ITT: Actors who will NEVER do capeshit

ITT: Actors who will NEVER do capeshit.

although I do wish he had done Doc strange over that hack cucumber



the driver is basically capeshit

He should do capeshit considering how limited he is in his other flicks

He was never offered because he shows no emotion in any of his films and isnt the slightest bit funny.

Isn't he dead?

The hunger games is capeshit though.

This fucker would do it in a heartbeat.

Doesn't years in toil of the great MOUSE entitle one to a cape of some sort?




Should have been aquaman


thank god for Bale

isn't rom com worst than capeshit

he's already a hero
no need to pretend


He'd make a good Jean Grey.


He only plays real heroes.

He was open to doing Doctor Strange.

Did he set the bar high with twilight?

if he ever stars in a movie again, it will never be capeshit



>he shows no emotion in any of his films and isnt the slightest bit funny.

Go watch Nice Guys


is that sean bean?



wtf, he was batman
am I being rused?

He did vidyashit tho

he was apocalypse

>I have never watched Half Nelson

He played Bruce Wayne not batman... Derp

Based Norton refused to be in the Avengers because it was shit.



>implying mythshit isn't just another form of capeshit

>Tfw Paul Dano and DDL are my two favourite actors, but ever since that gay ass film with Radcliffe, that count has dropped to one


Myths actually happened.
Get fucked nerd.

yeah like some whimpy little fag could clean an entire stable in a day pull the other one mate

What is, the Hulk?

No, they basically told him to fuck off

Based Mel "blitz the kibbutz" Gibson

Hercules was the original capeshit

The Argonauts was the original Justice League/Avengers.

Nice guys was a good flick and Gosling was funny in it but that was anything far from a good acting performance by anyone in that movie

And real human beings

He's making a movie with PTA right now

he could play toad in xmen or something

frog lookin dude

>Based Norton refused to be in the Avengers because it was shit.
>rewriting history
Norton was told to fuck off because he wanted to be a co-writer.
I bet you think Terrence Howard refused to do Iron Man 2 because it was shit, too.

nolan is capekino

But Norton has talent.

Terrence Howards wouldn't be in Iron Man 2 because the number 2 isn't real, how can 1+1=2?

He was Bruce Wayne

inb4 Mr. Q

>implying actors are not just glamorized whores

they will eat dog shit if their bank account got low enough