Trump is already fucking kinography

Trump is already fucking kinography.

Sup Forums did this.

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>a kinography
I really hope for your sake you don't think this dishonest hack is talented

Good. Fuck everything not white. I hope they all rot to death in their shitty countries instead of shitting up the rest of the world too


Sorry all the gods of kino are dead or produce a work a decade in their older years.




>that fucking name

>fucking over Iranians
>letting Saudis be

Unironically +1
I have no animosity towards East Asians though.

>muslim ban
clickbait shit its a total refugee ban
and not just for muslims

If refugees or illegals have the means to make oscar nominated films, they should use that money for food and shelter instead

He's from Iran you dumb cunt. Plus a movie is an investment that would generate more revenue, charity and publicity for the refugees than the originally invested sum.

A pure coincidence.

>Muslim ban

Indonesia is the country with the most muslims in the world. Is Indonesia on the banned list?

this idiotic policy aside, Iran is a perfectly normal country that we've demonized only because Israel hates them.

Now Saudi Arabia on the other hand is a theocratic shitshow that never gets called out, even by insane xenophobes like Trump, despite like 17 of the 9/11 hijackers coming from there and their governments actively funding terrorists.

Oh and hillary Clinton fucking loves Saudi Arabia too. Fucking disaster.

I only saw A Separation which was very decent, if a bit of a melodrama. Might have been the novelty of being filmed in Iran that set it apart. Is his new one good?

wtf, I love Trump now

This tbph. Living near white people is a privilege, not a right.

Why isn't Saudi Arabia on the ban list?


*teleports away in a wiff of smoke*
Heh, you got guts, kiddo...

>Ashitha (((Nagesh)))

Every time.

I can't help but find it hilarious that liberals basically created the Muslim ban
>reporter harasses Trump after rally about whether we should ban all Muslims
>Trump finally sarcastically replies "maybe we should"
>Media plays this 24/7 for the next week
>Trump refuses to take anything back
>Fast forward several months and we're banning Muslims
GG fake news


When they say muslims they mean arabs

They're going to make a movie of someone that got stranded, basically The Terminal 2.0. Calling it now


won't matter, judicial cannot stop him. Executive authority is at strongest its been since the civil war.


Sudan and other African countries are banned too.

fake and gay

That just means the detainees can stay, including that interpreter guy. Anyone wanting a visa in the future is still banned.

Riz Ahmed is BASED.

In fact all Arabs are BASED.

More Arabs and less Blacks I say

Trump has real estate investments in Saudi Arabia.

>Muslim ban
War torn countries ban, that happen to be Muslim.

skipped the part where Trump actually went through with it and didn't just drop it. Enjoy being brainwashed by a retarded millionaire baby.

The Trump ban is the best thing that could've happened to this director who would've completely flown under the radar otherwise.

I'm sure Farhadi is beyond ecstatic at how things unfolded. Don't give this bullshit any more undeserved attention.

Any one who willingly appears in Star Cucks is a faggot.

Only bad part is we are stranding muslims here instead of just giving every single one a 1 way ticket to their home countries.

because Saudi Arabia is based

They don't get involved with terrorist attacks in our country

Wasn't Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia?

Northern Africans count as Arabs. The rest of the continent is unstable in other ways

quit saying it's a Muslim ban. it's a ban on citizens from certain countries. they could be of any religion

Islam is far more dangerous to western world than entire continent of niggers. Fuck off sandnigger.

are you retarded he acknowledged that, he's saying if the media wasn't so eager to invent all these Trump controversies Trump probably would have never even brought it up

It was a different time...

the only bad part about this is that this is just one more thing for them to get butthurt about at the oscars.

but who gives a fuck if some shitty director cant go to some faggy awards ceremony.

>cites African-American crime rate versus Middle-Eastern crime rate

Yes and he had nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.

In fact he hated that country due to their allegiance to the US.

Stop being a terrorist

Muslims who are born in the West are the most peaceful and friendliest because they don't live under Sharia Law.

Only those Muslims born in Iraq etc are most dangerous and hence it makes sense for Trump to ban them but not Muslims born in the West.

>Not even 1 percent of the population
>thousands and thousands of deaths

You're a rabid dog that needs to be put down.


An infection is an infection, it needs to be cut out to protect the western world. Before it has room to grow or we'll end up being france or the UK

Oh. Well we do need that.

>Ashitha Nagesh
Article a shit

You pulled that statement out of your ass. Most terrorists in Europe are 2nd generational who had peaceful parents and "became radicalized"

>it needs to be cut out to protect the western world.
dude there is over 2 billion Muslims or so.

You cannot defeat Islam you idiot. Impossible

Just cut out the strict Sharia Law believers is all we can do and let those die out

Post whiteness


>You pulled that statement out of your ass.
No I didnt

>mfw my friend had a chat with a Muslim at university months ago
>the Muslim spoke of Trump as "The President" straight away with no hesitation even though he was only the elect then
Based Muslim

lol who cares

go to the BAFTAs faggot

>judicial (sic) cannot stop him
t.I have no idea what I'm talking about/russian


that guy is white though

unless race is just a social construct?

I agree with this. Trying to mix a bunch of cultures together hasn't worked, and won't work. The people calling you edgy are just the ones with no argument. People need to learn to fix their own countries and stand on their own. You can't save everyone, and the sooner libtards learn that, the sooner we can stop fighting each other.

>it's a fat autistic mixblood who thinks he's white episode
Southern Europe was a mistake

Because he is currently playing ball with the neo-cons to please them and their gulf masters. Don't worry he knows who the real enemy is and the ban is only 3 months.

*teleports behind you*
*checks your privilege*
"heh, thought so"
*stabs you in your cishit genitals*
"nothin personell... shitlord"

Deportation works pretty well we've found and there is that many, in middle east, africa. It's not about defeating it, it's about keeping them in a place where they can only harm themselves.

>the muslim dude and the mexican dude who work at my 7/11 late night have both brought up how hillary was fucked up and that trump was probably better when I was just talking about my day and hadn't mentioned politics at all


Not very christian of you.

>Trying to mix a bunch of cultures together hasn't worked, and won't work.
>not absorbing
This is why Europe will forever be a small bunch of """countries""" while the US encompasses a good third of a continent.
Seriously, the only thing keeping Europe from being USA v2 is "muh culture"

I still don't get this. He wasn't even the one that changed his name.

They're plenty of conservative judges that wanted to stop Obama who only managed to slow him down. Think about it in context and not how you feel.

I know our legal system a great deal more than you and challenging executive power isn't a simple thing for a federal judge.

>sand nigger can't pick up pointless shiny gold statue
>means it will affect people making kino

OP is pretty stupid it seems.

Be glad you don't have rape gangs prowling the streets

Those women needed to be raped, though. For Allah.



Oil but not oil. We only get like 3-4% of our oil from Saudi Arabia these days. We buy way more from Canada.

But Saudi Arabia keeps the petrodollar system in place so long as the US is friendly and provides them with military assistance. This helps artificially inflate US currency value, which in turn keeps the US as a global power and allows the fed to print money endlessly without causing massive inflation.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE are happy

>Think about it in context and not how you feel.
Do you even know how the court system werks? Do you even know how heavy a burden the state carries when it tries to implement a law that concerns civil liberties? Even if the SCOTUS does not actively try to stop it, just getting one (1) case up there is a fucking slog.

you cant live in the UAE unless youre employed. i know this because i lived there


Already an oscar winner. Back to pol Cletus

Saudi Arabia owes their historical founding to the Wahhabis, a group of radical ultra conservative Muslims who help the house of Saud gain power. Because of this, religious extremists hold considerable social and political power in Saudi Arabia. This is one reason why their culture has resisted modernization.

The ultra conservative school of Islam also creates many home grown radicals. Saudi Arabia can't tackle the main cause of this via culture change, so instead they just encourage extremists to go to other countries. It has worked pretty well for them.

Al-Qaeda is a Saudi group. The majority of ISIS recruits come from Saudi Arabia. The Saudi royal family is also the biggest financier of extremist groups in the world.

Saudis are basically responsible for all Sunni based extremist groups in the world.

That's why Riz played in Four Lions. Chances of him surviving upon meeting a radical muzzie are way lower than, say, yours.

The only countries affected are majority-muslim countries, and Trump says he will make exceptions for christians from those countries. Call a spade a spade user. Stop desperately trying to defend Trump's poor decisions.

Its over lads

Judicial is there to maintain constitutionality of laws or actions taken by the government and what he is doing has been done in the past which is called precedent. It can be challenged and will be fought all the way up the system but in that time, it will remain in place even if they got a stay by a particular judge because he can reword the order or do more than one at a time that affects the same issue. They're a lot of gimmicks the president can use to tie up the judiciary.

So yes, I am aware of how the system works. He isn't doing anything Bush II didn't already do during the last republican president did while in power, bush II had a travel ban from various countries for over 6 years.

>tfw I'm the only white male left on Sup Forums

You're welcome here as long as you hate shitskins.

Somalia, Sudan and Libya are all banned.

Basically, the House Saud let the Wahhabis implement their brand of Shariah in exchange for the Wahhabis pledging them support. Of course, this tenuous relationship will eventually fall apart.

Most homegrown terrorists in western countries are a product of Saudi cultural wars. Whenever Saudi Arabia does business with a country, they include in the deal that Saudi Arabia gets to build mosques in that country, which they then populate with Saudi Wahhabi imams that preach Saudi Arabia approved ultra conservative Islam. Wahhabi rhetoric is what radicalizes young Muslims in Europe. This is why, even with the refugee crisis happening, Europe is still a net supplier of radicals to the middle east.

Wahhabi rhetoric is also why Muslim communities in Europe isolate themselves and refuse to integrate. Look up the "no go" zones on France for example.

>wants to apply no-fly in Syria
>gets call from Putler
>cancels it
what did Drumpf mean by this?

Saudi Royalty is decadent and in a way almost secular, but their power is founded on religious extremism and everyone below the ruling class has to follow sharia or else they wont live very long. This is enforced through powerful Wahabbi mosques funded by the Saudi elite. Moreover, similar mosques are built at locations around the middle east and even in parts of europe. It's in these mosques that terrorism is born. Saudi Arabia is probably the primary cause of Sunni terrorism. But no, we like to give Iran a hard time because they're mean to our daddy Israel.

The majority of the country are not teenagers