Why didn't Picard just say there were five lights

why didn't Picard just say there were five lights

Because there were 4

>start picard_simulation.exe
>add more lights

because 2+2 does not equal 5, regardless of the party line

If Trump said 2+2=5 Sup Forums would take it as divine mandate.

But wouldn't it be an epic meme if we said it did?

>torture isnt a reliable means of gaining information.
>hey troi i totally saw 5 lights lel.

what did he mean by this?


well thats a given. he could shit in their mouths and they'd call it ice cream

Actually they were QUADS

it means that you will eventually say whatever the torturer wants you to say (and believe it). That doesn't make it true tho, so no real information is gained anyways.

>Proof that liberals are nothing but hiveminded commies.


how many federation crimes do you see?

You just know the shitstorm is coming.
Experts in their respective fields of expertise don't know half of what Trump does.

if I was picard I would have been like
>"there's 3 lights"
Try to get him to turn around and look to see if one burned out.

The only right answer.


Now that's just evil.

If he hadn't been saved, he would've eventually told the Cardassians whatever they wanted to hear. He was admitting to Troi that it was only a matter of time before he would have broke.

Thats cause they're only experts at being experts my dude