Muslim user here?

Muslim user here?
I have question
Do you really never eat a pork?
Do you really drink a alcohol?

Do you really never drink a alcohol?

i ate accidentally chips bacon and never drink alcohol




The turks here never eat pork.
But they drink alcohol and how they drink it.


Nope and nope. Both are extremely forbidden in our religion

Yeah lots of shit is forbidden in Christianity but everyone here still beats their dick while watching lesbian porn


Most of our muslims here have no problem with being shitfaced and eating whatever, they take Islam about as seriously as we do Christianity.
I guess the more pious ones in Caucasus may take this more seriously.

Ex-muslim here, alcohol is widely available in my country Morocco and many muslims drink it but keep it on the down low. Pork isn't really available and no one gives a shit about it. I'm now in the Netherlands and I rarely eat pork because shit's gross. Love me a cold beer though

Once tasted the pork out of a prank, didn't like it
I drink alcohol but rarely

Never had a bacon butty?

Kek. But majority of Muslims wouldn't touch alcohol or pork. But mostly because alcohol is not widely available here. Of course people try to make moonshine regularly, and then of course many people die but nobody cares.
I am sure that if alcohol was widely available a lot of people would be drinking it with no qualms. But the same people would draw the line at pork.


I mean when you're turkish, you have plenty of alternatives so it never leaves room for wander

I eat pork weekly, also drink alcohol.

>do you drink alcohol
Tunisians are the heaviest drinkers in the Maghreb region, says a report published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

With a consumption of approximately 26.2 liters per year, Tunisians’ intake of alcoholic beverages exceeds that of the Russians (22.30), the British (13.80), the Germans (14.70) and the Polish (24.20).

According to the World Health Organization, men are the main consumers of alcohol in Tunisia, with an average of 35.1 liters of alcohol consumed per year.

i do eat pork sometimes but desu i really dont feel missing out so i eat minimal amount but damn chips with bacon flavour are fucking tasty. then again im ex-muslim

>The turks here never eat pork.
>But they drink alcohol and how they drink it.
Same for Palestinians, Syrians and so on.
If they stop drinking you should most likely report them because they're becoming truckers.

hate pork too much fat in it.
drink alcohol regularly, every Friday most of the time.

Muslim don't eat pork, but they do drink alcohol, just keeping it low profile.

na boss we like to drink and that but pork is haram init

Think I had a pork hot dog 2 days ago.

but i restrict myself from heavy alcoholic drinks, not a fan of hangovers and I'd like to be healthy

THIS i never understand why north American are so obsessed over that much of grease


No and no

I don't drink alcohol nor eat pork
Alcohol is widely available and lots of people drink it, mostly young people and especially the night after religious holidays, pork isn't as available but no one cares.

Accidentally ate pork twice and tasted vodka (disgusting) but apart from these times never

Interesting, do you see pork like we see dogs meat?

>THIS i never understand why north American are so obsessed over that much of grease

Muslims here drink but dont eat pork. Which is a shame because i deliberately put pig lard when baking chevapi for them.
I also graffiti the houses they visit once a year from a country they escaped to during the war.
I piss on the lamb im roasting when they order it.
Or put the pig roast above the lamb roast so that the pig fat drips onto the lamb.
The boss once saw me do it and giggled saying what an evil asshole i am.

But then again, its not a sin for them to eat something that is planted to them. I think there are parts of the pig they can eat, like the liver. But in not sure

Well they don't see pigs as pets...


I really can't understand deliberately screwing yourself out of the finer things in life. Muslims will get spring break wasted but not allow themselves something like pictured.

Well i do understand it if they are utterly disguted by it like we do with dogs dishes. That looks lovely btw

North americans eat chicken, pork is a european thing

Long time since I last saw a Venezuelan flag. How is everything in your country?

That's not pork

Meme muslim here, never ate pork, but i do drink alcohol, most kyrgyz do the same. I am also circumcised

Muslims from their childhood learn that pork is disgusting and than when they start growing up the imams and teachers will tell them how unhealthy poisonous and unclean it is with meme arguments that could work on beef too , all of this idea forcing will make any muslim get disgusted by pork even if it looks good.
t.ex Muslim

Beef has less fat and calories than pork but it has more proteins , zinc and iron . Muslims are right: pork is fucking useless

Muslims obey their rule than I think
I thought you guys eat or drink those things behind the curtain

this, and its mostly young adults

Alcohol is not forbidden in Islam, the state of absolute drunkness and losing yourself is

Jamón is not pork?

Sounds about right, still if you're going to indulge in forbidden Western stuff it would still be better to try something more sophisticated like good wine and serrano ham rather than vodka/jaegermesiter cocktails and cocaine. Most Arabs I've met act like 19 year old gringos on spring break, and yes I get it why they behave like Amish in Rumspringa when they get the chance, nothing wrong with that, but you can see my point if you're going to break/relax the rules a bit it might not be the wisest thing to go full bydlo about it.

Yes, not all of them do.

Gracias wey

I eat bacon and drink alcohol frequently in Turkey.

you are a muslim country, how is alcohol even legal?

just fucking put rat poison in it, why are you even fucking around...

>Muslim user here?
Not muslim but i live in a mostly muslim cunt
>Do you really never eat a pork?
People can find it relatively easily, but they don't care, there are other superior meats.
I eat it sometimes but it's very greasy and nothing special, from a believer's perspective it's a bad deal.
Eating boar is pretty accepted though, you can hunt them and some are even domesticated.
>Do you really never drink a alcohol?
Every one drinks here, old or young, rich or poor, you will always find a can of beer thrown out, wherever you go.

Brassommek 3ala chkoun ta7chi fih presque tous les jazzara mt3 tounes ma3andhom l7am khanzir. Mala relatively easy

We don't eat pork
but we drink and It's not haram



>invite two Mormons over
>they refuse to drink
>invite one Mormon over
>he inhales your booze

Are Muslims the same way?

Like clockwork

I'm not pious or religious in a sense but drinking alcohol and eating pork are absolutely a no. And I heard that pig is forbidden because it's sort of cannibalism where pigs are believes to be the cursed form of ancient human.

I am not Muslim but i dont eat pork nor do I regularly consume alcohol(i used to drink a bit before I was 11 but then stopped completely)
I honestly just dont like pork or beef. I mainly eat chicken and seafood instead.


litearlly every muslim at uni

So Muzzies really live their whole lives without cured pork sausages? No wonder they're always blowing themselves up