Choose you're character

Choose you're character

I pick Jack Black



Specs in the middle looks like a genderswapped Millie Bobby Brown.

Someone post the comic pls

welcome to EB games

yo I'll pick rough childhood right next to the vertically challenged one

Dylan literally looks the most /fa/ out of all tese fags.

Every single one is ugly lmao

neck demarco

Someone needs to shoop CIA in there

>tfw paddy mcpharlane isnt in the pic

What was RDJ doing there?

That neck can't be real

>Roof is ugly

t. nigger

Ah oldfag Sup Forums. Brings a proper tear to my eye, if you don't mind me saying.

/fa/ggots are the only board below Sup Forums

That's /fa/

fucking kill yourself



wow Sup Forums looks like THAT?

>Ah oldfag Sup Forums

You took my bait, I was only pretending to be retarded

Where's the lore version? Come on then, cough it up.

>tfw I went to school with two of these faggots
this picture is just too surreal for me

Who would win in a fight 3 big guys from Sup Forums vs Sup Forums's cucksquad