
jobs centre in the morning edition

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I invented the egg gimmick

Love maid uniforms, I am the maid poster.

soviet invasion of afghanistan

Breakfast of grown ups

my ublock isn't working anymore what is going on

not gay just desensitized simple as

just wait a few years until mexicans take over america and spanish becomes lingua franca and everyone wants to learn it

wish i had some booze, brain needs a right drenching

business idea: 8% alcohol that tastes like ribena

>14 hour shift yesterday ending at half midnight
>shift from 5:30 until midday today
>just got back
the so called job

what you work as


>see a post with a Japanese flag
>*gong noise* YOHHH!


you'd kill a lot of homeless people and teenagers with that


wtf I love mexicans now
seriously though, I was finally memed into doing that language assesment thingy and I got my C2 diploma now
Don't think anyone would say I'm not qualified to teach japanese kids how to count in english

giving up on life is so much easier than trying and failing
don't know why more people don't do it


stop posting this you twerp


great meme :)
pic related is me

this pidgin stuff is seriously fucking retarded

why are they trying to pass off sheer brainletism as "culture"



I am still in my pajamas and there is literally nothing you can do about it

Racist dumb rorke

it was also a miracle to the jews forming the federal reserve

lost my virginity to a girl who i had previously been just friends with

she let me creampie her

i think i'm in love

t. original eggposter

hate x
love y
simple as

just battered my auntie

oi mate
you watched maid dragon yet

good luck, I have a c2 and several other certificates yet most schools want eclusively native speakers. You can find a place to teach, mind you, but it's not gonna be a high-level school

all africans are medically certified mental retards

what could he possibly have meant by this fellas

[pondering emoji]

its not a language, may as well start classing the gibberish smackheads mumble to eachother on street corners off as an official dialect next

getting the daily thinspo in lads

na' lad what is it?


>me moom woodn't let me

love sargon
simple ass

but it literally is a language you mong
every language is a bastardisation of its forebear

i agree german really is not a language

hello nigger

Maybe I could teach both english and spanish
For that Americaboo appeal you know

never watched this nu-male shite.

i heard he's 1/4 nigger so i hate him now



>man has ring
>man wants ring
>main characters are gay af

business idea: teach spanish to english speakers

hate the n word

the books are better if you're autistic and enjoy reading the bible

it's not even particularly well written or acted

just a case of normie's new clothes

Anime about a dragon maid and her dragon friends
It's really cute and comfy

>it's not even particularly well written or acted

>just a case of normie's new clothes



Official thread song

I just want to move abroad
I'm really into Japanese history so that's why it's my first option, but teaching Spanish to irish kids could be fun

its hard for anyone to just move to japan

it's fucking boring m8 just 4 hours of filler

>Japanese history
sure you are la

*dismantles your judeo christian ideology*

the first lotr is comfy up until around the point where they leave the mines of moria, after that it becomes convoluted gobbledygook

why do australian politicians stutter/repeat themselves so much

never really been an anime fan desu

Shant be taking any of your shit
Anime is pretty cool tho

the stuff in Theoden's court and the party freeing his mind was good in the second one

grow up you fucking manchild

i invented this gimmick

lmao are you moving to japan because of a children's book

Fair nuff

>i-im j-just really interested in their history!!!!


>reads one pop-science book
>"yeah im pretty well versed on japanese history (or, as they call themselves, "nihon")

it's 900 pages long and has a surprising lack of cute anime girls though

Love maids though


me on the left you on the right

I'm not well versed
I'm interested in it
feel free to gimme some recommendations if you got them tho

Feeling a bit down lads, can someone cook up a quick DEANO copypasta for me to read?

why doesn't he move it?

japan is an interesting one

it might be the only place on earth where someone tall, skinny and pale (but still attractive obviously) has more luck with women than a tanned, muscular, also good looking bloke


i could but...eh.

business idea: be born a chad

lol yanks call pyramids 'peermids'

A Brit responded to North Korean Missile.


Everyone in my family thinks that pale skin makes you look sick and weak
I have to keep my cute white protestant fetish hidden from them

diverse and vibrant desu, glad she's finally learning the truth about boring old white people x

>I prefer Rodrigo-sama

Thanks anyway.


tim says he's gonna shoot the people hacking his PC in the head

business idea: never be born at all

I'm sure the reverse happens often as well

>I've come ere to hike for a forrest
sure lad

youtube.com/watch?v=-VRBWLpYCPY lol

why doesn't he just get a new pc?

ah yes whitey started it
