ITT: Post your most recently heard genre's on RYM & assume shit about one another

ITT: Post your most recently heard genre's on RYM & assume shit about one another

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Other urls found in this thread:

you wear skinny jeans too often and have considered getting your septum pierced

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The probem I've found with listening to nearly 5000 albums is it just picks out the most generic tags for the top when I would much prefer to see which niche ones I listen to most

But yeah, the bottom one (folk rock) is over 150 albums according to RYM and post-punk is over 430 so there is a range

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mfw 1,778 releases cataloged on my account but i haven’t rated any of them with the site-given rating system because i don’t want my account being found

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Are you retarded or something? You can use your account without ever replying to people who message you or engaging in the community stuff. It's what I've done for years. But then again, you're a trip so I guess that answers my first question.

you wear jnco jeans often and have considered getting your dick pierced
you’re also a tranny who pisses with a funnel

i’m a fugitive nigga
a drifter, a bad boy

why don’t you want to be found exactly?

i’ve been playing cat and mouse with the rym staff for many years. i don’t even remember why i was originally banned, but i’m not welcome on rym to be brief.

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what am i looking at here

youre a musician but don't quite know what type of music to make
youre a teenager

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With as long as people live today, I'm willing to accept 25 as being a "teenager"

the poster with the stupid tryhard trip is a bigoted, neurotic paranoiac

bet you think trump and his plan to exclude transgendered people from the military was motivated by “bigotry” too, you dumb sheep.

i wasn’t exactly being serious by the way. if you can’t laugh at yourself then you don’t deserve any sympathy or respect.

no it's that your joke didn't make any sense. you're seemingly so desperate for attention that you're just posting inflammatory words for teh lulz
meanwhile elsewhere in the thread you're bragging about how nobody on rym likes you as if anybody cares lol
also no need to reply again. just learn to laugh about yourself

what a manipulative post. talk about not making any sense.

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epic nigger tranny lolz

i’m not sorry that i used a word you didn’t like, on Sup Forums no less. if anything there’s “no need” to be passive-aggressive and manipulative about it. you come across as quite the neurotic pussy yourself.


you're frustrated by the number of occurrences of the word "rock" even though you like rock music and you'd maybe even say rock music is your favourite type of music you feel like it'd be better if it said literally anything besides 6 different types of rock music

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>calls someone out
>utterly fails at it
>retreats into passive-aggressiveness and other forms of cowardice

hey, you know, it’s okay to be wrong sometimes, at least have the balls to admit it.
would you have opened your mouth if i insinuated that he was a white guy, you disingenuous stooge?

disingenuous stooge

no i did lay out my issues with you
you just disregarded them
your posts continue to be shit lol

indeed you are

celebrating your 18th birthday should be a higher priority for you than being the thought police on the internet

more like you manipulatively misconstrued my motives simply because you refuse to acknowledge that the problem here is you, and not me.

again, i’m not sorry.

hey please stop trying to police my thoughts.
i wasn’t exactly being serious by the way. if you can’t laugh at yourself then you don’t deserve any sympathy or respect.
again, i'm not sorry.

i’m not policing your thoughts, it’s totally up to you.

you’re not only disingenuous and manipulative, you’re also just straight bitter.

oh my god it's jason bourne

holy cow lol

if anything you should be sorry for being a dishonest pussy and wasting my time.

grow some hair on your nuts; your gender or lack thereof is clearly the least of your problems.

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Why is everyone itt acting like children?
Came back to check on my thread & see it's devolved to this.

Shame on you guys.

look. I'm not gonna try and come up shit to say to logically convince you you're an asshole. From the impression I got, you seem like you would be an unenjoyable person to be around. (I tend to think of edgy humor as really unoriginal and immature). You've mostly solidified that view
I'm not actually mad at you and I hope you didn't actually get mad at me. Arguing on the internet just gives me an adrenaline rush and it's supplementing my high. srry
I'm sleepy now. Do you have any closing remarks?

yo nice cat

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he started it tbqh
being this easily offended does nothing to help the LGBT community, only convinces them that it’s okay to act like a feral little bitch. no wonder the suicide attempt rate is so obscenely high for trannies especially.

“look,” you don’t even have the balls to assume humility and admit you were wrong. i’m not convinced that you never really gave a shit; i’d like to be but i see this technique all the time.

this prevailing idea amongst your type that this brand of humor is the key to understanding the psychology of those you don’t like in the first place is such arrogant and dishonest bullshit; obvious defense mechanism. maybe i’m not the one who’s immature here after all.

what website is this

Rate your music

>be a waiter at a restaurant
>go to take a party table’s orders
>see this

what do you do

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autistically stare at the balding one

>picturing this

that Irish one is ok, might hook up with

this you?

Fuck off rym-asslickers

>T. founder of discogs

t. asslicker

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Only your moms ass

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She's dead user

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You're not into necro?
Sucks for you.

I'm not limited to 7 Billion people to choose from.

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She got cremated

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You haven't lived until you've molded some ashes into a functioning onahole.

Finding the ones that got spread in random locations is half the fun. It's like a big treasure hunt.

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If you want I can help you in the treasure hunt but only if you let me pee on you

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Do you have a vagina?
>or at least a feminine penis?
If you can answer yes to at least one of those, I'm diggidy down my dog.

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what if I answer yes to both?

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Even better

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I have moobs tho

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From estrogen or just extra pounds?
Depending on which (and if the latter how many) we can still possibly work something out here.
A cute face goes a long way.

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It's from soy

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hope you got a girly voice from it too

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okie dokie

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You're gay and hate the outdoors
You used to do lots of drugs but don't really anymore
West coast liberal arts college student

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Cool guys
I'd want to hang out with you.
You too.

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Orchestra conductor who shares his account with his mixed race grandson

studying music @uni. pretentious but mostly as a defense mechanism bc you're sensitive and awkward

artsy fartsy. wears tacky sweaters ironically like a wes anderson character. either a young sadboi, or an older sadboi nostalgic for young love you may or may not have experienced

smokes weed. in college or fresh out. kind of a boring person, but you're aware of it, so ya listen to just a little bit of weird shit to make people think you're interesting

has experimented with psychs and/or molly, or wants to in the future. probably a visual artist of some kind. homebody that's shy but crazy around close friends. might be a girl, or just a sensitive guy

probably in uni for something STEM like comp sci. listens to music mostly while studying. you have an uncle or older brother that got you into jazz really early on and now it's like nostalgic comfort food

a bit of a meathead, but lowkey a softie. probably skates and/or works out a lot. most of your shirts are either black or white and only a few of them actually fit you

sensitive stoner. listens to music analytically but is a sucker for catchy melodies. knows how to play acoustic guitar but is too lazy to care about tone so the notes buzz all the time

was in band/orchestra in grade school. knows their way around a piano. nerdy and lowkey autistic but you try to be normie on the weekends

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Remind me how we check this once again

Holy fuck, I'm and your description is 100% accurate. You're good at this.

Meant I'm actually

music > recommendations > automatic

>was in band/orchestra in grade school. knows their way around a piano. nerdy and lowkey autistic but you try to be normie on the weekends
Well you pretty much got it right.

Wears graphic tees from Walmart.

You have one ear pierced. Just one.

You insult people who dig Burger records but lowkey listen to the really shitty non-famous acts they have.

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Nah I only know the big names in garage rock/burger records, as I'm relatively new to the genre. Could use some reccs, seeing your stats

For you, shy musician type that has a fuckton of pedals, you vaguepost clips of you toying with them onto instagram. you were sheltered as a teen but at some point you realized you were lied to in some way and now you're more cynical

young sadboi. plays a lot of video games, wears beanies. has a beard if male and not underageb&. calls super smash bros "smash", is a melee purist

musician that's either in a local band or wants to be in one. liberal arts school/degree. wears flannels to look chill but is really Type A at heart

loves to laugh. you're either a little bit nuts, or you want to be perceived that way by those around you. interested in history. vegetarian/vegan?

sad girl or sensitive boy. dark and callous sense of humor, you have a joke about existentialism or suicide on your facebook/twitter/tinder profile bio

guitarist. your dad is one of your best friends. glass half full kinda guy, most of the time