Why are straight actresses so okay with doing lesbian scenes...

Why are straight actresses so okay with doing lesbian scenes? I'm sure a lot of straight actors would refuse to make out with another guy, but for women it doesn't seem to matter.

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it's acting you retardo

>I'm sure a lot of straight actors would refuse to make out with another guy
I'm sure you're wrong.

why are married couples okay with doing sex scenes? I'm sure a lot of married actors would refuse to make out with another person besides their spouse, but it doesn't seem to matter

>there are people on this board so detached from common sense and reality that this is an actual thing they think about

women are way more likely to be gay or "bi-curious". it's a cultural thing.

Someone post the webms already. Or at least screenshots.

He probably told them, "this will win the palm d'Or"

and hey guess what

This. Also a girl's skin is like heaven.

A girl I know says that when she shaves her legs, she can't stop massaging herself over that area

mmmmmmm ;_;

But they were straight up fucking each other my man

All women are spaghetti.
Straight until wet.

girls aren't straight or gay

every girl is flexible for the right person

girls that disagree were just raised in strict households

>men aren't straight or gay
>every men is flexible for the right person
>men that disagree were just raised in strict households

i do agree with this but we're talking about women

1) Every woman is somewhat bisexual.
2) Actresses are okay with sex scenes "if the role demands it."
3) Women are attention whores
4) Actresses are even bigger attention whores
5) Most actresses want do film nudity before they get too old and flabby.
6) An actress doing topless scenes or sex scenes can often lead to other roles. Case in point. Seydoux or whatever going from BITWC to that Spectre, etc.

You never met a man you wanted to fool around with? What a pair of marys.

Because french are cunts that should be bombed back to their gaulish days.

>man's body isn't naturally beautiful like a woman's
>Sex involves sticking your dick in a diseased asshole or mutual masturbation
>Women are naturally more emotional
I could ramble on, but it's not a fair comparison I feel

Men are straight. Any man that allows another man to penetrate their rectum or heaven forbid a woman to, is not a real man.

silent night deadly night 2


Studies have shown that when a guy says he's not aroused by something, he's usually telling the truth.

Women have anti-slut defense. Studies have shown that women get turned on by videos of all sex, hetero, homo, even bonobos fucking. Women don't want to look like the complete sluts they are, so they lie about what gets them wet.

I do think that everyone is bisexual to some degree. But women are much more. One of the reasons is that women are just more attractive than men.


Die in an AIDS fire faggot.

anyone who says women are all bisexual has clearly never talked to a girl.

>One life
>Born as an oversized hairy ape instead a literal goddess
R-reincarnation, r-right guys?

did you read my post?
i said i agree with his greentext trying to refute my argument

Because literally no one cares about lesbians.

My weiner does

>he thinks what women say they want is the same as what women actually want

so naive

they are a mystery unto themselves

>How to explain the conflict between what the women claimed and what their genitals said?

>As they enrolled in the study, Chivers' subjects identified themselves as straight or lesbian. They were shown images of sex between men and women, women and women, men and men, and a pair of bonobos (a species of ape). The subjects, straight and lesbian, were turned on right away by all of it, including the copulating apes. While they watched, they also held a keypad on which they rated their own feelings of arousal. So Chivers had physiological and self-reported scores. They hardly matched at all. Chivers' objective numbers, tracking what's technically called vaginal pulse amplitude, soared no matter who was on screen and regardless of what they were doing, to each other, to themselves. The keypad contradicted the plethysmograph entirely. The self-reports announced indifference to the bonobos. But that was only for starters. When the films were of women touching themselves or enmeshed with each other, the straight subjects said they were a lot less excited than their genitals declared. During the segments of gay male sex, the ratings of heterosexual women were even more muted.

a man kissing a man is not seen as 'masculine' so an actor could worry it would hurt thier image. A woman kissing a woman is still seen as feminine

And what was the result of the control?

thats because when women watch porn they always self insert themselves as the person being pleasured. just because they get turned by all kinds of sex, that doesn't mean they are attracted to the people having it. According to that study women find apes attractive too.

Where are the webms to prove it?

Guess that explains the popularity of blacked


You really hate french people don't you user? Me too

mama mia

> if i project my personal experiences onto all men

>just because they get turned by all kinds of sex, that doesn't mean they are attracted to the people having it.
>According to that study women find apes attractive too.

you contradicted yourself. you say it doesn't mean they're attracted to the people having it, then say they are. i never said women are attracted to whoever is having sex.

but even nature documentaries will make women wet. some people believe that's a precautionary measure in case of rape to prevent vaginal tearing/bleeding.

but yes, female arousal is based on sexual narcissism, all arrows pointing towards her and her pleasure.

the point is that what males say arouses them matches much more closely with reality than what females say arouses them.

This "study" seems to only show that women lie about arousal.

Where's the control? Where's the ct scan results while they're watching the porn?

>"Women are Trend-Sexuals"-John Waters
there's your answer


>women are duplicitous harlots
>t. the torah, the bible, the quran

read the book what women want. also look up the studies of meredith chivers.

there were controls. something like videos of mountains or something.

>something like videos of mountains or something.
Alright will do. Thank you user

Funny how people keep rediscovering that again and again throughout history.

fucking lol

It's about perception of the opposite sex. Would a man be comfortable having sex or getting married to a woman who had guzzled a minge or two in the past? Most would be ok with that and indeed some would even be turned on by the idea, perhaps harbouring fantasies that they would let him join in and both be turned straight by his mighty dong or something. That is because lesbianism is, when it comes down to it, foreplay; as no penis is involved actual sex won't happen. Sure the lesbian will use their fingers, dildos, cucumbers, coke bottles or whatever they can lay their hands on as a substitute tallywhacker but by its definition there can be no actual sex even if the lesbians cum.

Now from the woman's perspective if her man has a gay past he has had actual sex and that schlong has actually been places, dark and unhygienic places. He could have picked up an std like aids or gonorrhoea either from taking or receiving anal sex with men or there might still be small microscopic bits if man crap tainting it, even after a shower (gay cooties if you will). In order for a man to commit to having sex with another man there is a higher level of commitment to the act needed to carry it through as well because not only is actual sex involved, rather than just fooling around or experimenting but being a gay man is less socially acceptable than being a lesbian.

As a result of this if a woman does lesbian stuff while acting her male fans mostly won't have a problem with it at all, but if a man does gay sex then most of his female fans will not really find him as attractive as he once was to them (apart from a small vocal crowd who are into that sort of thing). So unless a male actor is actually gay there isn't much chance he will want to alienate the bulk of his female fanbase like that, although they will be happy to play gay roles as long as no bumming or cock consumeing is involved.

> be me
> talk to women about homosexuals
> turns out a lot of them enjoy male gay porn
> but thats unpossible why would anyone ever ..

I like how people just know what women like and how they perceive things, yet have probably never talked to one about it.

>I'm sure a lot of straight actors would refuse to make out with another guy

Did you already forget that Brokeback Mountain was a movie? Acting is one of those professions that is considered gay btw. Partly why many actors are liberal btw, it's a correlation.


If a woman has "sex" with another woman, there is no chance either will get pregnant, or infected by diseased-filled semen.

If a man has sex with another man, one or both of them could be infected by disease-filled semen. And that means that man could leave her in the future for another man. The guy who is supposed to provide food for her growing baby while she's pregnant. And until the child reaches maturity. That's an existential threat to her offspring.

If a woman leaves a man, that's one less mouth to feed (or more, if she has kids).


>turns out a lot of them enjoy male gay porn

that's not surprising at all people need to read what women want and get redpilled. also read all the news articles about the book.

sex turns women on. it doesn't matter if it's two gay males. it doesn't matter if it's two goats fucking on the nature channel.

and women will rarely admit to what actually turns them on.

Periods are a thing men don't get.
>dirty dick > blood and lining of your internal organs

>ITT closet fags projecting every which way to rationalize their gay fetish
Go back to your trap and sissy hypno threads on /gif/ faggots.

>>man's body isn't naturally beautiful like a woman's
Try convincing a Roman or a classic age Greek about that you pleb.

You do realize that we assume the very same thing about men?
How about we just agree that both genders enjoy sex in whatever form and stop trying to fit their behavior into a different box?

Sure they might enjoy fag porn but they might not enjoy having one of those men as a husband or boyfriend. Most people can fap to and enjoy the grossest shit imaginable yet if it was your wife or girlfriend doing it to you you might not be as turned on as you thought you would. I know a woman who likes watching Roman showers for example, but when her boyfriend vomited on her after a night of overindulgence on the booze she broke up with him.


inb4 the 'no gurls on teh interwebz' meme


So shit from a dirty dick could stay in your Wendy hole for up to a month, that is still a month of having the excrement of the gay expartner of your lover lurking up there before it is all cleaned out.

When "Auntie Flo" comes to visit at least it is only stuff from you coming out of there, its a lot worse if it is your stuff AND muck from some random guy you've never met who happened to be your lovers boy toy.

Fair point that porn doesn't equal real desires.

Then again, i've never heard a women claim she was disgusted by the thought of joining in. While others expressed interest.

Anyway, i see its hard to change your mind about this notion you have about all women. But i'm sure you're right with that kind of blanket statement.

You know, just like every man would want a virgin as partner, right?

> women act like we do, that must mean they're sluts

Condoms are a thing.
Like you're saying, it remains up there, so doesn't matter if she's fucking a chick or a dick, they'll still exchange sexual fluids which will linger longer inside her than it would remain on him.

>> women act like we do, that must mean they're sluts
Men are not women and women are not men.
We're both apart of the same species but not the same.
It's human nature to expect the opposite gender to not be like yours, especially if your gender is known for brutality and savagery, ie men.

> men enjoy thing x
> so women cant, its our thing, find your own!

Im not saying we're absolutely alike. But to claim that women dont enjoy casual sex or related stimuli is wrong.
Same goes for men. So why is it so hard to accept that we just all enjoy having sex.

All I was saying is that women need to start owning up to what they are.
If you fuck around, yes you're a slut. Doesn't matter if you're a guy or gal, you're still sleazy and cheap.

Men tend to more publicly acknowledge this because I assume, society is more accepting of it.
Women need to get over their victim complex and stop being hypocrites. If you like sex and are a slut, own it. Don't lie and deny it because that's what causes these negative standards surrounding the topic.


When did I say "all women"? In my first post on this thread, which was I said:
>apart from a small vocal crowd who are into that sort of thing

I think what you have been doing is confusing my posts with those of other people who have been vaguely on the same side of the argument as me but saying different things, which is a pitfall of anonymous posts. It is wise to assume that there are always more than 2 people posting in a thread.

>If you like sex and are a slut, own it.
>you're still sleazy and cheap

so close yet so far

I've only ever known 100% straight females. So at least in my experience all women are not "bi when horny" or whatever, the boring truth is quite the opposite. Actors on the other hand are just natural attention whores no matter the gender.

How so?

I admit I should've reworded it.

IMHO being open about your sex is fine. What makes it cheap and sleazy is making it public, in the sense that what you do behind closed doors should remain there, not be dragged out into the light for all to see.

My mother was a lesbian for 1 woman.
Out of 4 partners only 1 was female, and that was solely the person, not the sex she was attracted to. She isn't attracted to any other women either.

I assume you're talking about the renissance, and not that meme roman buggery shit.

it's fucking stupid just because they are female they get a free pass to be gay and people look at it like it doesn't matter. lesbian sex will never turn me on for that reason.