*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Look over there, MMA!

*steps over*

*shows a clip of a crocodile eating a zebra as a distraction*

I would immediately ask Joe if he saw the video of that 400-pound chimp fighting a moose, then make my escape as he's busy getting Jamie to pull it up

well no,

oh shit, i'm sorry

here we go lads

I wish I had a dedicated guy to pull up dank memes for me.

get out of my fucking way joe rogan your podcast sucks and on it is a rip off faggot

>Pull out an Uzi 9 millimeetah and casually dispatch him

How dare you

"hey Joe, I'm ready to go hiking. "

*steps over him*

Jaime, pull up that user


"Is that fanny pack full of protein bars gonna last you the whole trip? Could be a couple hours."

*blocks ur path*

How rude

And to think I used to think you was the shit, bitch
To think it was you at one time I worshipped, shit
Think you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it?
Not this time, you better go and get the sewing kit, bitch
Finish this stitch so you can reap what you sew (sic), knit wit
Thought some time had past and I'd forget it, forget it!
You left our family in shambles
You expect me to just get over him? Pretend he never existed
May be gone, but he's not forgotten
And don't think cause he's been out the picture so long
That I've stopped the plottin' and still ain't coming to get ya
You're wrong and that shit was rotten
And the way you played him, same shit you did to me, cold
Have you any idea the shit that I've gone through?
Feelings I harbor, all this pent-up resentment I hold on to
Not once you call to ask me how I'm doing
Letters, you don't respond to 'em
Fuck it, I'm coming to see you

Anyone got the Dana White/Joe Rogan "he's giving you the goofballs!" pasta? Google gives me no results.

Check out Onnit.com

Sorry for what? My Daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks; especially when it's a good size and all.

Let the record be shown that you just assaulted me

Turn 360° and walk away.

Yeah I see that, daddy gave you good advice

Wait... lol, wouldn't you be walking directly toward him then??
I think you meant 720 degrees.

Dude, turning that much would just get your battleropes all tangled and you'd probably drop your primal kettlebell on your foot fall over and spill all your alpha brain and shroom tech everywhere