Who has the better taste?

Who has the better taste?

Their top 20 favorite movies:
19.Hamlet (1996)
16.Ed Wood
15.Secret of Nimph
13.Spirited Away
12.A Clockwork Orage
11.Fearless (1993)
10.Citizen Kane
9. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
8. The Dark Knight
7. Good Night, and Good luck
6. Lost in Translation
5. Eyes Wide Shut
4. Batman
3. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. Amadeus
1. Brazil

20. Full Metal Jacket
19. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
18. The Sword in the Stone
17. Rear Window
16. First Blood
15. Jaws
14. This is Spinal Tap
13. Ed Wood
12. Gremlins
11. Vertigo
10. American Movie
9. Wizard of Oz
8. Terminator 2
7. Star Wars OT
6. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
5. Rocky
4. Ghostbusters
3. Back to the Future
2. King Kong (1933)
1. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

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Doug has a lot of the "Greatest films" on his list that I guarantee are only there because he feels like they have to be.

Doug picked the movies to make him look smart
James picked the movies he loves

Or maybe those films are on those list because they are indeed great you teenager
>inb4 Citizen Kane sucks bc it le boring teehee

Doug's taste seems like it's influenced heavily by the internet. James has a pretty average dad taste in movies.

Nothing wrong with either of these, really.

Doug actually. James is so much of a nostalgiafaggot

It's a trick question because if you actually hear them talk about these movies, it's easy to see that they're both plebs, regardless of their picks.

Douge's list is entry-core, High School film class core and James' is a bunch of B-movies. Neither is particularly good.

Why do we all keep pretending Gremlins is some fucking masterpiece?

James. His list is a lot comfier.

>using pleb unironically
Everytime that word is mentioned I whince hard and am 100 percent convinced the faggot using that word is a child

James likes to watch movies like an average person and reviews them with some class. His list is 100% how he honestly feels.

Doug watches movies like your average retard, and the way he talks about them it's obvious he doesn't see under the surface, and his list shows he just went to imdb top 20 and sprinkled like 10 movies in there.

If Doug was really "patrician" he would have AT LEAST one fujcking foreign movie, and I say that in the least elitist way possible. Like holy hsit how do you not have a french or japanese movie in your top ten as a "film" ""critic""

Even james has King kong, lel.

lol did I touch a nerve, pleb?

James has The Good, the Bad and the Ugly at least. Douge doesn't seem to like films that aren't Anglo and from the past 30 years.

>the stuff is nowhere to be seen
>neither is the thing
>Xtro missing too

pleb lists.

Doug has Spirited Away.

But, his list does feel... inauthentic.

Doug wins automatically because James referred to the Star Wars OT as one film.

>Citizen Kane
if you ever see someone list this as one of their favourites you know they have no clue and are just doing it to try and sound intelligent

That's not very fair. It wouldn't be in my top 10 of all time but it's probably in my top 5 of the 40s.
What a weird thing to say.

The Pope

>not first on list

Wrong. Citizen Kane is a very entertaining and artful movie and is worthy of it's place in being a landmark of cinema.

However if it's one of only a few of your favorite movies made before the 80s, then you're definitely a pseud.

Its like wanting to be retarded, getting called retarded but then continuing to be retarded

James obviously. Doug is lying because otherwise he made a top 20 full of cuckold porn.

Always one of you in these threads

True, but you gotta accept ghibli feels almost american

James seems like someone who loves movies. Doug seems like someone who wants his friends to think that he's knowledgeable about movies.

Would you have preferred that James pad his list out like a lazy hack by making the Star Wars OT take up 3 slots?

Real talk what's Latza's Top Twenty Films?



20. Rocky
19. Rocky II
18. Rocky III
17. Rocky IV
16. Rocky V
15. Rocky Balboa
14. Creed
13. Star Wars Episode 1
12. Star Wars Episode 2
11. Star Wars Episode 3
10. Star Wars Episode 4
9. Star Wars Episode 5
8. Star Wars Episode 6
7. Star Wars The Force Awakens
6. Star Wars Rogue One
5. That one Star Trek movie with the whales
4. That one Star Trek movie where Picard kidnaps a black girl with the help of time travel and smashes some glass while shouting no
3. That one Star Trek movie where Kirk steals a spaceship to go help Spock
2. That one Star Trek movie where Data gets some emotion chip thing and laughs like he's on cocaine, then some country side looking people get lasers blasted at them and then the TNG crew helps them get shelter
1. The Wrath of Khan

Both are shitty picks.
Exclusively American films from the 70s or later? Really? This is pretty fucking inexcusable.

Honestly foreign films seem almost like a window to other cultures, just as movies from the 50s.

I love Spirited Away but it's pretty western and timeless if you want it to be,specially considering Doug says he doesn't like to watch stuff with Subs and that he always picks the dub if he can. Idk I'm rambling

Dont you diss on wrath of khan, that shits spacekino after 2001


This desu

Doug is a huge fucking pleb who has thrown few critic favorites to his list to appear smarter
James is just honest as fuck about what he loves and he still has more patrician choices than Doug

Isn't Fargo Douge's favorite film? Also, it's pretty obvious that those movies aren't his favorites at all. Doug never watch anything besides geek culture oriented flicks like capeshit/fantasy/sci-fi/action. That list is just to fool people into thinking he is actually interested in film.

>Doug says he doesn't like to watch stuff with Subs and that he always picks the dub if he can.
Doug truly is a fucking pleb

sideways is an awful meme movie. anime is crap.

james I guess.


Yeah, he's a fat manchild who reviews kid's films for the Tumblr audience.

yes, but he isn't fat though. Haven't watched him since 2008 but he was pretty skinny then.

James has gotten fat over years though. Dude is rich and not ashamed to indulge himself.


Doug's picks are all highly praised movies that most people would agree are good. He made sure he had Citizen Kane too. It exudes a form of arrogance that he believes if he chooses movies that are critically acclaimed it will make him look smarter than he actually is.

James' picks are just movies he likes.

>french or japanese movie
As if it wouldn't be the same old pseud-shit.

As if you didn't have shit taste.

Douge's pics also aren't very deep but shallow, r/Movies core.

>Doug never watch anything besides geek culture oriented flicks like capeshit/fantasy/sci-fi/action.

I was going to explain that he just talks about those shows on his vlogs because that's what his fanbase wants to hear about but for some reason I can't believe that.

But Douge thinks they are deep. Cause he is used to capeshit/action/kiddie flicks.

>American Movie
>Ed Wood
>King Kong

James is patrish as fuck

he is skinnyfat as fuck

I am really sick of this type of remark: all memes aside, Citizen Kane deserves the recognition it fucking gets. This new teenager craze on here to pretend it is some evidence for pseudo-intellectual taste is really the definition of autistic.

James. Doug's list is imdbcore

The Doctor is the most patrish character in Voyager, good taste lad!

doug has ed wood on his too

>1. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
Rolfe, he's less pretentious.