Best Joker right now = "Jérôme"

With all that talk about Jared Leto's "Suicide Squad" Joker, people are missing the real best Joker
>Cameron Monaghan as Jerome Valeska.
In yesterday's
's episode, "The gentle art of making Enemies" (season 3 ep 14)
The Joker is great.
In the first episode Jérôme Valeska appeared in, "The blind fortune teller", Cameron Monaghan showed immense potential, and made some kind of Jack Nicholson's Joker mixed with his own take on the character

I thought Burris killed him in second season?



What's the point of having a joker without batman? A regular police officer would just shoot him and that's that. Haven't seen the show but from I know jim Gordon is the main character so how does the joker make sense?

If Jérôme reminded us of Jack in his first appearance, in the third season he goes full "Death of the Family", with his face being cut off by the same actor who also played in
>The Dark Knight
as one of Joker's enchmen, the one Harvey Dent interrogates... he is back and as another nod to TDK, Jérôme now has a mouth that looks like Heath Ledger's with the scars.
There is even a nod to
>Batman; The animated series
when Jérôme uses a tank full of piranhas to kill someone.
And look at his hat... rings a bell?

Nice hat...
Cameron also manages to make a Jared Leto "reference" (soz english is not my first language) when he does that "bye-bye" thing with the grenade in "Suicide Squad"s trailer.
And he added Leto's laugh to his already impressive collection of Joker laughs

I stopped paying attention to the show last year, but IIRC, he's not supposed to actually be the Joker. Just an edgy teenager that manages to attract a fanbase, and probably ends up inspiring the Joker.

If they actually made him into the Joker this season, that would be pretty dumb. Even bringing him back was a terrible decision, partly because it's unnecessary and nonsensical, and partly because the Monaghan overacts so hard, it's awkward to watch.

It really is pointless. The fun of good villains is they are foils for the hero to overcome and hopefully compliment each other well. In Gotham it's just watching evil people victimize innocent people and then... no one ever beats them because Batman's 11, so there's never any catharsis and it's just annoying.

Mark Hamill was, is and forever will be the best Joker. The fact that he didn't lend his voice to the Dark Knight Returns animated movies greatly lowered my enjoyment of them.

Last episode was literally the first one in which Bruce acted as Batman and had a really good fight scene between the two.

>giving the Joker a name and clear backstory

I'll pass. Why the fuck is he already wearing his face like a mask if he isn't even really the Joker yet?

Sometimes Gordon kills them and they get brought back somehow

>n52 Joker face
Seriously? That was pure shit

Well in "Gotham", Jérôme is an antagonist for both Jim Gordon and Bruce.
Some villains are Bruce's, like
>The court of Owls, young Lincoln Marsh, Poison Ivy... even young Hush makes an appearance; and he has Catwoman as an ally

And some are Gordon's problem (Penguin, Riddler, Victor Zsasz, Mr Freeze, and the mob families, Falcone and Maroni...

Jérôme is pretty much the only villain that they share (except Hugo Strange I guess, but he is linked to Jérôme), so his episodes are interesting that way.

Last episodes, Bruce and "death of the family Joker" Jérôme had a nice fight, that was pretty good.

The Mad Hatter arc (I loved it) is over, but this new Jérôme run brought back the excitement of his fist appearance, when everybody

If he is the final joker it is shit to have real name.
There is really no reason to call him joker if he has a name.

And if the real joker just picks up his mask and "inherits his spirit" then he is boring copy.

He wears his face like that because his henchman, the same actor who played the crazy one Two-face managed to scare in TDK cut Jérôme's face
>pic related
(Jérrôme got killed by by "Azrael/The order of Saint Dulmas in season 2, but Hugo Strange kept his body until said henchman managed to resurrect him.
Jérôme then takes his face back and kill the guy.

This show also has the best live action Penguin ever, I love Danny Devito but IMHO Robin Taylor surpassed him.
He is perfect.
The Riddler had some great moments too.

meant to post this pic

>complaining about a TV show changing canon as if alternative universes were something new in DC

The show has some problems, but I don't see the fact that it changes things as an issue. It makes it more fun as it's unpredictable. In the comics, Batman creates the villains. In this show, the villains (especially pre-Joker) create Batman. It even makes more sense this way.

As per Jerome, I think Cameron has improved a lot. The character feels more mature now, and he's embraced the whole showman/circus elements that we haven't seen in live action that much. He sounds like Ledger, but the way he acts is like the animated series.

>Cameron has improved a lot
getting fucked by a tranny on his other show probably helped him along

>cut Jérôme's face

And wore it as his own or what? Was this before or after Jerome "died"? How exactly did he died and come back anyway?

WTF is a jerome.

people watch this shit?

True, I love Batman but I'm not butthurt about "Gotham" being an alternative universe.
It was the only way to make it interesting IMO, they can have fun with Batman's rogues galerie, and stuff happens differently, taking you by complete surprise.
Like when Sal "The Boss" Maroni
.............. (gets killed at the end of season 1, so we don't know how Harvey Dent will become Two-Face)

The quality of the picture is shit, but you can see Cameron mastered precedent Jokers.
When the first episode in which he was present ended, I had goosebumps,
>this kid will become a star

But indeed right now he acts more like Mark Hamill/ B:TAS Joker's, when he was more of a Ledger type in season 2;
the video he sends after killing a bunch of cops is a huge hommage to the one he sends to the cops in TDK.

I don't understand how this tv show isn't more popular, almost all the actors are point on.

It was after he died. He was trying to resurrect him with arkham tech but failing and he had an important meeting that he promised jerome would show up to. So he just cut his face off and wore it. Everybody noticed and got upset with him for a little while.

Later Jerome wakes up without a face and is in a bad mood. So he finds the guy and reattaches his face before blowing him up.

Overact: The character

How did he come back? I know you said strange preserved his body but did they revive him with Lazarus or something?

Not with Lazarus. It turned out what his henchmen had done worked, he just didn't give him long enough. The police were closing in.

The resurrection technology had already been used on a few people and it worked for a short amount of time. They had to fine tune it before trying to bring back Jerome permanently. He finally wakes up when hes on the medical examiners table and sneaks out.

I loved how he looked with the bandages on, there was a "Hush" look to him...

How is he overacting? You can say that about Jared Leto's Joker during the night club scene and the one on the highway, he is hammy but fun.
Cameron's acting is great. The reveal in his first episode, the Russian Roulette scene, the crazy video he sent to the city, and many more scenes.

His n°1 follower (dude who also played one of his crazy henchmen in The Dark Knight)
worked at Indian Hill and at the morgue later, making experiments to resurrect the dead;
long story short, it finally worked for Jérôme and after that he went full "animated series"
Mr J

That's the point. The Joker is over the top, you have to overact him.

Very overacted and cringy. You'd only enjoy this if you were simple minded or a teenager

Dubs lie again. It's a great show, very underrated.
How is it bad exactly?
Make a real argument instead of projecting all over your post.
It would be interesting to read the opinion of a Jérôme hater, with all the love he receives from DC nerds.

Honestly he's a lot better than I would have expected from a shitty network series with no budget.