/got/ general

best waifus

Other urls found in this thread:

archiveofourown.org/tags/Robb Stark*s*Sansa Stark/works


second for fuck bran and fuck branfags

the true cancer of /got/

Starkfags are the cancer of ASIOAF communities in general, just as Starks are the cancer of the books.

>best waifus
>A boy
>A dead wildling whore who couldn't even hunt anything because she didn't know how to make a bow. She'd just starve to death

take a nap pleb

>play a Stark
>don a crown composed of stags

>Stop asking me for photos and posting threads about me, losers

Stags are an ancient symbol of cuckoldry. Stannis' stag is on fire, symbolizing a man who will not be cucked. Here Bran's actor wears a Stag crown, indicating to all his fans that they are cucks, along with him.

he could cuck me if he wanted

Prove me wrong, faggots.

>Cat will grow to love Jon eventually, because he looks like Ned and acts like Ned and has Ned's blood and probably fucks like Ned
Cat only hated Jon really because she was jealous that her kids didn't look like her husband and Jon did.
Our ship is none other than CatDer.

>caring about jon in any context

best waifu right here


user you should be ashamed of yourself





You forget jonsa and jonarya in the top box, but other than that, THIS

This adaptation was doomed since chapter one

I just want her to wrap her legs around me. Is that so much to ask for?

Literally kill yourself





You DO NOT fuck with the Starks. Except Sansa and Arya, feel free to bash them all you want.

you meant targaryens

Hmm...no ArJaq (Arya X Jaqen)
Fucking pleb.

Go home Reddit.


thanks for agreeing with me

They need to exist to create an external foe in the story.

Bend the knee

Prince Tommen has been ultimate waifu since the omegle wack off incident


Yay new Preston video

Nope, he didn't show his ass

Is hating the Starks the new edgy thing to do?

he just released one yesterday/

tfw no ass and no cumshot.....

Omegle wack off incident?

>Not asking St. Gemma, patron saint of parachutes and paratroopers, to help you.

google it its on pornhub

JonAnything sucks because it has Jon in it.
KYS jontard.

Quote from Ellie Kendrick
>I don’t want to sign up for this part and find out that I like die or have to get naked two episodes down the line (laughs) as sometimes happens, and so I looked at all of my parts in the books

Confirmed no Meera nude scene ever?

no not confirmed

Who even wants to see a 4/10 tomboy naked

I have a thing for tomboys, I think it's because most of the girls I've dated are asian and therefore small assets

She is a little taller than I like though

I can do it too user

>ywn be wrapped together

Lena is so much better looking as a brunette

but frogfu isn't even a good tomboy.
I have a thing for them too but they have to be qt and be fun and all. frogfu isn't.

threadly reminder that Cersei is /our queen/

we see you quasimodofag.

wasnt me

you falseflagging?
why you posting all these niggerpictures?
that's usually the frogfu counter.

>that's usually the frogfu counter.
no it isnt. if people were using those pics that way then the jokes on them. i have a blacked cuckoldry fetish

dumb frogposter

When should we expect a trailer?

>worst waifu
>worst character
>worst fetish

do you like anything that isn't shit?

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright


Why do Faceless Men wear those robes? Is there other colours they might wear?

I want to slap her face to hear her squeal as I cum on her mouth. Is that so wrong?

It's fake, it wasn't the same guy. Why you retards are this gullible I will never know.

Shut up Dean you're not fooling anyone.

W-what did they mean by this?

do not bully maisie!

Meera's gone like a few eps into Season 7, we'll never see her again


Who are the Jews of ASoIaF?




i dont understand the question

Who are the Jews in ASOIAF?

Who the fuck knows what most of these people are supposed to be like

>Maesters aren't an option
kys yourself

robbsa is the most patrician incest ship though

why memedry but no meera?

Season 7 leaks say Meera takes Bran back to Winterfall and then she goes back to her swamp

That's the last we'll ever see of her

Despite every scene prior suggesting she's utterly devoted to Bran, harbouring romantic feelings for him, and intent in aiding Bran in anyway she can as her dear departed brother intended

i dont like this show very much

>the only angst is from the incest
>barely any political angle

Plebian incest ship, jonelyn is 4 dimensional patrician tier. Even jonarya and jonsa are better

Jonelyn is better on so many levels desu

The Kindly Man, does he likes and care about Arya? Also does he eat and sleep? And why did he not know Jaqen H'ghar?

Except everyone in that list is described either in the main books or in AWOIAF. All of them.

>the only angst is from the incest
you can always have the "why didn't you trade me for the kingslayer" and "you care more about getting Ice back than me"

Will the Kindly Man take Arya's virginity when she asks for it?

What possible reason could Meera have for just going back to her floating, drifting castle in the middle of frog swamp land after all that has happened to her, her brother, and her liege lord's House?

What could she possibly seek to gain by going back to her shitty spear chucking lifestyle?

Remind me, wasn't Jojen the heir after Lord Howland was ded? So what, she's next in line? Or do they have a sibling I forgot about?

Point being that's fucking retarded and fuck dabid and dabid.

Those aren't deep and ingrained enough as anything involved in jonelyn or jonarya or even jonsa.

Take your pleb angst and shallow shit to ao3

archiveofourown.org/tags/Robb Stark*s*Sansa Stark/works
>168 Works in Robb Stark/Sansa Stark

Told ya

you should see the amount of gendrya, jonsa and sansan
definitely in the thousands

I don't doubt it, but robsa is still plebian as all hell

what's a patrician incest ship, then?
how about catfish

Lord Banefort?

Brandon trips on a rock or some shit and LF kills him.

Does it change anything to the big story?

Jaqen: Valar Morghulis Kindly Man.

Kindly Man: Valar Dohaeris.

Jaqen: Did a man know, that a man's former name was Jaqen H'ghar, once a free man of the free city of Lorath?

Kindly man: no i didnt know. But now you have mentioned, there is little girl named Arya Stark from Westeros, who is looking for you.

Jaqen: Arya Stark? Where?!

Kindly Man: Across the harbor, by the brothel.

Jaqen: oh well after a man had some rest, he will pay her a visit.

Kindly Man: yes, anyway how did mission go?

Jaqen: very good, but if you excuse a man, he needs to take a rest.

Kindly Man: very well then, go on.

Kindly Man: oh Jaqen.

Jaqen: Y-yes?

Kindly Man: Nothing.

Jaqen: ...

Kindly Man: ...

Jonelyn, Jaime x Cersei, that's it


>stepmom and stepson isn't incest

Fucking pleb.

Bet you think fucking your adopted sister isn't incest

no blood relation, no incest
she didn't even talk to him anyway, she's probably the furthest thing from a mother that he had

Jesus this thread is cancer