Is this any good? Should I watch it?

Is this any good? Should I watch it?

First two seasons, definitely.

Then forget all about it. DO NOT watch s3 & s4 whatever you do.

I've been told that it's just a watered down version of the 2016 election

only the first season, 2 is just as bad as 3 which everyone hates

4's okay

disregard these faggots. S3 had fake-Putin who was a great antagonist.

S4 is the one that's a little draggy, but it has a semi-interesting twist midway through and it ends strong enough to make you want to see S5.

You just like skeleton lady that's all.

Season 1: PERFECT.
Season 2: Very entretaining but Frank Underwood kind of becomes a Mary Sue.
Season 3 up to episode 4: That's was it for me. Nobody and nothing can stop Frank Underwood. He literally BTFOd Vladimir Putin in one episode while he took an entire season to BTFO a businessman.

lol. I don't disagree with you but you gotta admit it's still amusing to watch.

Amusing yes, but a show loses its flavor when you know the protagonist, or anti-hero in our case, is just gonna reach out and take what he wants.

Those 4th-wall-breaking moment give me an orgasm every time they happen.

I'd watch Kevin Spacey read tea leaves tbqh

Season 3 is a slog, but imo season 4 makes up for it. Not sure if season 5 is gonna suck since the original showrunner left. If it does, might as well stop at the end of season 2, it's a reasonably satisfying ending.

Entertaining at first, but gets boring and old really fast.

season 1 GOAT no question about it
2 was alright, a little slow/boring at times
3 was fun because of russia, that's it
i was a few episodes into 4 and felt myself losing any and all interest in the show

frank pushing the journalist on the train tracks will always be the best

Anyone who likes Season 3 and 4 is a pleb.

1 >> 2 >>> 3 >>> 4

First season is pure kino, then it all takes a nosedive. The first episode of the second season is fantastic though.

It's been on a steady decline after season 1

Going to watch season 5 though to see if it'll be a trainwreck after even Willimon dropped it.

nigga you should keep watching it before saying it's bad, what kind of critic is that?

right after you dropeed francis gets quite fucked, knows for a fact his political career is over and he was in office only for a couple months, her wife drops him, the media is about to know all the crimes he commited, etc

Only season 1 was worth it, plus episode 1 of season 2
I can't believe the retarded writing, the useless storylines that go nowhere, that annoying bitch Claire whose only role is to cockblock Spacey at every turn... It's just a poor show