Itt: oh yeah that existed

itt: oh yeah that existed

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Based cubix!

Remember the Burger King toys?
I was pissed when I didn't get all the blocks to make the square guy
Also, this show was fucking dumb




is this worth watchingÉ

dude that show is unwillingly burned into every canadian childs brain


fuck you i was gonna post this


Remember the Angela Anaconda/Digimon crossover?

Fuck you


>Tfw US studios spliced 3 separate Japanese movies together

Even I could tell at the time

Out there is kinda like Freaks and Geeks meets the cringe parts of Napoleon Dynamite.

I liked it, but good luck finding the Series


Juniper lee is my chinkfu

>El Tigre
FUCK you that show was baller

based angela anaconda transmitted on italy when I was a kid for no fucking reason



I still loved it. Omnimon was basically my God for a few months.


I just want to be 9 again ;_;

Kappa Mikey and Making Fiends should be added to that list.

I remember that show, it was actually pretty good. I knew it wasn't American because the actors were ugly.

Never gonna forget this.

Kyle XY
The fuck did that even end up being about? Was he a clone or something?

>everyone is crosseyed
>there's an ugly fatass on the good guys' team
Why did they think anyone would watch this?


Karma's a bitch


Lmao for some reason I watched a shit ton of FOX shows and they'd just disappear into thin air but I'd totally forget that I was keeping up with them/watching them consistently like Oliver Bean, but I did try and foolishly keep up with John Doe but it ended up canceled regardless.

FOX was pure chaos back then

Watched reruns of that on Comedy Network.

I watched this a lot. Still pretty good

They're all either Fox Kids or Canadian


It was kind of good too

Mucha Lucha was fucking great.

Speaking of mental illness
>girl starts having hallucinations
>thinks she has some kind of brain tumor or something
>turns out it's God himself(herself?) speaking to her
>later turns out it IS actually a brain tumor and she was having hallucinations

Fuck you that show was iconic motherfucker

Watch Adventure Tri. Omnimon kicks the ever living shit out of Alphamon

state of the art cgi back in the days

Shit was impressive

You forgot the one where there was a pigeon superhero doin dumb shit

I remember this show ended on a cliffhanger, John Doe sees his mentor or something is the leader of some sewer cult (?) and then it got cancelled. One of the first shows I actually got into
This show was so fucking good. Disney was so cool, before they went full cringe in the 2000's.

>Implying I could ever forget about Mucha Lucha
That show was a 10/10
Now what I've been trying to find for the longest is Detention.