I don't like the subs as much

I don't like the subs as much

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Tumbling down

The fight with Ramiel in the rebuild was actually top kino. The rest of the rebuild was total garbage though...

Yes, because worst girl finally got her comeuppance

4.0 when?

The vultures were cool.


Probably next year with news coming this year.

Asuka wins like one fight in the series proper, right when she first joins up--forgot which angel. It wasn't even her, it was the one moment in the series when the power of teamwork won the day.

This is her second fight that she doesn't either fail before it even starts or get outright wrecked straight off the bat. She has a great fight; it's refreshing, and the character kind of deserves it. That she knows she pretty much can't win but fights anyway is also quite important.

I gotta give Zach credit where credit is due. This shit blows Nolan's fight scenes out of the water.

Being Asuka is suffering

news at the end of this year
teaser coming next year
jpn release 2019
clean western release 2020/2021

The shot with the Lance embedded in the ground with Unit 02 slumped on it is pure kino.

what is this weeb shit and why are giant robots exploding into blood fountains?

>giant robots

I don't know I only forced myself halfway through the series before giving up because of how terribly boring it was


There is definitely a slow point durring the middle you need to push through.

>muh teenage weeb angst
gundam was a better series and had better movies tbqhwyf

Your loss

This. I hate jap wannabe philosophical shit, and waifu shit as well, basically jap characterization in general. Went a couple of episodes and just couldn't finish. The gore and fights scenes weren't worth it for the amount of cringe shit you get. I tolerate jap games (minus the obvious moe and fan service shit) only cause of gameplay, but anime and most manga I avoid like the plague. Why do lonely faggots and weaboos love this shit series? Wasn't it supposed to make fun of them or something? Will there ever be not-shit anime/manga like Akira? Can it even be possible in the current climate to make things like that, by which I mean no traditional jap shit characterization, fan service, and just pure action and gore?

Asuka wins against the sea kaiju angel and the rematch against twin-angel. Which is the most kino fight.

How can you call it shit when you've only seen a couple of episodes and you clearly don't actually know what it's about?

>I'll kill you
>I'll kill you
Was she trying to kill God?

>just pure action and gore
Oh, you're just a pleb. Figures

Was she in cahoots with Rusty?


man batman is LETHAL AS FUCK in this. Also completely bulletproof cowl is a bit much.

A friend would insist this is posted. In an otherwise meh movie, this is gold.


It really is. Absolutely devastating in the end though.

Entire movie is great, but I love this scene the most.

Wicked City
Can't believe it was released in '87, shit looked ahead of it's time.


The absolute state of capekino. My god.

>how can you know the cowpie you're eating is all shit until you're done eating it?

I read up on the rest of the storyline and watched key scenes (not featuring characterization or fan service shit). From what I get it's just another case of using symbolism you know little about and tying them into a scifi story. For comparison Akira has just a scifi story with little philosophical shit and a lot of action and great characterization (Tetsuo having a shit upbringing and the scenes when he's making friends with Kaneda). NGE is just angsty teen shit, no different than shallow live-action teen shows aimed at teenage middle-class western girls. Stylistically it's nothing new, save for monster and mecha designs and concepts. And like I said, religious things thrown in. I was a Jehovah's Witness as a kid for a couple years and also read the old/new testament extensively, so these things were just random to me. Maybe to a person with little religious knowledge they seem deep, but to me it just felt weak.

I'd rather see live-action acting where the actors are eazily visible and not just simple lines that can't convey much emotion beyond yelling, crying, and being kinda angry. This is why I usually just like action and straightforward stories in anime/manga, and gore is badass. There's the problem of filler and making scenes longer for no reason.

>Which is the most kino fight.

It's been years since i watched the series, what's the context here? why they were trying to stop Asuka?

Ramiel was improved in every way in the rebuild, the only other broad improvement was adding more of best boy kaworu

I'm genuinely confused by many of the decisions made in the rebuild

Gendo showed his cards and SEELE invaded Geofront (killing everyone they found) to retake Eva-01 and Adam. Asuka realises her mother was always in her Eva and goes army of one against the JDF and Mass Produced Evas

Anime isn't cinema, nor is it art.

My favourite episode desu

I was so pissed that it isn't in the rebuild

I liked the scenes at the end where tacticool forces assault the nerv base

any more anime or movies with stuff like that?

>haha that little girl is killing thoysands soldiers because she's angry xD

That shit wouldn't fly in books or movies. How can one medium be so autistic?

I agree about your assessment of Eva as shallow

iirc the guy who made it said he just chucked in the Judeo-Christian symbolism because he thought it looked cool

However in context Eva was made when the genre and medium was evolving rapidly. Mecha anime used to all be like giant robo, tales of heroes, Gundam changed everything by focusing on characters and a few years later Eva changed things again by deconstructing the characters over the course of its run. It had a completely fresh new approach and unique visuals. And it paved the way for genuinely great anime like bokurano to follow.

While it doesn't compare to actual greats from its time like Ghost in the Shell and even Akira, it's still a great anime, but for different reasons

I don't know why I wrote this out, for the anime nerds that I know, this is probably why Eva is so loved

This was retarded, trash directing, ruined the film.

It's actually the giant, genderless robot she's piloting. I know it might be hard for someone with brain problems to understand.

How can you not call this art...?


>man I hate guns
>let me just use my gatling guns real quick though

>From what I get it's just another case of using symbolism you know little about and tying them into a scifi story.

You're completely right. Evangelion is the most overrated entry anime shit ever. I made the mistake of first watching the dub, its the worst dub I've ever heard, then tried watching it again after a few years, and couldn't get pass ~episode 14. It's so damn boring

>its the worst dub I've ever heard


This one for me.

>Eva changed things again by deconstructing the characters over the course of its run
Everyone always says this about Eva and its so pretentious. The characters, besides a handful, were just fucking annoying

Not kidding

That was so cringey. Anime has the cornyness of an old action movie and the writing of a young adult novel

Still my all-time favourite scene from any anime I've ever watched:


Brings a tear to my eye, honestly.

What Nintendo 64 game is this?

>Sahaquiel grows spikes to make it edgier
What was the problem with Shinji squating to save the planet?

>that horrible CGI

What was the Master thinking?