Say goodbye to your precious baneposting. [spoilers]what's your favorite movie in the batman[/spoilers]

Say goodbye to your precious baneposting. [spoilers]what's your favorite movie in the batman[/spoilers]

>a movement


Who writes this garbage?

bogposting is much better anyway

>what's your favorite movie in the batman

I'm guessing they think baneposting is about actually believing in what he did in the movie instead of just retarded memeing?

it's a memement you dip

shit tier meme

take your bane i dont care, CIA IS OURGUY

>that entire article
Jesus fuck those people are completely insane. I don't know if they just decide to lie through their teeth knowingly because it fits the narrative or because they are dumb enough to believe that shit.

>implying that being against BLM means you are a white supremacist
>implying /k/ did anything wrong and that it wasn't self-defense
>thinking that people quote TDKR because they agree with Bane, and not because the entire scene is funny
>ignoring how most of the quotes refer to the CIA guy and not political shit
>the entire evidence for their claim consists of two (2) tweets from a literal who website and a blogpost
>mixing up AGAIN generic Sup Forums memes with political ideologies (pepe being the first one)
>unironically using a children's comic book character to comment on real life political issues
>implying that Bane's character being latino is a "gotcha!" of any sort

I feel dumber now.



>tfw the mainstream media claims another Sup Forums classic is from Sup Forums
This can't be happening!




why would u say mainstream media? because you're a trumpchump?

who's /apart of what some people call the alt-right/ and Sup Forums here?

feels punk as fuck

>we literally just make up whatever the fuck we want and people believe it and rarely question anything we say

fucking Sup Forumstards ruin everything


>I feel dumber now.
Welcome to Fake News.

Sup Forums = Sup Forums = Alt-Right = Nazi's to normies.

I guess it's better than when we used to be Far Left Hackers And Pedophiles.

I think.

I've red pilled me mum and I was talking on the ol' gazbang chatty teleportah and I said something about climate change and she said

>i've never believed in it

and we chatted about how if it's real, is there any proof it wouldn't have happened anyway and what the gain to lie about it was? We ended up saying it was basically not a bad idea to stop being reliant on other countries and diversifying our power. Since I'm a Bongistani, not being reliant on Russia is a plus.

Either way, I'm going to ask her if I say the word 'alt-right' to her what it means. She'll probably not know, but she's regularly using the term 'fake news' now any time there is bollocks on the Sup Forums. She scares me sometimes.

Shut the fuck up.

>foreshadows downfall
how normie can you get?

Those boards overlap, and baneposting is some powerful shit.

Are we alt right? Or are we regular right? Or are we left? Alt left? Wtf does this shit even mean?


I've been here a while, I still make the stupidest mistakes. Pic related.


"Alt-right" is the left's SJW. It means whatever you want it to mean, as long as it applies to your political opponents.

I miss when Sup Forums wasn't filled with 90's born normal fags, can't you guys just kill yourselves?

you don't know what punk is, do you?

>biting into pasta


>can't even spoiler right
>most likely a phoneposter
4/10 made me reply


Yo can you give me a quick rundown?

naĆ­ve hotheads

>be baneposting since the golden age of early 2014
>the media just lumped me in with the Trumplrinas
What the FUCK

fuck off normal fag

The world is not ready for the bogpill.

>normal fag

stop being so obviously new

you're not fooling anyone faggot. go back to facebook you stupid little queer.

fucking bogs.

Oh, fuck off. Are they gonna declare Bane a hate symbol too?

keep on going

Anyone who posts "normie" Is from reddit or PC cuck.

These ugly ass sons of bitches will never be a meme. This and the BRAAAAP bullshit needs to stop.

Both are already memes.


You shouldn't encourage that pathetic shit user.

Roonposting is the phone call that saved Sup Forums

It's an awoovement



I'm a die hard straight ticket Democract and I love Bane posting.


Ffffff uu