Dr. Wexler, I'm NBC

>not newman

you done fucked it up

Friendly reminder that Seinfeld is jewish filth propaganda

>if i force a laugh track, will it be funny?

What's the deal with masks? I mean if you took it off would you die?

op here I love dicc

but some of its lines are pretty farney

"...this face look familiar, Seinfeld? MUAHAHAHA!"

first time this meme has made me laugh in a while


>First one to talk, gets to stay on my aircraft. (Jerry opens plane door. One of his men chimes in from offscreen, "THROW HIS ASS OUT! HE'S A NIGGER!")

>What's the deal with Elaine? Why, does she wear, that mask? (pause for laugh)



>you have to be a millenial to realize Friends was funnier

airline food

What the fuck

>The agency called! They're all out of flight plans!

Is there a problem?

gas yourself

CIA Agent: Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.
[shakes hands with Dr. Pavel]
Barsad (aside): Hm, no handshake for me? Not a big surprise. This man has never been one for empty formality. Still, I would have liked to shake his hand this time... it is my last opportunity, after all. [snicker]
Barsad: He wasn't alone.
[motions to three hooded prisoners he has brought alone]
CIA Agent (aside): Three men? I only asked for one.
CIA Agent: Uh... you don't get to bring friends.
Barsad (aside): Curses! My ploy is found out... how can I talk my way out of this one?
Dr. Pavel: They are not my friends.
[Barsad snickers]
Barsad (aside): Oh, Doctor Pavel, thank you for the interruption! If only you knew what ruin your own words have brought upon you... Now, to seal the deal.
Barsad: Don't worry, no charge for them.
CIA Agent: And why would I want them?
Barsad (aside): Hah, like reeling in a fat, floundering trout...
Barsad: They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary.
Barsad (aside): Now, the killing blow!
Barsad: The masketta man...
CIA Agent: Bane?
[Barsad nods]
CIA Agent (aside): Incredible... not one of our contacts at the agency knows Bane's whereabouts. What a hot find! Imagine if I were the one who caught him... Still, it seems a little suspicious that my driver has brought these extra fellows. Graah, don't think like that, CIA! The glory of this catch could bring me all the way to the top of the department!... No more lonely nights on the road.... Yes, I could finally settle down. Heh... this driver whispers sweet poisons... I cannot resist.
CIA Agent: Get him on board, I'll call it in.
Barsad (aside): Hah, who could imagine this little guy had such big ambition? A shame, really... ha ha, ahahahah! The fire rises!
[end scene]

Ms Fine?

Lot of loyalty for a hired mum

You're a big salad

If I get dubs will you die?

I know he's not in the meme scene, but who would be Batman in the Seinfeld scenario?

For some reason, I want it to be Frank.


Mr. Peterman, Puddy as Bane

I-Is there anymore? Where do they come from? Did you make these?

You can't act, Jerry!

>You merely adopted the 8-Ball.

It was the halloween special, idiot.

Oh, there are more. SO much more. (laughs insanely)

"I tell ya, Georgie Boy, that Newman fella did me a FAV-AH!"

J:what's the deal with elaine?

G:oh elaine? She's one of those bigguys4you

J:oohhh? a she's a bigguy4you?

G:that's right a bigguy4you

J:You're absolutely sure she's a bigguy4you? On what authority do you have it that she's a bigguy4you?

G:Jerry!? are you hearing yourself? Take a look at her. Of course she's a bigguy4you. It's just plain fact that she's a bigguy4you, ask anybody on the street if she's a bigguy4you. Look at the way her parents look at her, tell me why don't they look at their other daughter that way

J:....oh my god she's a bigguy4you

(kramer vibrates in)

K: oh hey george, jerry.

J: oh hey kramer

G: Kramer you'll never believe it, jerry's asking about elaine

K:AHH(high pitched) big guy!

"Your mother says 'hi', Jerome! MUAHAHAHA!"

you could have at least picked fraiser for your bait retard




This one always creeps me out, looks like Leatherface's woman mask.


Jesus christ, friends couldnt even beat how i met your mother

"What's that ya say, Georgie?"


Kek. Millenials are people below 35 or so. Pretty much this whole board is millenial. Also afaik there's mostly underage brehs here. The millenial thing to do is actually to jump on the cut-dick-sucking-Seinfeld-bandwagon like reddit has
>le classic sitcom
>oldie but a goodie xD
You're like these retards who argue science was more advanced during the Antiquity because it makes you feel patrician. Go get pegged or whatever it is you millenials do.

The expect one of us in syndication brother.

Honestly though, the millennial generation should be split up in two, gen Y and gen Z. There's a huge cultural difference between 90's kids and 00's kids.

No one refers to a 30 yo as a milenial you faggot.
>Hur but technically
It's teens and young adults

Dr. Van Nostrand, I'm USPS.

Elaine deserves better than this.

lol what the fuck

I'm embarrassed for you.

I'll admit, muh dick moved a lil

Friends was horribly unfunny and boring.
Kill yourself.

>wasting trips on falling for bait


>These airplane pretzels are MAKING ME THIRSTY
