When this Jedi becomes canon, what should her name be?

When this Jedi becomes canon, what should her name be?

Muhd Iik

Muhdika Hard

Sem EnDe Mon




Han Jabbo

Hoe Dameron

Bak Dour

Soiled Dove

Fell Aceio

Gettone Madiek

Princess Thygap

What's that disgusting thing on her stomach?

Aych Pee-Vee

Looks like a fine Pink Five to me.

Simone Load


>tfw no gf

>tfw no gf w/ a slutty neck

Vag Fisto


Most viable one so far.....

What thing?

Darth Sitonthis

Gunray Cameltoe.

Analya Secura

why do girls pretend to like Star Wars?

I wanna lick her belly button

for attention like everything else they do

Lucie Skywalker. Before returning to the Rebel Alli- sorry, Resistance, totally new and different thing, in time for Finn, Rey, and Lando's domestic partnership, Luke realizes that zher true battle is not against the dark side, but against a struggle with gender identity. After months of rigorous Jedi hormone training, Luke learns that zhe was born a woman, and has really been Lucie all this time. Zhe makes a toast at the wedding reflecting on what all zher past victories now mean in terms of proving a transgender individual can overcome CIS white male villains.

Darth Pussy

I will save you from the oblivion of page 10, hot jedi! Don't you go yet!