Is this kino?

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So he's buff too? Christ just fuck my sister already.

sweden pls go

>they built a wall around the place against the wall

Is this kino or autism? Seriously riding a thin line.

Honestly though, it's sad that I know the whole scene by heart too.

it's almost like...walls keep people you don't like out

Did Nolan write this dialogue or did Goyer?

I've been staying away from all this shia camera thing because of all the second-hand embarrassment, but this is worse than anything I could have ever imagined.

People really just live through memes now don't they

You've seen nothing


This is fucking terrific

I like her. She a bit memey tho yea

jesus christ he does bane's voice perfectly

We are all gonna make it. TY Based Jesus.
Seriously though, is he the pinnacle of alphaness?

I don't even know what we're at anymore.

Every day is a new surprise. I think I might be dead and dreaming. This timeline is nuts.

Jesus and Jackie for best broship

this is fucking great

@BronzeAgePerv irl

this is a farce. Sup Forums is a joke now. is cripplechan any good?

didn't realize sam was such a.... big guy

Was it autism?

What happened there today?

Did anyone record any video of 4gran?

So what does the fence do? Is there a bouncer who admits you into the area?


The stream archives everything. Just go back through it

Sup Forums looks like THAT???

this is kino

eh hes not even white tho....
Sup Forums is just a big fucking joke now... fuck them

despite the white supremacy memes the majority of Sup Forums is dark skinned weebs. Sup Forums is actually satire


There was a thread yesterday where Sup Forums basically admitted they're all Black, Hispanic and Jewish people who ironically like Pepe and 14/88.

>the Sup Forums whites are all short and skinny, jumping around being giddy from the socializing they're not used to
>the Sup Forums nonwhites are physically superior and more creative

really makes me think

New York isn't white. That's no surprise.

it's probably more diverse than the retarded SJW marches

>Pro-wall activists then proceed to scale the wall to shitpost IRL about the effectiveness of walls

>fell for the Sup Forums is only white male meme
I mean, sure most of them wish they were white. But most of the white pride shit is just for lols.

Most of them hate niggers, unchecked immigration and are divided on Jews and Muslims. None of that is inherently a white thing.


Wait a minute

Is everyone on Sup Forums actually not white? How long has it been like this

I'm not white.

>That fucking sheevspin
Jesus is a top irl shitposter


>Sup Forumss main focus early on was the survival of the white race and the halt of white genocide

>Donald runs for president and Sup Forums throws its entire weight behind him

>r/the_donald is created as Sup Forums lite

>Mass immigration of Redditors to Sup Forums

>In less than a year Sup Forums is majority nonwhite redditors

Pure Kino

Donald just fucked up in a biggly way. Countries are talking about banning us goods.

this guy is an honorary white male now

I'm Irish and apparently we aren't white either.

I'm a Jewish college student from San Francisco.

From what I've seen Sup Forums, /r9k/ and Sup Forums have quite a few nonwhites but /lit/ is mostly White. Sup Forums is actually one of the least White boards.


Considering most of the US isn't technically white I'd say a while. Hispanics make it a bit tricky since a majority are technically white since hispanic isn't a race(and most don't want to be niggers)

Alt-Lite (civic nationalists) and Alt-Right (racial nationalists) are both prevalent on Sup Forums. Most nonwhites on Sup Forums tend to just be Alt-Lite with a lot of agreement with Western (white) tradition.

>But most of the white pride shit is just for lols.

Nah lots of us are serious

White pride is not a bad thing cuck

>Sup Forums is full of nonwhites


Half Slav so same here.

How did he manage to act out autistic memes and still be alpha as fuck? What's his secret Sup Forums? Also JUST imagine being the girl
>be grill
>buff guy grabs you
>"hehe he's not bad looking, gonna get some action and some quotes for my shit article"
>get dripping wet
>turns out he's memeing you
>ignores you in front of the whole world and sheevposts harder than anyone has ever sheevposted
>fucking waterfall between your thighs, can't take it anymore
>decide to fake-ignore him back
>he starts fucking baneposting (!!!) for the whole world to see and clearly doesn't give two fucks about you
>go back to your hotel
>think about him all night
>still a cunt
meanwhile the guy is changing our lives and inspiring us to become /ourownguys/. Bravo Jihad Jesus.

>Sup Forums is actually satire

Does repeating this help you sleep at night?


>Hispanics make it a bit tricky since a majority are technically white

>Mexicans literally believe this

i'm yellow and sometimes look white, does that make an honorary white?

Yes, of course. He's /ourguy/.

I don't mean in the gene sense but in the census way of counting people which is dumb.

>Hispanics make it a bit tricky since a majority are technically white
No, just because your 5x great grandma got a European dick forceably inserted into her doesn't make you White, retard.

Wtf i love Brittany now

>there are american whites on Sup Forums
shouldn't you be out making america great again or have good jobs or whatever? why the fuck are you on Sup Forums, how did you fuck up this badly.


I'm a viet from SF. I'm anti-SJW and #MAGA for life!

If you ever come to Commiefornia you'll see what I see (if you an't a dumbass). I'm sick and tired of whites being pussified. Simply disgusting.

Sup Forums looks like THAT???



>neck vein
>*internal monologue*
>that bane voice
>the CIA posing

Confirmed Kino

>implying Sup Forums isn't diverse

Holy fuck what a man. Why do shitskins make the best /fit/izens?

1. wait for her to come close
2. reveal powerlevel
3. save board

He literally talked about how white men can't lift well dude

Did you not watch the stream?

>protest a wall
>they had to build a wall to maintain their Safe Space away from the evil memers

That rick morranis looking motherfucker shrinking like a beaten housewife as Shia screamed in his ear was hilarious

The stock market is going to tank on monday, while you fags jerk it to some memer.

He literally ignored the buzzfeed bitch by real life sheevposting

>can they hear us
>what are you talking about
>lets talk about politics

this bitch doesnt know

what accent is that?

>tfw you want to scream at a male for oppressing you but he isn't white

Sup Forums doesn't care what race you are as long as yuo are a white nationalist

who the fuck is this and what the fuck is this


Realize that whites built society and that You should live with your own and you are fine

it's a meme you dip

Sup Forums's focus has always been on trolling, memes, and shitposting

Trump is just all of that personified

Shia had/has a 24 hour stream for his shit.

Sup Forums took over late night and shitposted

I miss him already. Second coming of Christ when?

more like realize less white people means the country will almost certainly be worse. just because i support nationalism and even white nationalism because it is impossible to achieve means that i want to "go back to my people"

>Sup Forums interlocked with normies
>swaying and singing along to We Are The World
>passing a joint around

We are a board of peace.

Was it kino?

highly underrated moment

>Shia, I just want to tell you the truth about the holocaust.
>[dead silence]

Was this Sup Forums's magnum opus?

I pretend to be white on Sup Forums all the time. It's more fun that way.

you should go back

People work better like that

where is that stream?

>nypd just off the sidewalk

They loved it desu

That was good.

HWDU: Sopranos edition.

get fucked nerd. i contribute