Anything like YourMovieSucksDOTorg but with music?

Anything like YourMovieSucksDOTorg but with music?

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someone with talent faceswap this

is that fenriz

this guy fucks dogs

>le grumpy face XD

epic, simply epic

>nasaly voice
>extremely nitpicky, yet tries to convey points in an irritated condescending tone despite lacking significant exposure to the medium he specializes in

Can melons get headcolds?

No but really is actually a real close equivalent

Attached: varg vikernes laughing.gif (500x290, 1.44M) reminder this guy makes god awful music

Did you know that Adam Johnston from YourMovieSucksDOTorg fucks dogs in the ass?

adam raped anthony's dog to death

That one really tan old guy who doesn't like The Beatles

I mean he looks 15 in that video, but yeah it wasn't good at all


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this video made me go from thinking he was quasi patrician to absolute pleb. how can you trust the taste of someone who makes music this objectively bad

This dude is a hack and knows nothing about film.

He has a good voice, A lot of potential, could definitely improve.


this obnoxious fuck

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>lyrics by the Amazing Atheist

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What? I didn't call the song good. I'm saying if he got better lyricists than fucking Amazing Atheist then he could have A decent song on his hands.

I think recent Nostalgia Critic might be closest.

Both of these cunts see themselves as some sort of film geniuses, for whatever reason.

Both of them have shoved their own heads so far up in their own asses that they see themselves as Critic Gods, especially YMS.

>Both of these cunts see themselves as some sort of film geniuses,
>Both of them have shoved their own heads so far up in their own asses that they see themselves as Critic Gods
[Citation Needed]


>Nostalgia Critic
>not ToddIntheShadows

Blink-182: I wanna fuck a dog in the ass

It's the Grand Funk Railroad guy

So does everyone else on this site.

This. Even Inside Out was completely beyond him. He spent the whole review critqing the logic of a fantasy world while entirely missing the subtext of what that world was supposed to represent

Fantano's primary failing as a critic is his incredible superficiality, exhibited by his inability to explain music in terms other than its production and timbre
YMS isn't a fantastic critic but he at least delves into the conceptual details of his subjects
And at the very least he puts out well-edites videos with actual entertainment value instead of ramblefests

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Friendly reminder that Blondie covered one of his songs unironically

isn't this guy a furry

I remember him being furry on the Pizza party podcast

lmao this

he rly doesn't tho lmao, hes explicitly stated that u can think what u want about the films he reviews