Listening to the opinions of people under 40

>listening to the opinions of people under 40

Why would you do that?

Attached: fuck theeneedledrop.jpg (1000x1000, 156K)

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How old is Ott?

read this

Simon Reynolds >

I just hate music reviewers in general. What the fuck is even the point of a music reviewer unless you're really insecure about your taste in music. Just listen to the music on your own. Listening to music is a fucking passive activity and one of the easiest things to do AND you can still do other shit while you listen to music.

Theres more music to explore in the past than the current FotM which is mostly shite


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yeah, but what does it have to do with obsolete music journalism?


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Because you can't view the world properly when you can't have erections anymore. You're basically a woman with a colorless hairy ballsack between your legs.
>dude, just listen to this solo by Jimi Hendrix one more time, now exhaling that weed on the tempo ofnrhe music, then you will feel it just right

Liferally makes me wanna puke.

>everyone over 40 listens to dadrock

The amount of people under 40 listening to dad rock is utterly unnaceptable. How much greater is that number for people over 40? And you're gonna defend them???

He is so not self-conscious of his plebness

>not thinking for yourself

TheReportoftheWeek is the best reviewer and he's 39 years old

I genuinely hope that the guy who decided that having this b&w image background behind the text has been violently murdered

>listening to the opinions of people

Daily reminder your opinions become worthless when you reach the age of 40

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>being told what to like and not forming your own taste and opinions
have you any self respect?

The fuck am I on here for? I've never reviewed anything. I just have exquisite taste.

I can make my own opinions about something.

Scaruffi has always been inconsistent and he's the most arbitrary out of just about any music critic I can think of