Jackie Chan /general/

Has there ever been an actor like Jackie Chan before and will anyone ever be able to replace him?

He did his own insane stunts and often times he got injured.

He never put any sex scenes in his movies so kids could watch them and kept them wholesome.

I for one don't think there will ever be anyone like him.


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I'll be pretty sad when goes, loved his movies growing up.




What was your fav movie, I grew up watching his stuff.


I think Jackie is the perfect example of executive Hollywood thinking: he's a great performer, loves cinema, has a unique voice that will bring people into the theather and what do they do? they eliminate everything that made him unique and pair him with big titty sluts or annoying blacks just to have his name on the title but not letting him do any of the thing he knows work well in this kind of movie.

Had Jackie been allowed to make his own movies in America I don't think shaky cam would be such a huge thing now, as people would know that a fight can be shot in such a way that you understand what's happening at all times.

>wide shot establishes the space
>close ups on on action and reaction
>no shaky cam

Any hong kong film would be panned if they attempted shaky cam

Thing of beauty compared to today's jump cut action scenes.


>that move at :13
He's so amazing to watch.

If Liam Neeson or Jason Statham did this, there would be like 3 cuts per hit.

The one where he's drunk in a concert and jumps up on a stage and tell everyone to shut the fuck up because he's Jackie Chan

Herro Chinese Propaganda Div. We all know Jackie's son got busted with HEROIN and now all Jackie does is SHIT PR FILMS for your horrible cuntry. He has ruined his legacy to keep his son alive.. sad.

The one where chinese people tell him to fuck off because he's the governments little bitch




Shaolin was neat, and this fight scene was funny as fuck


Remember that time when Jackie and Owen Wilson fought against CIA?

Everyone does

Not even 1 minute in and he's already bro as fuck

Kung-fu grasshoppers, what Michelle Yeoh movies should I watch? I remember her doing her own stuns and shit too.

police story is just GOAT.

Modern action is just nauseating
>literally a cut every second
I can't even make out what is happening most of the time.

>Jackie Chan always puts bloopers at the end of the movies to show he's not perfect and that sometimes you have to try until you get it right (plus leaving audiences with a last laugh or two before they go)


I never saw Rumble in the Bronx.
Should I watch it today?

I can't stop smiling what a man.

>in american film they practice, whats the wind, how you jump
>but here you just guess, most of time hmmm we can do it

>I can't even make out what is happening most of the time.


That was my first Jackie Chan movie back in the mid-90s. I remember it being pretty awesome.

I just watched it again it's so good, just don't take it too seriously and the stunts get more and more wild towards the end. Great movie.

>He never put any sex scenes in his movies so kids could watch them and kept them wholesome

>violence is considered wholesome but sex is a big no-no
>this is what americans actually believe

>Sometime I really want to learn how American movie doing this kind of thing
>Super Man, Batman, Spider Man, woosh woosh woosh
>Why I'm so stupid doing the real things?

my favorite chan movie. best stunts, best humor, best girl, best bad guys, best bloopers

Americans user. You can show a serial killer gutting his victims but god forbid you show the nipples in a renaissance painting.
Also, most of Jackie's movies are not that violent. It's more like a mix of slapstick and kung-fu.

The Masters of Physical Comedy
>Charlie Chaplin
>Buster Keaton
>Harold Lloyd
>Jackie Chan

Glad to see Jackie got his recognition from the Academy.


Not like there was gore or some shit in his movies.

Is there a collection of his stuff out there? I recently got a 2TB drive and plan on getting back into the kungfu kinos

Also looking for Jet Li and Donnie Yen, but Jackie is the king after all