Annoying Roommate

What album can I use to drive my roommate out? This fuck never leaves the room, he plays league 24/7 and yells at his computer. It's driving me fucking insane. I've tried blasting Beefheart and Merzbow, as well as playing Allstar on repeat for 2+ hours. He has 0 sense of personal space and I want him out of the room for a few hours. What can I play Sup Forums?

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lux laughing on loop


I'd try Whitehouse - Bird Seed, but not before asserting some boundaries.

grow the fuck op. he has as much right to be there as you do. you sound like a dick for playing merzbow

Best of you by the foo fighters but the version that just repeats the words the best over and over

how were your promos?

literally had to google to understand your post

Tried talking to him multiple times as to boundaries (no sound or lights on after midnight, no overnight guests, etc.). I've even had to go to the RA to have them try to get him to respect the ground rules, but nope, I still have to be kept up until 3 AM listening to league and woken up early on weekends for the same. I have asked to have the room for a few hours so my girlfriend could come over, he always just says ok and doesn't leave. I'm dealing with a roommate from hell, maybe I'm a dick, but not nearly as much as this kid is

I like you

change the wifi password

Not OP, but if your roommate constantly violates your personal boundaries, your suggestion is to accept it and "grow up"? I would agree blasting obnoxious music is a bit passive aggressive, at least if they first haven't even spoken to their roommate about it, but there are some basic rules of conduct when living together and violating personal space is one that should be respected, and failure to do so is worse than petty retaliation by playing loud music.

just ask him politely to leave, stop being a passive aggressive little soy boy

The Powers That B.
Specifically disc 2.
Jenny Death will drive anyone away.

I've had to sit down ant talk to him about obnoxious shit he does a half dozen times, and theres always small shit that I have no idea how to bring up (cum rags all over his side of the room). I have no clue how to get through his skull that he need's to respect the personal boundaries that we agreed to

Already have, more than a few times. He never leaves
Tried already

bruh semesters almost over hes set in his ways lmao. Bring the gf over and fuck in front of him frankly

That's fucking disgusting. Best to just call him out on it, even if it's rough or awkward. Do you have any power to get him out of the apartment and replace him?

Kick him out and find a new room mate.

Get angry, he won't understand otherwise.
His head is in that addiciting piece of shit of a game. Maybe even a slap might help.
He's probably depressed, since he never goes out, you could try give him some advice but it's not your job to help him.

this. stop being so passive aggressive soyboy and assert dominance. he obviously doesn't respect you and thinks you are a cuck.


op is soycuck cucked by his LoL nerd roomate

pathetic shit KYS yourself LMAO

blast Half Man Half Biscuit, their thick acsents would annoy most people

Peter Brotzmann - machine gun