>Wanting a race traitor

She was tainted and dirty.

Stay mad, Ezrifag. Jadzia was best Trill.

She is handsome in a boyish kind of way.

All woman are.

>bringing Sup Forums shit into a fucking Star Trek thread

Dubs of truth

I can't believe I forgot about Joan Collins.

You just KNOW

Could any woman resist prime Shatner?

>had a wisecrack for every occasion
>beats Ferengi at tongo
>master of the bat'leth
>can hold her liquor against Klingons
>loves Hawaiian strippers
>had one of the first same sex kisses in television history

Jadzia is best Old Man.

I don't know how. He was handsome af no homo

Shame about that personality

What's the name of the indian girl that Kirk impregnated when he got amnesia? Damn, that episode made my dick hard. I always imagine that if I go to different continent with indigenous people and saw me as a God, I will impregnate them and then will try to make a whole entire new esoteric beliefs that possess a mix of paganism, new-age, a sprinkle of determinism and of course Islam. That would be a nice cocktail of religion to have. Shit, man. I will be truly a God. Fuck that prime directive. I can be God

Jadzia had a great personality. Don't be mad because she's too much woman for you.


Actress' name was Sabrina Scharf and yeah she was a hottie.

Kirok did nothing wrong.

I wanted to protect that smile. Fuck you Dukat.

And the blind ambassador in the Konos one

Why couldn't they at least try to make the bridge and other ship parts looks similar to the TOS one? Would it really hurt to paint elevator doors red?
It's supposed to be the same fucking ship

Trivia time
>Max Grodénchik, although he was playing Rom, the worst player on the team, was in fact the best baseball player among all of DS9's regular and recurring cast. Grodénchik was a semi-professional in high school and considered going full professional before deciding to become an actor. In fact, Grodénchik was literally incapable of playing as badly as he was supposed to, which is why Rom plays left-handed; it was the only way Grodénchik could avoid looking like a skilled player trying to play like a bad player. Avery Brooks, Cirroc Lofton, Armin Shimerman, and Aron Eisenberg are all also talented players. Nana Visitor was by far the worst player of the team.

I mean, wouldn't you?

Niceeee, thanks user. Too bad that the baby died. But let's say hypothetically speaking that the girl gave birth to a child of Kirk. Does that mean Kirk will have to leave that child on the planet? or he has the privilege to take the girl and the child with him as long the girl is consent about the choice?

>Get the cutest girl in the series for the first episode
>Put her in a full body suit

Yeah, cool, sure.