Name one(1) movie

Name one(1) movie

Get the Girl

The Emperor's New Groove

Name two(2) flicks

Spy Kids 3
Independence Day

Kill Bill

>spy kids 3

fuck off back to re ddit

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Blonde cheats on fiance with BBC

you made this related thread on Sup Forums already

Name three(3) kinos


I was inspired by that thread actually

2001: A Space Oddessy
Bridge On The River Kwai
The Man Who Would Be King

Shrek 2
Shrek the Halls

that time I didn't shit post.
Land the plane Casper

>admitting to lurking Sup Forums


Jackie Chan

It's on Netflix and i thoroughly enjoyed it.
>The Art of the steal
Fun underrated heist movie with snappy dialogue and comfy quips
>National Treasure
Very fun action adventure with enjoyable dialogue, likeable characters, and intriguing plot and professional if unremarkable direction
>Catch me if you can
Same story here, good stuff

Be aware these are not 10/10 kinos. These are enjoyable comfy movies that anyone from pleb to all but the most autistic patrician will like.

Der Himmel Uber Berlin
Die Dreigroschenoper

O brother... where art thou


The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men

Bee Movie
The Big Guy Rises
And unironically Click

>>admitting to lurking Sup Forums
What's wrong with Sup Forums?

t. newfag



Dumb frogposter


wow rude

Lurk more


Terminator 3, Mission Impossible 2.

Anatomy of a Murder, Citizen Kane, Some Like It Hot.

Hardball with Keanu Reeves
and that's it