The fuck is this shit?

The fuck is this shit?

I believe it's, what the kids are calling these days, a movie

it's a fucking flick at best


is a fucking kino you pleb

can you explain it for me?

>le kino meme
fucking kys yourself

if this is not kino then nothing is, pleb

real lolita shit


2deep4u euroshit

I didn't get it, so I'm probably an idiot.

Absolute kino, not as good as Pusher

Some chick staring at camera flashes with gold shit on her is kino?

I see why TFA is so widely liked now

Why do shitposters always go for Refn movies?

and a real hero

Who is this Neon Demon?

Watch more movies. That's not an insult btw. TND is an homage to other movies. It's very Tarantino-esque that way.

I recommend Blood and Black Lace as your starting point.

Because his movies are autistic as fuck

She wasn't even the most attractive out of the trio.


>golden clavicle

she was the most pure tho

The camera loves Jena Malone.

degenerate kino
for the jewish cattle

did you notice the swastika wallpaper at the end?

I would never stop eating her out.


It's a pretty straightforward and easy to follow movie, what you couldn't get?

you are not welcome here

Refn shoulve gone full rape/sex scene with Elle and Jena but was too afraid. He is a fraud.

Just meme auteurism for kids pretending to be patrician

eating pussy is for cucks

I believe it's a social commentary about lust for beauty and the things people are willing to do to achieve it. He juxtaposes the common trope of not eating to achieve beauty with the ridiculousness of eating a more attractive person to achieve beauty.

I liked this movie quite a bit actually and I've hated everything else he''s done except for Drive. The bathtub/shower scene is god-tier kino.

It's a movie about the different archetypal ways human beings deal with beautiful persons. Jesse is an empty shell of a character, non-agentive throughout the film, who doesn't portray any character traits except for her extraordinary beauty (as established by the Roberta and Robert characters) and everything that happens including her own development into an arrogant narcissist is due to the actions of other characters reacting to her beauty. It's pretty simple, really.

The thing is, this is a pretty fucking weak concept to build an entire feature film around. I think this is why I fucking hate feature films these days. It's like every idea anyone has must be stretched (or contracted) into something between the completely arbitrary limits of 90 and 180 minutes. I guess this is why some of the better made TV shows feel so refreshing.
To be fair this is definitely not a fault with Refn exclusively, but his movies seem to rely very heavily on the underlying idea, which is why "2deep4u" is such a popular argument with his movies. On the other you look at most Coen films, they often have similar subtext but quality dialogues and interesting characters can carry their films without having to "really get it".

>movie about extraordinary beuty
>main character is ugly


Delete this immediately.

>pretty fucking weak concept
How is that a weak concept? It's a very powerful social dynamic that is present in pretty much everyone's daily life. Seems like something that would be suitable to make a movie about.

The character is beautiful (as established by the Robert and Roberta characters), it's just the actress which you think is ugly.

>I believe it's a social commentary about lust for beauty and the things people are willing to do to achieve it. He juxtaposes the common trope of not eating to achieve beauty with the ridiculousness of eating a more attractive person to achieve beauty.

Wow, how insightful! Just like... Bathory.

He took the phrase "this town will eat you alive" literally and idiots salivate over it because of bright lights.

See that makes no sense. If Tarantino is bad on Sup Forums for being """dishonest""" and using other people's work to make his own then why would Neom Demon be given praise for doing the same thing?

It's not. the dishonestposter and the old inauthenticposter definitely does not approve of Refn, rightfully so.

People's reaction to this just show how much I've been living in a patrician bubble.

People either didn't understand it and think it's pretentious, or they think it's god's gift to man kind. I think it's pretty good, but not outstanding. Very good in fact.

It's been hard adjusting to the fact that people have much worse understanding of cinema to me.

Don't blame the movie for that kid's bad analysis.

iktf brah

it looks like a horrible movie


for u

>mfw refn made this film to depict his fantasy of being a beautiful 16 year old girl