Kaijū Movies

What are some good films where some giant monster just goes on a rampage and destroys a city? I liked cloverfield (though it hadn't really that much of the actual monster) but Godzilla (2014) was just not my case (as well as that one from '98)
I don't need big monster battles, just one creature vs an army of helpless soldiers.

Any recommendations? Are the older japanese flicks watchable? Preferably a movie that is a bit more serious on the subject and not extremely over the top.

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Rodan is pretty good. George Takei voiced a character in the dubbed version.

Shin Gojira is pretty good desu

Thanks, that's what I needed

Any american films like cloverfield maybe?

Pacific Rim

The Blob 1988

Isn't that one more like "the thing"?

The Thing is more suspense isn't it? shit starts to go wrong hard and fast in The blob

Best-Ghidorah coming through.

I have never watched the blob but the thing is definitely top tier when it comes to creature horror. I even liked the 2011 version fine


I have no problem with the design on this form, but the CGI was just awful in some parts. (Same with his earlier form as well.)

Movie had a shoestring budget, whaddaya gonna do honestly.

Wait that was footage from the actual 2016 movie???

What'd you think it was from?

Tell the Japanese to have some goddamned self-respect.

>used panties vending machines

they've never used it

Some late 80s to 90s flick, wtf I thought this was kind of a joke

I honestly never noticed bad cgi in a film that much (except for extreme examples like Dwayne Johnson as scorpion king) but that's really terrible, honestly
But as long as the film is fine it shouldn't be that much of a problem

>I liked cloverfield
>Are the older japanese flicks watchable?

jesus fuck could you be a bigger faggot for even asking this?

>Kaijū Movies
They're shit. I'll be impressed if someone out there can make a good one.

Cloverfield was pretty nice desu

this movie fucking sucked honestly


cloverfield sucked

For you

better than the american Godzillas and a quite good found footage film

>Eva-01 is based on Prince
What the fuck, Master?

>Shakey cam: The Movie
Yeah, really ground breaking and awesome there. Cloverfield sucked donkey balls.

Shin Godzilla is pretty much the best movie of 2016

just the color purple i think

Hurr Durr found footage always sucks

okay here's literally what happens
>fish godzilla comes, breaks stuff, leaves
>godzilla comes, breaks stuff, gets shot at
>keeps walking, gets bombed, gets mad and blows shit up with laser beams
>sleeps because laser beams
>wakes up, starts walking, getting shot at
>some buildings fall on him
>they pour booze in his mouth with trucks
>sleeps again
>tail turns into mermen

>He didn't get it

explain it to me