Are there any albums similar to Pinkerton? Been trying to find some for a while and have had no luck

Are there any albums similar to Pinkerton? Been trying to find some for a while and have had no luck

Attached: pinkerton.jpg (1024x768, 183K)

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Not entirely as heart-breaking, but some of the songs here deal with failed relationships and fleeting love.

Attached: Brand_New_Deja_Entendu.jpg (300x300, 42K)

BTW, I'm going to take a shower now. Please don't hesitate to tell if someone got .

Check out Songs From The Black Hole (the 40+ minute version) it's what Pinkerton was going to be

Deja Entendu is Pinkerton's creepier rapier less depressed twin brother.

Violent Femmes first album did what pinkerton was trying to do but did it better

Is it like the Pinkerton sound or altered a bit?

I'll check it out. Thanks man

Anything that relates to Pinkerton really. Not just lyrical themes, but also the dark, depressing sound. I'll give this one a listen

Any albums made by people who aren’t rapists

OP here. Listened to the first couple of songs on this album and they're fucking sick.

Attached: jaaaaaaaaaaaaaames.jpg (628x629, 78K)

Have fun, I'd recommend entirety of Brand New's discography, expect for the very first record.

Thanks man, means a lot

If you want a good band that is like early weezer try ozma

this is the greatest weezer song weezer never wrote

tony molina - dissed and dismissed

This one looks pretty sick, I'll have a listen
I'll check it out now
Thanks for the reccomendations

These guys sound so much like Weezer but at the same time don't

i love Pinkerton and this is the only thing that comes close for me

Attached: R-2256502-1272714682.jpeg.jpg (600x605, 159K)

This first songs sounds like Daft Punk, Gorillaz and Weezer had a threesome and I like it

This sounds like Pixies but I love it
Thank youuuuuuuu

is it because of the quiet / loud dynamics? cool, glad you dig it

I believe you are looking for this OP

Attached: Jokers w_ Tracers.jpg (500x500, 64K)

Sure, "London Calling" fuckimg dies after the album opener, too

Pixies - Doolittle

reccing this as well, great album

pinkerton can't be compared

im so glad mgmt has come back with a great album