Name one downside to living in this kind of society

Name one downside to living in this kind of society.

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the bugs will destroy parts of central and south america?

Bug attacks are irrelevant. It's the actual society itself we're talking about.


Also, best girl dies and worst girl won the bowl.

Who cares lol

I literally can't. Peace time fascism is comfy.

I'm not seeing the downside to this statement

>you'll never feel the thrill of killing alien lifeforms in the name of humanity

Bugs are a species of peace

It was an inside job too, Klendathu was on the otherside of galaxy and youre telling me the planetary defence system failed to see that asteroid coming all the way from there?

Getting drafted to fight giant bugs on some backwater shithole planet.

He said a downside.

Your government will stage Hiroshimas on their own population to force you as a population to toe their militaristic line?

BIDF go home

the only thing you see is school and the military isnt it?

ignoring the class of people with psychic powers.

Military service wasn't compulsory

Being peer-pressured into fighting the bug-war. I don't want everyone to think I'm a pussy, but I don't want to be disemboweled by giant bugs either.

OP said DOWNside.

>not wanting to defend earth by killing bugs because there is a small chance you will get disembowled

You are a pussy

If I remember right you could only be a "citizen" if you joined the military so it basically was.

>small chance
It seemed to happen to more soldiers than it didn't happen to. Did they ever specify how long you had to fight for?

you're free to not serve, and remain a lowly civilian

Rico's parents weren't citizens but were filthy rich, so you could do without it.

"Citizen" meant you had the right to vote.

What's wrong with this? Why should you be allowed to decide your nations future without ever serving your nation

High energy Jewish plots

Do you want to know more?

Bc the nation isn't yours, it's your childrens. Dork

>people actually believe bugs could manipulate an asteroid to travel thousands of light years

>would you like to know more
not really, but your digits compel me

Does being a citizen only allow you to vote?
Don't they say in the beginning of the movie that democracy was a huge failure? So who do you vote for? Your military dictator?

Is this explained in the books?

Serving in the military also allows you to become a politician, remember the black girl was only there to become a politician

Peace time fascism was basically communism, except even more oppressive.


What did you LIKE about this movie the most?

I personally like that it was gritty in its depiction of the soldiers while still being a little tongue-in-cheek. I haven't seen a sci-fi movie since that is willing to do a group shower scene and show all its characters equally prone to dying. I really respect the film for that.

>implying that anything is more oppressive than communism
I'd feel safer under Franco than Castro any day of the week.

And apparently it's easier to get a license to breed as well.

What would you need a license to breed for?
If you have invented interstellar travel then overpopulation wouldn't be an issue since you can just go colonize other planets.

Yeah, habitable planets are sprinkled practically everywhere, that's how the universe works

Because degenerates shouldn't be allowed to have off spring, clearly.

>the bugs will destroy parts of central and south america?
it was pretty clearly a false flag.

bugs can't actually send a meteor millions of lightyears through space they dont even have any form of fucking space travel. it was HEAVY implied it was a false flag.

Control of rebellious groups, know people from X land produce a lot of rebels? No breeding for you

>Peace time fascism was basically communism

It's just plain ol' fun, and I love it even without taking on the satire glasses.
The fascist setting is unique and it's interesting to follow the likable cast through it all - it's also nice how they actually all develop as they go along. The action is great and the plot is straight forward, easy to follow but still engaging because it's all so bizarre in a compelling way. Also quotable and rewatchable as fuck.

I can watch this sucker any day of the week, it's so good.

Seeing how Humanity can reach the other side of the galaxy with ease then finding enough habitable planets shouldn't be an issue.

But the Government should actually encourage that so they have more troops to throw against the bugs.

I doubt that if Humanity had a common enemy to fight there would be lots of rebellions.

t. bug.

Not getting to know more.

Do we really need to see criminals executed on live TV on all channels

>they dont even have any form of fucking space travel.

They actually do. They put their spores/eggs on meteoroids and then hurl them at other planets to colonize.

I don't know if you've been to Sup Forums recently but argentinians are some of the worst posters. Arrogant idiots need to get BTFO by space bugs.

Well said.

People didn't starve in peacetime fascism lmao

A grade A sci-fi comedy. Things are hilarious on purpose. It's Verhoeven having a lots fun doing this film. If Robocop is his most serious with Total Recall right there in the middle. He went out his way to depict it as comically as possible. 90210 in Space mix with Verhoeven's classic provocation.

But the enemy isnt aggressive or hostile derp

At the speed of light? Even then thats too slow, do you know how big space is?

The whole eternal war with Eastasia thing they had with the bugs and a government that lets an asteroid destroy a city as an excuse for said war.

I sure wonder who could be behind this post.


I'm not sold at it as a satire since its basically making fun of what is America at that time it was made. Teen-dramas, patriotic films, Ratings classification getting tighter, and general glorification of America itself.


Downsides, not positives.

The idea that only military service can allow voting is retarded. Unless every choice your government makes is war relating, the system is retarded

>Planet facing economic, or resource problems
>Nope, scientists can't vote, military only


Who cares if it was an inside job, seriously at this point what difference does it make? We were sent in to make a difference, it doesn't matter if it was a false flag or not I'm so sick of you crybabies pissing and moaning about this. You can't prove it was a false flag, you have no proof so just shut the fuck up and go back to your futuristic reduced gravity football games and your robots. This government gives you a hell of a lot, don't you ever forget that.

whats this from?

It's not military only doofus. Civil servants can vote too. All you have to do to be able to vote is do federal service but nobody wants to watch a movie about a garbage man

Then shouldn't only people with children vote?

Because it only allows 1 mindset to vote, the militaristic kind. You will therefore only ever have leaders who appear to militarism.

Doesn't work unless your country lives in 24/7 war. Enjoy no economy, no science, no anything because only the guy screaming about guns and war the most wins.

>National service only means soldiering
Yeah, it's not like there are any real world examples where national service can be engineering or medical science, nope only soldiers

Literally just replace South America with Syria and you end up with real life
Bugs attacking Argentina and Brazil means massive influx of South American refugees, all over the place wrecking shit


That's only a problem if you have a cuck government that doesn't believe in the "shoot on sight" way of handling refugees

Being pressured into a war that nobody caused (seriously, insects with war like attitude? This ain't Starcraft)
Going into war without proper equipment.
Straight to dvd sequels.

>They actually do. They put their spores/eggs on meteoroids and then hurl them at other planets to colonize.
71.000 years later, the asteroid misses Earth and just orbits the sun.

This is what libertardians (aka anarchists in suits) actually tell themselves

Only downside is the sequals were shit

>tfw your timeline is straight-to-VHS and comes in a dual pack with VH1's Top 70 Hits of the 70s

The animated one where Rico pilots a mech is pretty good.

This is one of the stupidest things i've ever read in my life.

You get sent on meaningless wars to die violently in order to fill propaganda campaigns for the blatantly evil and deceptive government.

>mfw anti-fascism film makes fascism look cool af

Yes the CG series was good but it ended on a cliffhanger and probably will never be finished.

direct to dvd shit doesn't really qualify as "sequels'

just pretend they didn't happen

>youre telling me the planetary defence system failed to see that asteroid coming all the way from there?

Considering it managed to nearly run into a spaceship without being detected until the very last second would suggest that it was very likely.

the planetary defense didn't even exist until after the attack

nobody expected bugs to be able to do this

he means Starship Troopers; Invasion. it came out about 4 or 5 years ago.

>not liking the pop song by General Dr. Carl Jenkins, minister of the Ministry of Paranormal Warfare of Military Intelligence in Starship Troopers 3

Honestly it worries me how stupid people on tv can be sometimes- read between the line, it was a false flag used as an excuse to clamp down on rebels, distract the proles, and justify an enormous military budget- how quickly would they had to build the defence ring if it was a reactive project. They had it up and running in weeks

>the bugs that are threatening society are irrelevant to society
okay... then I'm gonna say that society forcing me to fight the bugs

Because you'll be executed the same day you're put on trail, leading to a significant chance of being mistried and executed. Justice systems aren't infallible, particularly if they work that fast.

Also you need to join the military to vote, which would lead to a massively bloated and ineffective military at all times, even when not needed.

It's basically a pastiche of 20th century fascism, a failed system.

Now the society from the book? That I could get behind.

>South America

What happened?

The Mobile Infantry sucks dongs and die like 40k Guardsmen in the film only. In the book they're given fucking jet packs and power armour and kick all kinds of ass.

I'm not saying it was the bugs or not

I'm saying there was no fucking planetary defense

roids happen, military industrial complex gets to build pricey planetary defence

but there is one part in the movie against your argument "this isn't random or light at all" where you see the big ass bugs pumping thier asses full of plasma and legit blowing starships out of space

or are you going to tell me i'm stupid they were actually just in the matrix or something and that was fake too?

>be racist piece of shit
>want to live in a society where racism and sexism are looked down upon as crass and idiotic
I knew Sup Forumscucks were dumb as fuck but jeez

How does an ass blast of plasma to defend their planet translate to they can fire a meteor across 100 billion billion miles of space with perfect accuracy? Like the mathematic awareness that is demanded by the bugs by this act makes the whole thing impossible- they would need to know the precise location of earth and factor in every single gravity manipulating factor

>Racism and sexism

What part of ST depict either of those?


Seems the majority of people that died in this movie were white, so I don't understand your point.

>They had it up and running in weeks

Yeah, because they're fascists, they get shit done.

what did xir mean by this

Argentina was actually white in the movie though.

But there isn't any racism in ST.

Humanity is united against the bugs.

>Failed white male Field Marshal who threw away lives in a retarded zerg rush of the Bug homeworld is immediately replaced with a black woman who innovates tactics and starts a successful counter-attack

Literally nothing in the movie promotes racism or sexism you sperg.

Speciesism maybe.

Kek, yeah cause the Germans really were faster than anyone else with streamlining their warmachine (hint; at the Russian German tank trials prewar the Russians brought the KV, saw the panzer 2 and thought it was a toy)

Buenos Aires was an INSIDE JOB!

who knows the secrets of the bugs, the federation obviously was incompetent so many times just int he movie alone

What if the brain bugs have powerful psionic powers and manipulate space time and have already mastered hyperspace?

We know they already colonize planets in other star systems with their seed how the fuck did they get there

>inb4 the federation planted them there