Stop watching CNN

Stop watching CNN

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Brit here, sorry for this guy.

Was it autism?



is Sup Forums against him? I thought he raised some good points


t. mainstream meteor following cuckold


>Says the "truth"
>denies the jewish controlling the media.


Sup Forums is crawling with liberals and tumblrinas who would like to see their countries filled to the brim with Iraqi jihadists. What did you expect?

why do non-americans love to bark about american politics so much

t. Paul Joseph Watson

He's based.

but cringy sometimes


why does he always look like he's been crying

> It's a Paul never leaves his house episode

gf watched him earlier, seems to be decently level-headed. didnt catch all of his shit, anything in particular he is doing wrong? ps I hate /poltv/

This is the problem with the alt-'right'. They're just capitalists and civic nationalists. None of them have taken the red-pill.

Stop watching CNN

this guy is so embarrassing lmao
how can anyone be that smug and self righteous when they wanted a literal reality tv star to run the 'free' world

like most alt-right guys, he dumbs down issues all the way and exaggerates other issues, while doing so in a succinct, edgy way. It sounds like he knows what he's talking about, which is perfect for the youtube/twitter audience he profits from

He's a simpleton.

More like Bossfeed

cause you make a shit decision and we suffer the consequences my man

see refugee crysis in europa

*puts map on a wall and starts talking in front of it*

time to shatter the narrative


I'm a free market white nationalist.
Objectively the best political ideology.

What now?

He has a lot of followers and is semi redpilling tons of people

it's good he exists

Pure cringe

>it's not a muslim ban you idiots!
uhh is:

this is unsarcastically reddit


lol these fucking cowards. Reminds me of this:

>you made us. its all your fault that we exist
the most retarded fucking thing ever, ive got no idea why the alt right/trump supporters keep saying this shit
its like they know how fucking dumb theyre being and its punishment for libtards
plus just because their is one very tiny minority of people who believe in trans fluid or some shit doesnt mean you have to jump to the other, wishing it was the 1950s again and shit

hitchens was a leftist cuck

glad hes dead desu

I have to ask for my gf; whats wrong with being a humanist whilst vetting immigrants / asylum seekers?

Fuck off hippie, you and your libtard ilk are responsible, but of course you'll just brush it off and try to pass the buck like your shitty kind do


Kill yourself faggot.

Now you realize that "free market" + any policy that isn't "just profit" is doomed to fail. That the market's freedom devours your own and always favours the (((same oligarchy))).
That any order to the market's mandatory chaos is expunged and silenced. That the capital devours all and cares not for the white, the black or the yellow. Least of all the idea of "nation".

Peter > Chris

Gas all leftists.

This is childish delusion based off nothing.

I don't want to live in a socialist shithole and I don't want my fellow white people to live in poverty as well.

Free market fuck yeah.
Pinochet had the right idea.

>>>/reddit/, >>>/tumblr/ and are that way, braindead socialist.

>Sup Forums ca. 1988

You first, you'd be doing a service to society

I'm not going to vote for a political party that has protests chanting fuck white people, no matter how small you lie to yourself that portion is

Who /roamingmillennial/ here?
Her soft, soothing voice and placid centrist opinions are like ASMR to me

who /tight/ here?

He said that depression isn't real and that anyone who has it should just cheer up.


Why do people foolishly believe the holocaust happened?

That wasn't the point of his video at all.


>mfw msm cucks come out of the woodwork

MI-chael MAWRRRR ... IS A piece of SHIT!

Will Shia LaCuck ever recover?

>implying shillwars would ever name the kike

Is he our generation's Oswald Mosley?

stop posting r crumb influenced satire images

Then the free market will flood your country with 3rd worlders to maximise profit

Why would we let 3rd worlders into our country?

Japan seems to be doing this quite well.

All socialists deserve to be thrown out of helicopters.

Actually, anyone who doesn't support the free market needs to be murdered.

Brit here, kill yourself you cumstain