>women don't shave just like in the 70's
I can only suspend my disbelief for so long Ridley, you fucking hack

Other urls found in this thread:


>not liking sweet sweet bush

You have a point. By then genetics would advance enough that we'd isolate genes for pubic hair.

Then develop simple genetic modification.

Then parents opt into the procedure to remove pubic hair as a matter of course, like circumcision.

bushes are disgusting

Pubic hair is foul regardless of where or how much.

Shit taste detected

see, this patrician knows

they are GROSS and unhygienic


>I have never been with a woman in my life

You do realize if you ask her to shave/wax you're going to have to do it as well

trimming is the one true god

Not true by the way

I have been with 54 women and I they have all been waxed. I refuse to fuck a women unless she is completely clean.

>You do realize if you ask her to shave/wax you're going to have to do it as well

holy keks, what a beta pussyass bitch...

>trimming is the one true god

trimming would mean no bush, so you're basically agreeing with me

>they are GROSS and unhygienic
that applies to beef curtains and vags in general more than pubes

nigga that's a dick and balls

that isn't up for discussion, really

this comment is gay as fuck, dude

>holy keks, what a beta pussyass bitch...
Naw nigga, you got yourself a bitch ass woman if she does everything you ask her to do

pic related

>it's a cunnynigger ruins another siggy thread episode
Get a life or drink bleach you peice of shit

It's not 1974 anymore, grandpa.


Is there a UHD blu ray for this yet?

>Naw nigga, you got yourself a bitch ass woman if she does everything you ask her to do

that is literally the point of being man, user

>this triggers the redditor

thank you for those delicious tears, baby :3

>if you ask her to shave you have to do it too

Says fucking who?

I hope the FBI breaks down your door you sick fuck

Stop replying to him, hide his posts and report them


A bitch ass woman is far more likely to cheat

> Doctor Cunnysseur, I'm F.B.I.

wew, can't wait :3

You wouldn't fuck a girl with a full mustache would you?

Only armpit and pubic hair is cool man

>so beta he has to hide any posts that hurt his feeling

holy keks, these numale redditors, I swear

Is it actually possible to sage threads? I see posts that advise you to sage threads but it doesn't happen.

>my masculine hairy gf is not gonna cheat on me if I'm her bitch

I can't even tell if you guys are trolling anymore...

>hairy pits

jesus christ

it is, but it accomplishes nothing, except show how triggered those redditors are, which is only a good thing if that happens to amuse you as much as it amuses me

Why do you cunnypost? Just out of curiosity. I just want to know why you do it. Why not talk about movies and tv instead? Why do you have to cunnypost here instead of Sup Forums?

Childhood is liking a smooth shave, adulthood is realizing bush is where it's always been at.

because I love cunny, of course

>Why not talk about movies and tv instead?

what would the point of that be?

>Why do you have to cunnypost here instead of Sup Forums?

it's a long tradition in this board, and I don't like Sup Forums

You could have just told me up front that I wasn't going to get a serious answer.

well, that's kinda your fault in the first place

but I'm being completely serious

>as he posts a literal underage girl
Pedophile, yeah you, fucking kill yourself.

I hope you kow everybody hates your guts

>people think Weaver was hot in this film
>or at all, ever

>tfw notorious waifuspammer once upon a time
>still mentioned every now and then on this board
>grew out of it and realize how pathetic it was
It's just for the attention, nothing else. "I love XY" is everyone's excuse, in reality it's just avatarfagging. Still love my waifu though

>le pedo maymay
>le underage maymay


not really, I'm just a polarizing figure

some people love, some people hate me, most people don't really care

Didn't some guy on Sup Forums get busted for animal cruelty? Why haven't any of the pedos gotten busted for what they do?

that doesn't really apply to me, 2bh

but if it's fun, it's fun

dissecting the why doesn't really accomplish much

>le pedo maymay

well, the only pedos here are the anticunny redditors that spam cunny threads with cp

and hopefully they will go to jail one day

Then why don't you fuck off to any other thread about your boring fake tits botoxfu
Also you'll get it when you aren't 12


Because you haven't grown out of it yet and reflect on your behaviour. I don't blame you or dislike you cunnyman, had a lof of fun myself back then.
But you'll realize one day

>believing most women do anything more than trim in 2017
OP is an adorable virgin

yeah, but I mean, "growing out of having fun" it's just a weird concept

I get that you got tired of it, that's completely fine, but I don't think there's all that much in common between us

Imagine how the cunnyposters are going to feel in 5 years when they realize how embarrassing they were.

It's like alcohol, one doesn't see clearly until he sobers up. That being said I encourage you to carry on anyway, this fucking board is reddit and I hate it

I'll come over and stab you in the kidneys. Don't go anywhere.

well, cunnyism started back in 2013-2014, and still going strong

see, using that same analogy, is like being an alcoholic and quitting, whether I'm more of a guy who only drinks socially, so there's no real reason for me to change my habit

>That being said I encourage you to carry on anyway, this fucking board is reddit and I hate it

kek, will do, my friend


Daily reminder that this pedophile who spams every single cunny thread literally looks like Nick Bate which shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone.

who is nick bate?

nice reddit meme waifu, btw

>not really

Is that why your shitty pedo threads barely last 5 posts before you ban evade and spam it again?

I posted this last night but the bread died before it got enough votes to mean anything

Yeah no shit because you're retarded, and now you're spamming actual CP like the degenerate you are. Fucking kill yourself faggot because not even autists on a board like Sup Forums put up with your shitposting.

And the mods are dead

Thank god, mods can come and delete this whole shit fucking thread

Where the fuck are the mods I've reported this degenerate like 10 times

They're really slow these day that image was here longer than it should

dasha anya

First chick I ever went down on as a teen had a huge bush, I went to town and gave myself lip burn, thus a fetish was created

Now that that 'tism is over, post rare siggys

this whole thread reeks of underaged kiddies still afraid of vaginas

So we're going to talk about the glorious garden of women or not

kek, nice falseflagging, mr reddit

>tfw no hi res version of this pic
goddamnit she's such a fucking CUTE!

>trimming would mean no bush

i do do it because im not a fucking slob. do you not also wash your armpits?

You know, back in the day I could start a thread and dump for almost an hour, and not on Sup Forums, I mean here. Compare that to the minutes that IT lasts today.

It is not so much that moderation is shit, in my experience it has actually improved, it's the userbase the one that has gotten progressively worse so as for the improved moderation not to be able to keep up with it.

I wouldn't count on it. When things get deleted (specially cp), don't just assume the mod or janitor that did it was lurking Sup Forums .

That's her professional name, real name is Maya. She did an interview a couple years ago about her experience as a child model


I cant see how you could get away with posting that for almost an hour

read that.

very hard to find those sets

trimming implies very short hair, user

maybe he/she is a mod

I've been doing this long before the cunnyspammers, you must be new here. But don't worry, you are in good company.

>Mods posting bannable material
user, they would never!