
How did Raimi get away with this stuff?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Nippon Strong, Nippon Strong
>Imperial Japan did nothing wrong!
>Rape of Nanking?
>No such thing!
>Experiment on GIs?
>Allied lies!
>Look out!
>The Red Sun rises again!
September 11th must've really hit Rami hard

>tfw you find one of the music videos Raimi directed


>what's your name kid?

>The Human Holocaust

>The Human Holocaust? Next time name yourself over something that actually happened

Damn, how did this get away with a PG-13?

It was a different time.


>Peter, remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Also if your wife or girlfriend is ever mouthing off to you, don't be afraid to give her a little one-two combo to the gut. For Christ's sake though, stay away from the face. Some limp wristed liberal do gooder may see the bruises, and then my friend you are up shit creek, sans paddle.
>Make sure you watch how hard you punch her stomach, too, otherwise you can fuck something up and instead of having your own kids, your "legacy" will consist of raising your twink brother in law's "I swear I'm not a faggot" baby.
>Whoops. Happy 18th birthday anyway, Pete. I didn't buy you anything.

2002 was a different time.

What's the source of this meme?

>Pete, isn't it a little convenienthow the towers collapsed? Even if the planes some how could have caused enough structural damage (they couldn't), why did the towers fall down perfectly vertically? Furthermore, how did Tower 7 collapse? These are the questions you need to ask, Pete.
>[they stop walking and look directly into the lens of the camera]
>These are questions EVERYONE needs to ask.

What was Raimi trying to tell us?

There's a scene where Peter asks Bonesaw if his husband made his outfit to taunt him.

Have you re-watched Spider-Man lately? It has not aged well let me tell you. Some sample dialogue:

>Peter, remember, with white power comes great supremacy.

Needless to say stuff like this would not go over too well in this day and age. It was really just a different time back then.




>Back to Auschwitz

Raimi was a fucking lunatic


It was nice of Nolan to do this callback

>50,000 years of human evolution and those chimps in Africa are still mudhut dwelling savages.

I thought it was interesting how both the protagonist AND antagonist were white supremacists

I still can't figure out how "Back to formula!" is so funny

Back in those days it seemed like everyone was. It's amazing how much has changed since those different times.


Mr President?

>Peter...don't...let them
...take me to a black doctor.

The scene where he refuses treatment because he can't tell if the attending doctor was "a quadroon or just a little tan" was a little drawn out.


honestly why was this even in the movie??? They don't even show the black family next door. (though I heard Raimi refused to hire any "coon" actors)

>aawww yahhh
>suck muh cock Harry
Raimi has always been ahead of the curve, but this seemed a bit forced.

That was the deleted scene in the directors cut. Wish they would've left it in. Pure kino.


>We always have a choice. You had a choice when you killed my uncle.
>My daughter was dying, I needed money.
>I was scared. I told your uncle all I wanted was the car. He said to me "Why don't you just take that gun and rob those kikes on Wall Street? For too long us Aryans have been shedding the blood of our kinsmen as they profit from our suffering. If I was you, I would ditch that faggot partner of yours in the bank and wash the stench from my hands." I realize now he was just trying to help me.
>Uncle Ben raises his hand to salute, just when Flint's partner exits a nearby building with the money
>Then I saw my partner running over with the cash... and the gun was in my hand...
>he recognizes the SS pin on Uncle Ben's coat and shakes Flint's arm - causing him to shoot Uncle Ben. Flint realizes this
>I did a terrible thing to the White race, I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back.
>Flint's partner drives off with the car, but Flint stays by Uncle Ben's side as he mumbles the tune of Erika

I love these threads.

>He's just a kid. No older than my wife's son

Unbelievable scene tbqh, people were shaking as they walked out of the cinema. Left behind all their popcorn too and headed right for the showers

>Get the fuck out of our country, you Muslim camel fucking piece of shit! America for Americans, close the borders!
>[crowd begins to sing "Eidelweiss"]

After 9/11 we really needed this. Thanks, Raimi.

>Impressive... FOR A NIGGER

>I didn't buy you anything

Oh lord, my sides.

>Left behind all their popcorn too
People were much more considerate back in the day.

>You mess with one of us, you mess WITH ALL SIX MILLION OF US!

Really makes you think

>In regard to the filming of the rape scene, Maguire said, "When I wanted to do the rape scene, I explained to [Kirsten Dunst] that I was going to hit her and rape her. There was no emotional relationship between us, because I had put a clause in all my contracts stating that they would not make love with Spider-man. We had never talked to each other. I knew nothing about her. We went to the desert with two other people: the photographer and Raimi. No one else. he said, 'I'm not going to rehearse. There will be only one take because it will be impossible to repeat. Roll the cameras only when I signal you to.' Then I told her, 'Pain does not hurt. Hit me.' And she hit me. I said, 'Harder.' And she started to hit me very hard, hard enough to break a rib... I ached for a week. After she had hit me long enough and hard enough to tire her, I said, 'Now it's my turn. Roll the cameras.' And I really... I really... I really raped her. And she screamed."[1]



A powerful scene indeed


>I just feel bad about leaving you here.

>You do too much. You're not Himmler you know.

Is that real?


>Uncle Ben: All the things you've been thinking about Peter, make me sad.
>Peter: Can’t you understand? I’m racially tolerant.
>Uncle Ben': Peter all the times we talked about white pride, cultural marxism, racial purity...all those times I counted on you to have the courage to take a stand against liberal brainwashing...
>Peter: I can’t live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.
>Uncle Ben: You’ve been given a gift, Peter. With white skin comes white power. Raise your hand to the Iron Eagle, son.
>Peter: No Uncle Ben. I’m just Peter Parker. I’m White Supremacy Man no more. No more.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house when we saw this. Bravo, Raimi.

>Put that down, you're no worse than a hooked nos-
>Explosion interrupts May

What did you think she was going to say?

>that post-credits scene



Unfortunately yes



(((Andrew Garfield)))

>Sorry I'm late everyone, I had to beat an old nigger with a whip just to get these cranberries.

>Garfield even has an actor in mind: “I’ve been obsessed with Michael B. Jordan since The Wire. He’s so charismatic and talented. It’d be even better—we’d have interracial bisexuality!”

What the fuck hahaha, like what even prompts you to say something like this, that you're ogling some random dude for your make believe gay romance

I think the scene where spidey uses webs to lunch the pride parade was proof enough he wasn't gay.

>"You'll get your hella cash shekels once you fix this fucking goddamn door you slavic half-breed kike"

Um, does Raimi even know how to write dialogue?