Han Solo is the lowest

>Han Solo is the lowest


Other urls found in this thread:


>Young Yoda

Why even have a Kenobi film, he is in 6 films and his story is complete

The one with the least back story is Maul

>Young Yoda

>A Kenobi standalone over a fucking YODA movie

and they call themselves fans

>young yoda is second


>Young Yoda

>Boba Fett near last
>despite being the most mysterious one of the bunch and desperately needing redemption

Also why the fuck would anyone want a Yoda movie after the shit he did in AOTC?

Yoda, Maul and Fett movies would be shit
and honestly we wouldn't get much from a Kenobi or Solo movie either.

Qui-Gon Jinn would be okay, maybe a Dooku film but neither actor could do the movie.


>kenobi and young yoda over kotor and maul


>'Young X' movie
>ever good

KotOR mite b cool.

>Boba Fett

I never understood this meme.

Fuck off

Fett is just some bounty hunter, we don't need a fucking life story. His mysteriousness was one of the good points of his character before they started running it through the mud

what's wrong with young yoda? afraid they'll butcher it?


Don't let Disney rape it

all of these will be fucking terrible

KOTOR is the only one on there that would offer anything new or potentially interesting, even if it is vidyashit

Fucking young Yoda? Suck my dick


What the fuck more does anyone need to know about Kenobi exactly? We know his entire story from beginning to end.

We barely know fucking anything about Yoda except that he was on the Jedi council and that he's a jedi master.

I don't understand anyone who has interest in these movies

They're all terrible, derivative shit

Can't anyone make anything even remotely new anymore?

>young yoda
>those emoticons
just kill me already, I can't bear to live in the current world

People really want to see Ewan do the role in a good movie.

Why do people want films about Han Solo, Yoda, or Obi Wan? We know enough about them. Do something new.

Oh fuck off

Kotor 1 was still good, you just picked the worst line

They can't win

>Do a film about an established character

>Do a film with new people


Anyone who says this is a faggot that should die anyway

Too bad they can't make an Old Leia movie

I know these things
These are things that I know

>not just making basically a Rogue Trader movie about smugglers avoiding imperial entanglements and going to exotic regions of space

And no fucking numales dressed up as Han either, just make up another one like with Dash Rendar

>hating on young yoda

What is that name of this mega milk semen demon again?


>no Vader

Oh fuck off

So a less quipy Firefly?

Can you imagine how terrible a young Yoda movie will be? 2 hours of his speech patterns. 2 hours of a CGI model doing backflips and dual wielding sabers. 2 hours of meaningless filler.

>Begun the Clone Wars has

got your soundtrack f a m

I'd just want a cool bounty hunter movie with him dude, not a whole backstory thing.
Kind of like that Star Wars Bounty Hunter game from years ago where you get to see him carrying out jobs for Jabba and other space scum while getting into squabbles with Bossk and other dudes.
I dunno I think it could be fun.

Amanda Love

Darth Vader is in every single movie. Shut up.

Amanda Love

On topic, why does no-one want a Bane movie? Bane's rad as shit

Because Ewan as Obi-Wan was the only good part of the prequels and now he's old enough to play an older Obi-Wan.

Yoda this high

honestly Kenobi and KOTR are the only decent answers

No I want a solo movie about Vader hunting hidden Jedi and killing them.
The Anakin prequels don't count.

Please, no. Bioware already fucked that up horribly. I don't want it to happen again.

The length of the film would be very big

that's why they call him solow, cause he's the lowest

I want a movie about the Towel Head there


young yoda who the fuck gets ideas like this

>less quipy

gotta fill that cinematic lore hole

(also putting Yoda in a movie automatically adds 50M to the box office earnings)

Kind of yeah, more high adventure and less comedy though like you say

Mein absolute neger I love this album

Bitches love Yoda.

I would gladly accept all of this characters for a novel but no for a movie. Disney will fuck them up anyways.

>We will provide these stats to Lucasfilm and Disney

None of it would be relevant, and hundreds of years old.

but it can only ruin the character

they should do Kenobi (and maybe have Maul just as minor character) or something fresh like KOTOR (that would work as a series too)

Wouldn't KOTOR easier to sell if it was a series, rather than a movie since it's not technically Star Wars they know?

>We will provide these stats to Lucasfilm and Disney

>Amanda Love

A boon to all your houses and good fortune good sirs.

>Young Yoda

What about Sheev?


>KOTOR that low

The Old Republic Era is objectively superior.

>KOTOR that low
Sorry to break it to you friend but so many normies that watch Star Wars now are like aged 12 - 15 and so they have not played KOTOR


>young Yoda

Fuck that shit

I have zero interest in any of them.

Maybe Fett, if it's not like a young Fett story, or how he got Han to Jabba's palace.
But rather just a movie about some random mission. Maybe working for both the Rebels and the Empire and in the end completing both missions.

Young Yoda is probably the worst idea.

Good point. Disney would just fuck it anyways I suppose.

>no Yaddle

The masses have spoken, they want lightsabers..

>Young Yoda
LOL I voted for Young Yoda since I am an ironic memester lololol XD I still hate ewoks :|

>LOL I voted for Young Yoda

>Young Yoda

After Defeating Malak in Kotor: "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing."

After Defeating (not killing permanently though) Revan in some MMO instance: "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing, now I know how you felt, my friend"

Pottery that I enjoyed

Gotta have a love interest in that young yoda flick

Jesus fucking Christ is it possible for this board to communicate like a normal god damn human instead of memes?



God damn newfags...

>RLM shit talked 'The Mummy'

Cruise has yet to disappoint, his last 4 Movies were great


>young Yoda

I almost got upset it was that high, but then I reminded myself these movie are for children and that young Yoda is a novel concept


ugh no, the jack reacher sequel as was awful. the four before that were good though.

>Young Yoda with that many votes

Fucking disgusting, Star Wars nerds are trash. I don't want any of these to happen, but if one has to happen I want it to be as far removed from the original trilogy as possible, so KOTOR

>Star Wars nerds
If Star Wars nerds voted for anything they voted for KOTOR, Darth Maul, or Kenobi. Darth Maul is probably nerdier than KOTOR.

>We will never get Keria on screen
I think this is a good thing but its also sad

>people want ANY of these (especially after R1)

I honestly don't care if they go so far as to make Darth Revan some kind of transexual. Hell they could cast the Fantastic Beasts actor as Revan since he has a feminine type of style.

Better than making him female or male which pisses off the SJW's.

Just make a KOTOR movie

This, finish 8 and 9 and then let this shit die, for the love of god. I am not looking forward to seeing Disney display it's zombified corpse every year.

Kenobi makes sense.

>Young Yoda


>Better than making him female or male which pisses off the SJW's.
what I mean by this is that Disney only care about females as it seems so they wouldnt cast a male which is annoying (well the Disney lead woman said she only cares about females).


not gonna get into the debate how males prefer star wars but I am sure it is true

This is going to go on for at least a decade.

What is he drinking?

KOTOR had lesbianism before it was cool

Darth Maul is never happening. Ray Park isn't considered an actor even though he could probably act laps around Daisy Ridley and Emilia Clarke.

But Obi's is kinda likeable

I would love a Young Yoda film, he's the most interesting character of those. Who is he? What was his life like?

Filtered water.

>only good part of the prequels

>kotor that low

for shame, nerds

So is young Yoda even shorter?

No shit. I don't want to see a shit ton of recast iconic characters because they're too old. I'd rather get something like Maul or Kenobi