Times when magazines photoshopped actresses to make them look skinnier

Times when magazines photoshopped actresses to make them look skinnier


wow, those legs go from her ass all the way to the ground.

Bonus points if anyone can name the movie and actress that quote comes from.

Hateful rat-face kike


when you do that you gotta make their head smaller too. otherwise it just looks weird

>WB will keep trying to shill her as being hot for the foreseeable future

Again with that facial expression she does

protip: left is shooped

I still can't believe they got fucking Jewish skeletor to play Wonder Woman.

>first result is reddit

>when you see an unoppressed palestinian

so many layers of different meanings in a single inexpression

Damn she makes being super skinny look good

Who should Gadot play in the next Wonder Woman reboot?

>those legs

Yeah I know her legs aren't actually that skinny in real life but why the fuck did they photoshop them so skinny like that?

Did they do it as a joke?

>you are considered an Anti-Semitic if you don't find her attractive
So since I love other Jewish woman like Natalie... I am still Anti-Semitic because I don't find Gal the skinny "beautiful"?

What I find curious is how they always manage to photoshop her legs skinnier to the exact same extent. It's almost like it's the real deal. Props to them.

>this is a 10/10 in the modelling industry
What did America mean by this



>gains 1 pound for Wonder Woman
at least she tried...

trump just banned you from entering America, how do you feel?

Stop hating all Jewish woman

Natalie Portman is pure

Reminder: there are 2 sets of Jewish Genes but I won't get into that now


Need a wizard to shop that as a penis

Wow, so much bulk and definition! You can totally see the work she's put into getting big!

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

The twist is that in this version of Wonder Woman the plane is visible but the woman is not

she looks odd with the blue eyes

deserves a you

Portman is perfect.


So is Gal. I watched Keeping up with the Joneses. She's delicious

They look the same. Sorry if I am too autistic to understand that this is some deep cover meme.




>>this is a 10/10 4 Ben Muhamed Affleck

You are just blind

Is scarjo or the faggot playing Captain Marvel or the hag playing Jessica Jones supposed to convince me Gal isn't pretty with a sexy accent?

>Marvelgirls are shit so Gal is good

That's not how it works, shill
