Just listened to pic related. Did I like it?

Just listened to pic related. Did I like it?

Attached: images (29).jpg (300x300, 14K)

yes but you decide to call everyone who likes it soy to hide your own insecurities

Attached: pic related it's you.png (377x485, 214K)

t. insecure soyboy

absolutely yes

t. soygoy

Attached: soy.png (960x717, 1.23M)

i sure hope so

i didn't. sounds dated af


i did not like it user. its sounds like outdated garbo

Agreed. Like Grunge music, its in the same boat.

I get that you don't like it, but how the fuck does it sound outdated? The production is insane

Listen to everything after this then, if you feel like it's dated, even though I do not get that criticism, but I respect it regardless.

every fucking time i see that album cover i think it's buck 65 - vertex

In grade 5 I gave a friend all the nin albums for his birthday, further down the spiral was their latest release at the time,
The next week at school he was a completely different person and never went back to being a "kid" again.

>The next week at school he was a completely different person
Luckilly for you, he had a bad aim so you're still here with us.

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I don't know, are you less then?

>I am a big man
>(yes I am)
>and I have a big gun
>got me a big old Dick and I
>I like to have fun

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Just so you know, if you think you're triggering Nails fans over his height, you're not. It's frequently fodder to make fun of. Like how he drinks LaCroix (mango)

Mr Self Destruct and Eraser still sound great.

cant stand the nine inch nails
just find their whole set-up irritating, just music i cannot stomach

Why do I like most grunge but not this?

It's different from grunge. Actually, how would we know? It's not like we can read your mind.

Because it sucks and grunge is good