What happened between episode VI and VII?

What happened between episode VI and VII?

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they got left the fuck alone because they are primitive bear shits

Caravan of Courage

>Wicket W. Warrick

Why does he receive three names when even Chief Chirpa only gets one? Was he a hero, or some figure of notoriety? Did he simply name himself?--and if so, how, considering he only speaks through jabbering and squealing?


In universe answer maybe. Behind the scenes answer is he is a more prominent character and George gave a fuck enough to give him a full name and didn't bother the all the others. For all we know they're all inbred midget Wookies and everyone's last name is Warrick.

He was originally just called Wicket, they added Warrick as a nod to Warrick Davis
Also, check out this motherfucker's Wookiepedia page, it's longer than fucking Vader's


>inb4 the death star fell on them

No it didn't, orbital mechanics don't work that way. It's just a big debris field way out in a high orbit.

The death star wasn't in orbit it was hovering above the moon since it was always above the radio dish and it couldn't be in geosynchronous orbit because it was too low for that

Wunka looks like he bout to rape a bitch

I fucking love this shit.

>When the day of the Harvest Moon Feast arrived, Wicket invited Kneesaa and the woklings Nippet and Wiley she was babysitting, to join him for a picnic in the woods. Along the way, Wicket kept an eye out for rainbow berries, which had been particularly hard to find that summer.

Him and his bae Widdle were the guys who captured the AT-ST with Chewbacca

I had 4, 5 and 6. Kinda wish I had 16 now. Who's Warrick gonna fuck?

Clearly, we don't know enough of Vader's story. Wish her were in more movies.

>Who's Warrick gonna fuck?

>a wokling
You couldn't make this shit up. Oh wait, they did.

Wait a minute. I don't have OP's 4-6. I have THESE guys.

is that one of the left a wokling?

We'll find out in 5 different Disney™ A Star Wars Stories™

>Wunka enters the hut
>Wokling runs up to him
>"Wokka Wunka, wokka wokka wokka... wokka wokka wokka wokka wokka??"
>Murderous rampage intensifies

That's Wicket, he was an ewoklet

>he's even doing the face



Why Return of the Jedi is bad

>The original cut of Stars was apparently really bad and everyone including George thought it was going to be a flop
>Marcia Lucas saves the movie in editing and it makes a billion shekels.
>Empire comes out and is really good probably because it had very little of Georges meddling
>Empire receives wide critical acclaim thanks to Lawrence Kasden, Irvin Kershner and Marcia Lucas
>George gets caught up in his own hubris and thinks he’s a genius now
>Starts coming up with the story to Jedi, making sure to fill it with plenty of his autistic man child ideas including bears
>Just does the Death Star again because he’s an unoriginal hack
>Probably starts fighting with Marcia Lucas around now
>George is bitter than other people made Star Wars good and not him
>George decides to direct parts of Jedi half way through shooting enough though Richard Marquand is the actual director
>This is why Jedi is really tonally inconsistent and why Luke is evil for some reason at the start even though this is never set up before
>Jedi comes out in 1983 and its the worst of the original trilogy
>Divorces his wife later in the year
>Eventually thinks that only he alone knows how to make Star Wars movies, hence the prequels.

Star Wars is good despite George Lucas not because of him

Seemed like a pretty high orbit to me from the space battle scene

Seems pretty shit there are no Ewok Jedis now, Disney would make bank on selling them to the kiddos

Luke, did I ever tell you about the unidentifed Ewok Jedi? He was in activity at some point following the founding of the New Republic in 4 ABY. Unusually for most Ewoks, this Ewok was born with the necessary mental capacity to access and utilize the Force. That Jedi once attacked a group of Sanyassans who tried to enslave a fellow Ewok, wielding a blue-bladed lightsaber and wearing matching Jedi garments. He was a good friend.


but without George Lucas there would be no Star Wars

Maybe we need people like George Lucas to make us let go, I mean space pirates, laser swords, starfighters, come on, those are cool ideas. The problem is autists don't execute these ideas well.

>REEEEE you got the plural for this word that has no significance in real life wrong
>proceeds to misspell yourself


It's left unexplained for a reason. It adds mystery to the TFA characters. We will learn more about what happened through flashbacks and exposition in episode 8.

Actually there are several English nouns that end in "i" in which the "i" is used for the plural form. You don't have to know much about star wars to understand the word.

these posts are probably the funniest things i ever see

But it's not a rule. There's plenty of words that end in 'I' where the plural does not. Examples: Taxi, alibi.


>your name is the actor portraying you
what did he mean by this?

Total ffucking faggot crying about the plural of Jedis. Become an Jedi hero.

The Rebels ran out of food at their victory celebration and decided to cook and eat the Ewoks.
They tasted so delicious word got around and Ewok meat became known across the galaxy as a delicacy.
Ten years later, all the Ewoks were extinct.