Hmm this Silicon Valley star has a point

Hmm this Silicon Valley star has a point

>If you don't let me into your home I'm going to destroy it!

Why would we want people like that then?

I hope Trump nukes meca

How o make terrorists:
1. Promise a bunch of sandniggers 72 virgin wives in the afterlife.
2. Wait.

why does nobody ever bring up that the Syrian crisis would be over by now if Obama didn't prop up the "freedom fighters"

>Trump banning citizens from countries with a known terror problem until a plan is put in place to vet the terrorists from the normies
>This is being framed as a bad thing

>I plan to go on vacation to America! I love that country!
>Oh they wont let me in, OK i'll just murder 50 people with a truck.

I dont think it works like this. what a stupid cunt.

I hope this Kumail Nanjiani isn't Indian,
because if he is, he's gonna get lynched
by tomorrow by his fellow Indians,
or beheaded by a Sikh in the best case scenario.

Hello Andrei, I didn't know you were on Facebook.

Ahhh, the good old "if you discriminate against someone based on their religion they'll radicalize and kill you" argument.

Really makes one think.

Have their even been foreign based attacks in the U.S. recently?

I thought the one in Orlando, LA, and Boston were all done by American citizens who had been here for a while?

>if you don't let me into your country I will become a mass-murdering martyr

Do liberals realize how unhinged this makes them seem

if you had a bag of skittles and one of them was poisonous, would you let the skittles into your home?

This dude is a sanctimonious prick. Remember that disgusting spin on his 'assault' by a Trump supporter

>>Trump banning citizens from countries with a known terror problem
except he conveniently left out saudi arabia, you know, the ONE FUCKING COUNTRY IN THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST THAT IS FUNDING ISIS AND ATTACKED US ON 9/11

your entire movement is a sham. stupid useful idiot cuck. Go back to you are literally the 2010's version of V mask wearing autists.

I'm banned from entering North Korea. this pisses me off so much I plan to go full Rambo on their starving asses.

The media man has a better point

They did but that's pretty reductive. Look at where they're actually from.

No - no one said that what he wrote is correct. In fact, that's not how you make terrorists.

You make terrorists by invading a country, tearing down an established culture and system of societal behavior, failing to replace the original system with anything, and then leaving.

You're get an entire generation of children who are bored because they have no schools, libraries, movie theaters or plazas to socialize in - they will blame the invaders and radicalize due to their common anger.

No this is just accepting reality m8, do you think the IRA just randomly decided one day to start bombing unionists in NI?

>120 day ban

>Doesn't include pakistan or Saudi Arabia


But we're also funding ISIS. Trump should ban Americans from entering the United States, too.

>Be nice to the terrorists or they might do something to us! You're just making them mad!

Why are leftists such fucking cowards?

Muslims are basically ticking time bombs waiting to "self radicalize" as soon as they get dumped or fired or something

2nd generation immigrants are cancer, far more radical than their parents. But they wouldn't exist without 1st generation immigrants.

More like:

1. Write a book with instructions to destroy non-believers that claims to be the word of God
2. Wait

are these people for real?
muslims are not banned anywhere in Europe. actually, they are invited openly (thanks Angela).

It's more about stopping it from getting as bad as it is in Europe.

Trump is going to end up being the best thing that ever happened for the Democratic party.

You already have extremely stringent vetting systems, and contrary to what Breitbart and co. would have you believe Europe is doing pretty damn well for itself by and large. Meanwhile everyone and their dog internationally is seeing what an absolute fuckup Trumpo is.

its in their nature. The other option is also dumb
>kill all the terrorists but leave their children to grow up orphans in a barren, wartorn shithole controlled by terrorists

If you're going to bomb it away, you may as well have the balls to admit genocide is the only version of that which will work. Liberals are too cowardly to bomb them, and conservatives are too cowardly to bomb them properly.

muslims did them. What about the IRA bombings not too long ago

Have you ever been to the middle east?

Because I'm Iraqi and this is complete bullshit.

Obama has been bombing them non-stop for eight years.

>if a country refuses you entry and the first thing you do is become a terrorist and kill thousands of innocents it's the country's fault.
I'm not even defending the ban,but that argument is so ridiculous it hurts.By his definition EVERY single person who would think of hurting someone because he's being denied entry should be banned for life and the people should applaud that action since there's obviously something wrong with that particular person.

>Europe is doing pretty damn well for itself by and large
Outside of Germany, the EU is crumbling. There have been on average 5 terrorist attacks in major cities every 6 months since 2009. The poorer EU countries aren't even benefiting from the EU, as a major blow.

The EU and Europe itself is not doing "pretty damn well2.

If you incluce terrorist attacks are there more homocides in Western Europe than in America?
If no, i think Americans have to focus on other things before banning people who MIGHT turn out to be terrorists.

In terms of population scaling, Western Europe has more than the USA, yes.

>you should be nice to terrorists, it always works out

unfortunately europe is probably heading for an absolute shit decade. I cant stand trump or any of the fucking factions in the argument, but the writings on the wall. Merkel and the moderate french guy will probably lose the election, more batshit euroskeptics with zero economic plan will inherit fraught societies and the Euro will crash again. We'll see more secessions from the EU and maybe even some actual conflict in Europe again. Meanwhile trump will fail to address any real issues with the US, content to just annoy liberals, and rioting will really kick off like the 60s again. Putin will try to Annex more of eastern europe, and maybe succeed, but russia is too poor and corrupt to grow properly. Instead as demand for oil dries up and embargos close in Russia will just be a strong but impoverished soviet union lite.

Shit times bros

This is why we need another war.

How come none these people blame Obama for his shitshow in Yemen, Syria, Libya, and countless other nations
>be Obama
>win Nobel peace prize
>waste billions on worthless drone strikes
>bomb more nations than bush and kill countless civilians
>indirectly lead to the creation of Isis
Really makes me think

if you think obama is liberal you need to watch less breitbart

so why are Saudis radicalized?

seriously this

>if you don't bend over backwards for muslims, they'll kill you

Are liberals secretly redpilling us?

>the poorer countries arent even benefiting

are you a fucking maniac? do you know how the EU works?

According to recent polls, Gen-Z is the most conservative since WWII. We're not going to see 60's-style rioting for a while.

I didnt know that. Do you have a source?

what would you do?

Just say the dailymail dude, don't hide over "recent polls". Go believe what they say at all times for what it's worth

what would Jesus do?

The riots of the 60s arose after tensions over class, race, and conservative values left over from WWII that a minority aspect of society couldnt accept.

I've never read the Daily Mail. But it makes since we're in the final days of The Fourth Turning.

Yes, it doesn't.

comedy gold