Tfw intp but suck at math

>tfw intp but suck at math

Entp but I hate science

i'd switch cap and snow but decent overall nevertheless

You don't "suck at it". It is just "irrelevant to learn it". Welcome back.

who this character is?


Jean Valjean

I've seen one of these where it was all different Arnold's from his various roles, but I haven't seen it again. Does anyone have it?

INTP and people say I remind them of Malcom from Jurassic Park. I hate math, though...

JoJ Valjoj

>all those game of plebs characters

express yourself more

My job allows me to express myself. Sometimes more than I like to, hah.


>tfw when ISTP but a fat fuck that never takes risks and has high social anxiety

literally what the fuck

What do you consider expressing yourself?

Talking about myself/my opinions, I suppose. I sometimes mess around with crappy art stuff in GIMP, but I'm awful at drawing. Most of my work revolves around audio (not music), which is what I really enjoy doing.


>Talking about myself/my opinions
What's a normal conversation like this?

Fair point. Maybe this is why I browse Sup Forums, then?

Idk, man. I'm drunk and trying to help you. Some people cling to the anonymity aspect of this website despite the 99% shiposting, others want to avoid any identifying reputation of a username and do whatever the fuck they want. I'm not thinking clearly.

ENTP and almost have a STEM degree but I just want to write /television comedy/

>have social anxiety


I do truly appreciate your efforts. I like this website because the humor is up my alley and I've been on here since way before I should have been. Going on like 10 years now, actually.

You don't have social anxiety, you're a dumb faggot who doesn't go outside and blames his lack of social inexperience on a made up disease.

Tell us about your childhood, user.

You don't know him, fuck off.

Not a dumb faggot, a cowardly faggot. Get it right dickwad.

Well, first there was the failed abortion.
Then the paternity test.
Then it gets better.

I'm a Frodo.

Pick a better INTJ I don't watch that musical shit.

He's probably the most based character on the list.

James Bond
Mr Darcy
Ebeneezer Scrooge

There's a lot of them, it's a pretty common antihero archetype.

What about other INTP characters?

I'm an INFJ does that make me cool?

we wuz frodo and shiet

Sherlock Holmes
Dr Manhattan
Rust Cohle
Bruce Banner

They're a bit less common in fiction because they can be naturally averse to the kinds of situations which would drive a typical narrative forward.

It takes unusual circumstances for an INTP to become entangled in a dramatic situation.

Why do we always get the characters that are one step away from being cool?

Nope. Pussy.

How so?

I'm the same as Anders Breijvik and Jon Snow. That's fine.

>Tfw head is always ablaze with constant ideas and plans that I would love to put into fruition
>Plans involving tons of novels, stories, programming projects, etc
>Tfw too insecure and lacking confidence to try them
This is a curse. I have read this problem plagues other INTPs. How do they overcome it!?

No idea, I've never been able to.

Nikolai Tesla and Einstein managed to make it happen, try copying their methods.

>fellow intp working in the games industry

Just work at it, ideas are nothing if you don't develope the skill to share them.

Another problem is when I finally get the power to put an idea into fruition, I get sidetracked by thinking of all the other ideas I could be doing instead, leading me to get overwhelmed and not get shit done. Maybe I had ADD or something.

>T or J
Jon Snow is textbook ISFP, Fi-Se manifest. Last season is a testament to that.

I'm the same way I resolved this problem by being more proficient in my work

Another thing is being able to stick to projects is a skill just like any other if you never develope it you'll never make it.

Other ESTJ characters? Other than Cersei Lannister , seems obvious

I'm INFP but I never really watched LotR just bits and pieces.

Any other Sup Forums INFPs?

Any of the bitchy female antagonists from high school teen movies and romantic comedies.

>tfw useless NEET INTP
I was supposed to be the next Einstein god damn it

Same, except I'm constantly too tired instead of lacking confidence.


Ayy lmao

Explains why nobody takes me seriously

Oh, Hey. I don't usually see other ISTJs. the internet seems to be entirely populated by NT's and NF's. also I didn't realize we had Breijvik the cleaner on our side.

Mulder from the X Files

which one is the pussy class cause i always get that one

>super shy in real life


>giving any semblance of a shit about MBTI
>aka horoscopes for twats