This is what Wonder Woman looks like. Why not cast her?

This is what Wonder Woman looks like. Why not cast her?

Not jewish enough, idiot.
Don't be such a bad goy, loser.


>This is what Wonder Woman looks like. Why not cast her?

Asked to Ben Affleck

So wonderful

what's your problem ?
they casted the same quality woman as the movie will be.

Why can't wonder woman be a dude? Is Chris Pine going to be the next wonder woman?

No doubt

too stinky

Redheads smell amazing




hey bridget guy, what do you think of her husband?

forgot pic

>they casted the same quality woman as the movie will be.
same qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame qualitysame quality

A fuckin chipmunk that couldn't be further from comic fan

Very lucky. I look better than him and make more money for sure.

Life is life, my evangeline lilly married beneath her.

Would raise her kid

jesus i am jealous of this motherfucker


I dont like the fact that you try to thinly veil these blatant waifu threads but she would be better that gal thats for sure

>This is what Wonder Woman looks like

wrong you homosexual, wonder woman should have muscle definition but not actual fucking man muscles you kike STOP


I thought she was in her prime during seeker, because she wasn't so skinny, but I have to admit that she's looking pretty good nowadays.

t. never touched a Wondie book


get this beaner out of here

id gladly let her bleed my 75psi of air



looks familiar ;)

Jesus Christ. Either I'm too lonely or she's too cute.


I hate myself.

she doesn't have the jawline for it, pham


Antje has bluer eyes than her

prove me wrong


I'm glad this bridget party hasn't been pooped

>she doesn't have the jawline for it


>image.jpg (

>No arms
They cast a lady with no arms. Everyone suggests other women with no arms. Linda Carter had no arms. Women Woman needs to be able to punch goddamnit.

I hate myself for all my unfinished works and projects

she'll be part of the MCU one day

this guy gets it

Kill yourself retarded musclefag

She already is as the first Black Widow.

>no arms

I'm seeing arms

Ideal world

>they prefer manchested stiff fridges with bulging clits just because muh arms


I have pandorum on my netflix

Faora was great

She has a shit agent

Things will improve unless she does german tv

>needs to be able to punch goddamnit.

not THAT mcu

the superior mcu

the mcu that deserves an HBO anthology

Such a perfect skull

Somebody post her feet so I can truly rate her.


who's the girl bridget' supposed to play?

superior woman wonder coming thru

Artemis, she's another Amazon

You know. I took me years to start appreciating foot fetish. But now yes, it does make sense to me.

Because she's White.

You stupid goy.

she has bretty nice appendages @finnfam

Gadot is now the worst Wonder Woman of all

Meet your new Wonder Woman

Are you drunk



oh no, it's a fridge

more bik pics pls




I feel dirty for looking up 'bridget regan bikini'


Rarest bridget ive seen

I really want Idris Elba as Wonder Woman.
I think he would really do the character justice.

How have you not seen White Collar? She played a murderous seductress in it. That's when I claimed her for my waifu harem.

you musclefags are not even trying to hide it anymore




Kahlan 4me

one does not claim a waifu. the waifu claims u

Bullshit. You claim a waifu by creating a subfolder in your waifu folder and hoarding pictures of her obsessively.


Waifu delivery. Who ordered 10/10?


You got my order wrong

t. fat arab

no, that's the behavior her takeover of your mind engenders. you have no control over it

what a goddess

Whats the best photo you have of her neck?

Anything with her head tilted back with her clavicle exposed?

>he has more than one waifu

because most people have never heard of her or remember anything she's been in and she doesn't have 'it'


The WW role relies heavily on having blue eyes and nice THICC legs. She has both

that didn't stop the current cast

I would unironically hack your head off with a dull knife for saying such vile blasphemy