Reminder we will never again see unique/alien looking planets in Star Wars like Felucia

Reminder we will never again see unique/alien looking planets in Star Wars like Felucia.

They will always be Earth-like due to "muh real locations"

>no more shitty cgi video game planets


Can't they just go to a rain forest or something for Felucia?

Who the fuck likes Felucia though

Sure as long as they remove any trace of CGI and not call it Felucia.
People will literally walk out of the cinema if they hear that name. It's the same reason they didn't mention Mustafar in Rogue One.

>everything is the same actual color but has colored lighting for no reason


I always ask myself how they can breath there? Where does the oxygen come from?

I would honestly prefer 8 and 9 to have more sand, snow and forest planets than shitty prequel looking ones.

Nabboo- shit
Musterfar- shit

>most of the audience has no clue what mustafar or felucia is and those that do don't give a fuck

I was thinking about this too. I'm sure the giant shafts into de planet core could be used for some farming and oxygen production through chemistry.

A better question is, where does all of the heat go?

They didn't name Mustafar to keep some mystery about the resident of a castle until it's absolutely clear that it's Vader. Flashing "MUSTAFAR" at the beginning of scene would make it instantly obvious. I mean, it was pretty obvious anyway, but still.

Sup Forums would, and you would stop watching if you were smart enough..

Most normies and Prequel haters wouldn't know Mustafar

"Muh real, muh practical, muh ANH, fuck prequels" was mostly JJ's thing.

I'm fine with that.

I dont you realize how hard it is to make a realistic alien planet.

Lets say your rock has a fluid like water or carbonic acid, now you must explain how the microbes in that fluid dont die, just so you know bacteria lived on volcanic earth before it had oceans so alien microbes living virtually anywhere is possible.

Next you need to create an abundant energy source for microbes so they can eventually become multicellular. Like oxygen for us eukaryotes, oxygen doesnt work for everything though since it killed most of the original bacteria on earth. So you can just go HURR JUST ADD OXYGEN no the biochemistry must be exactly like us for this to make sense. I dont know much about chemistry so I cant suggest an alternate gas energy source.

Once you have done that, take your planet's air pressure and gravity into account to get an idea of how dense or less dense your land creatures must be, air pressure will tell you if your creatures can ever fly or never fly. If the planet has a thick atmosphere then flight will evolve quickly due to more lift, but if it is thin then everything will be grounded. A higher atmospheric pressure also means some weird shit will happen, for starters the melting point of water decreases with pressure so you can actually get shit like ice at around 200 C on a planet with high enough air pressure.

A thick atmosphere holds heat better so it will be hotter than earth, make sure to put the planet a nice distance away from its star. If the planet is hot your lifeforms will need to be made of stuff that wont melt. If the planet is cold they will need to have an energy production system that stops them from being killed by the absence of energy in the planet.

Now lets begin.

First off you MUST create microbes that synthesize energy from minerals in the liquid medium, then you MUST create microbes that can get energy from the star that the planet orbits, make some of these microbes become multicellular and split into a group.

And for those who would, not naming the planet kept some of the dramatic tension.

Avatar pulled it off with CGI

I don't get why someone who despised the prequels was allowed to direct

JJ is a cheap jew
TFA is the movie with less ships of any SW movie saga or game

Because they felt they had to cater to OT purists with their first film.


The ones that continue using the energy will be immobile stationary lifeforms like plants and be the base of the food chain of your planet, the ones that extract energy from matter around them would be the animals and thus move around to survive. You can also add a fungi like class of aliens that lives of parasiting off both plant and animal like aliens.

The first animal like creatures will be filter feeders that dont move and have no tissue either like sponges.

The next animals will be bags of water with appendages like cnidarians and comb jellies

Then the animals will start to become more rigid and become bilateral(two sided).

Afterwards the bilateral creatures will evolve into the following niches based on earth:
Something armored to protect itself from predators(Arthopods,Mollusc,Echinoderms)
Something tube shaped(Nematodes,Annelids)
Something that has no armor and simply prefers to use speed to survive(the predecessors of fish)

Your armored marine life could be virtually anything since being armored keeps them alive, but in time the speedy non armored fellow will become the fish and thus dominate the water as they have done in our world.

Now the arthopod like creatures WILL be the first land creatures because being completely armored and mobile gives Arthopods an advantage compared to vertebrates that had to mutate land using limbs.

Once you diverge the fish like thing from the land life now you can get started.

Remember the amount of limbs the fish thing had is the number of limbs your land creatures can have.

To better understand take a line and draw six lines from under it.

If the gravity is like earth it will do a slanting gait or the shit lizards do, if the gravity is low they will become erect in their gait.

Pandora is reallly underpopulated in terms of species, there should have been rodent like creatures allover the place.

good old 'tism

We won't even see aliens in major speaking roles anymore. Clone Wars does this really well, maybe because it's a cartoon and makes it easy? But that's bullshit, make-up and prosthesis are Hollywood's bread and butter, along with CG mo-cap. There's no reason why a Twi'lek or Togruta can't be a protagonist.

why do they need to be bilateral? why not trilateral

autism speaks

Because trilateral makes no sense energy wise and has no stream lining possibilities in the water.

fuck you man, you dont know what you are talking about

You might want to play Tron 2.0 (PC FPS by the makers of Alien vs Predator, Noone Lives Forever and FEAR).

That pic reminds me of Tomorrowland