The Second Renaissance Pt. 1 & Pt. 2

Super emotionally manipulative, lots of plot holes, but I love it. Thoughts Sup Forums? Let's have a legit, in-depth discussion about pic and video related.

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Remember when they parodied this in Kids Next Door?

Terran deserved to lose for using landed vikings vs.a T3 army

Lel no I actually never saw that and I was pretty big fan of that show when i was younger.

Its the only one of the storylines that i want to see a stand alone movie of

Watch and be amazed

Yeah I comepletely agree. They'd have to work out a few of the plotholes though.

What plotholes in particular its bin quite a while since i watched it

Man this show was great

Ash Ketchum

Shit I did watch that, I just hadn't seen The Animatrix at the time so i never put two and two together. It's also been YEARS since I've seen KND. What a great fucking show, thanks for that user.

This is awesome.
Was there much overlap between this and Animatrix from an audience pov? Did kids understand the references?

The ways humanity chose to fight robots was a little strange to me. No cyber warfare or hackers or anything of that sort were ever used or mentioned. Just full on conventional warfare. Also EMP. Idk, that might be a little critical, I just think that if it were made into a true stand alone film things like this would be easier to notice and more widely scrutinized.

So I have the whole blu raymatrix collection, found it for cheep at a thrift shop

Ive only seen the first one since I heard the sequels were pure schlock, but which of the animatrix is worth watching?

Barely even counted as a parody, it was like a straight adaptation.

The segement i posted is the best in my opinion. I also liked the one about the runner who breaks out if the matrix naturally (i guess that would be the word I'd use) but i forget the name of it unfortunately.

I miss 2000's CN.

The problem with cyberwarfare is that once the machines went to their own cities, they would create their own OS, and would iterate rapidly on it. Same with CPUs. You can't hack a i7 with a 486, they were outmatched.

I think we all do guy.

I remember that I got it, but I was way too young to have been watching that shit (probably gave me nightmares). I only saw it because my brother showed it to me. And I showed him the KND version.

This scene always tripped me out. From the three men abusing a half-naked woman on the street, to her face falling off and revealing a robot's, the experience goes from an affronted, shocked disgust to a creeping discomfort. In a second, the scene exchanges one kind of horror for another.

Are there any other moments in kinotography that do this?

May there be mercy on kids and adults for their sins.

So can someone explain to me the logic behind Operation Dark Storm? Did humanity seriously reach such a "fuck it" point, that they were willing to basically destroy the planet?

>I'm real!

This actually could have been interesting or maybe even thought provoking if they didn't give it the corniest and most retardedly on the nose dialogue in history.

Yeah. The sun acted as the machines power source. As they explain in the movie. Desperate times call for desperate measures i guess.

The biggest plothole is that once the US (it will be the US I guarantee it) outlaws AI robots, there will always be other countries that would welcome them. We in the EU would take them. Bring on the robot waifus!

Agreed. The dialogue there sucked but the scene itself still percolates my peanuts.

Disrupt the machines' energy source, kill them while their down and use a kill switch on the nanobots.

So I booted it up anyway since i have time to kill

>mfw the first episode is BLACKED

>destroying qt robo-waifu


>disappointed shark

I read somewhere that it was only supposed to cover that region of the sky, but it malfunctioned.

They need to make two part movie based of this

was so cool
god damn that show was neat

Interesting. That would definitely make a lot more sense.

The Matrix had some legit really interesting expanded universe stuff. It was such a shame the second and third movies basically killed the franchise.

Did anyone else read that short story by Neil Gaiman? It talked about how the machines attempted to send probes out into space, and ran into aliens, and started a mini-war between them.

It was a lot more interesting than my description, I promise.

Here it is.

>the second and third movies basically killed the franchise
They actually didn't because matrix within the matrix

That seems cool as fuck. Where exactly does one find EU Matrix stuff?

That story isn't actually set in the Matrix universe. Just inspiret by it. It's an Elseworld.

checking this shit out now

why did they not make a movie about this?

10 years back, when the movies were hot shit, I remembered finding comics, and collections of things at my local bookstore.

I think a lot of it was put online for free to promote the films? Might be able to check through some official sites on the wayback machine.

I searched The Matrix expanded universe and was sent straight to the matrix wiki. Maybe I'll find some stuff on here.

Could easily be a short if they ever decided to do another anthology movie.

It's a good little story.

Holy fuck. I saw that episode before I saw the Animatrix and I KNEW i saw that shit somewhere else before.

>"Hello," I said. The flickering continued for a few moments, and then resolved itself into a smartly-dressed man in thick horn-rimmed spectacles. "You're a pretty big guy," he said.


Fucking adorable desu.

>And then I woke up one morning and it was 1975 again, and I was sixteen, and after a day of hell at school I was walking out of school, into the RAF recruiting office next to the kebab house in Chapel Road. "You're a big lad," said the recruiting officer.

From the point that machines had their own city humanity was outmatched.

The Matrix story was so full of plot-holes, the first one only survived on its visuals and scenes.
Harvesting human body-heat makes no sense, you'd be expending dozens of times more energy keeping the billions of people alive than what you'd get out of it.

Not to mention that after decades without sufficient sunlight, every living thing on the surface should be dead.

Also, there is no reason for the Matrix to exist. They could keep people suspended and unconscious from birth to death and whatever resistance exists would have nobody to recruit. Anyone they'd wake up would be useless.

China wants to do it IRL to combat pollution or global warming or some such shit.

Yes, we as a species are that fucking short sighted and stupid.

Just finished the second Renaissance, it was pretty good

Felt like an episode of Stand Alone Complex, although it had some corny parts desu senpai

They could've gone deeper into Zero-One though, I would've liked to see an episode on daily life their, maybe the day of the nukings

Despite the fact that the robots should never have been given free will in the first place in order to do the jobs they were supposed to do, I really found that trial to be awesome. I truly believe that's how something like that would go down IRL.

>Harvesting human body-heat makes no sense, you'd be expending dozens of times more energy keeping the billions of people alive than what you'd get out of it.

I'm pretty sure that's alluded to though? They seemed to casually be okay with letting humans out of the Matrix in the end. It wasn't like it was going to ruin their power source. They obviously had time to develop other means.

>Also, there is no reason for the Matrix to exist. They could keep people suspended and unconscious from birth to death and whatever resistance exists would have nobody to recruit. Anyone they'd wake up would be useless.

The humans are like the machine's parents, but they're getting old, and aren't making rational decisions anymore, so they stick them in a home, and try and treat them nicely, but they sometimes get rowdy, and to be fair, their relationship is kinda rocky too, so they get into spats, but deep down they still don't want to lose their folks.

there are EMPs that exist that could wipe out NYC, how the fuck would this be an issue?

A human hacker would be no match for a machine intelligence. Not even the most 133t haxor ever could hold a candle. It would literally be a fools errand to try to outsmart a true AI.

This is why you don't let AI out of the box. It's simply too dangerous. Even an AI that acts benevolent couldn't be trusted. If true AI is created, it needs to be open sourced so that "good" AIs being used under controlled conditions could be used to fight "bad" or rogue AIs that are operating against humanity.

Why was the Matrix invented in the first place? Why are their cycles of messiahs that are designed to fail? How does this benefit the machines?

I think youre forgetting that the Matrix attempted a shit laod of times with a shit load of failure.

Yeah, and that's their "parents" getting rowdy.

They tried to make a utopian Matrix first, but that didn't pan out well, cause Mom and Dad needed to feel like they actually did things and had excitement.

Like arts and crafts programs at the old folks home. Or mall walks.

They dropped a nuke on their city and didn't do shit, a measly EMP wouldn't do much

IIRC, in an early draft the machines were using human minds as a networked supercomputer. The Matrix was software running on human brain hardware. This served the dual purpose of giving the machines cheap, easily serviced and replenishable computing power, and keeping the humans humiliated and powerless.

Idiot studios changed this because it was too highbrow. In the end it hardly matters, it's a show about a human resistance. The reason they're slaves is secondary.

Machines were shits.

Just quarantine all human on Australia. Shoot any that try to escape.

This convinced me that the Matrix situation could never happen. Any halfway decent AI, even if its existence relied upon the sun, would just build a rocket and get away from this planet as quickly as possible. "Try to block sunlight from all of space, meat bags! Keep your shitty world!"

'world record'

Yeah, thanks user. I thought that story was pretty cool. The concept of breaking out of the matrix in that way was always pretty interesting to me.

A nuke detoned in the air is essentially an EMP. But it doesn't matter, there's technology to harden against EMP attacks, and the machines would have perfected that shit as a matter of course. Hell, humans might have done it for them, with their reliance on the machines being so high towards the end.

>Replacing the clapping skeletons with clapping kids with boogers coming out their noses

This show was always genius

That always bugged me. Even uf the EMP doesn't work, saturating an are with nuckear weapons will kill anything and every thing there.

>harden against an emp

that is impossible

So what happens after Revolutions? Do humans and machines finally make it up and produce a new superior cyborg race or something? Or matrix within a matrix and humanity was doomed from the start?

Supposedly this scene was a reference to a IRL incident of Israeli troops doing this to an Arab terrorist but I can't find the real version.

Other people say it's that infamous Vietnam pic.

>*Record Scratch*
>*Freeze Frame*
>Soooo yeah, you're probably wondering how I got here, huh?

>more or less I think both humans and machines get bored of war after hundreds of years of trials and errors constantly ending in stalemate

Not impossible, just incredibly difficult and improbably. I'm assuming in the future there will be some material science breakthroughs that could make it possible.

If a machine intelligence was concerned with survival, they would probably devote a great deal of processing power to solving the problem. Even sans humans, a solar flare of sufficient intensity could wipe them out in a moment.

>*Record Scratch*
>*Freeze Frame*

>Rooooooooooob Shneeiiiderr in 'the cyborg'

Nope, this is the official canon:

Well, it would be either 0% success rate, or 100% success rate, given how EMP works. If one morsel of a grid was hit with an electromagnetic pulse, it would carry that surge everywhere until it lost momentum, internally.

I dunno who fuckin cares this is all fictional anyway

That bullshit is offical? 3 sentences on a wiki?

So what happened during The Second Machine War? Does the canon get into that a little bit more?

>Architect: Just how long do you think this peace is going to last?
>Oracle: As long as it can.

>Because the Truce was due to expire within 7 years, Zion began making preparations to abandon the city of Zion and build a new home unknown to the Machines. When a team of Cypherites discovered the location, they broadcast an alert before being destroyed. Agent Gray notified the Architect of this violation and the Truce came to an end.

>We should never be concerned with minute details of fictional stories, or critically assess them
This kind of shit expands your brain user. It's also good discussion over beverages,

why are on this thread. no one here is thinking "OMG when did dis stuff happen."
We're all aware it's fictional. It's a discussion ABOUT the fiction faggot.

>tfw i'm waiting for a rogue solar flare to hit us like it did in the 1800's that completley fucked up all the telegraph wires at the time
I know i'll be affected as well, but it'll be so satisfying watching how many people off themselves after all the social media goes down, and they have nowhere to post pictures of all thier food and vent about how triggered they are about everything.

This shit makes me consider spending some of my dwindling fortune on a safehouse. I have no idea how to go about it, or how to conceal it and defend it against looters. But when it happens, the shit will hit the fan. It will be like Katrina on a global scale. Government is totally unprepared for any sort of disaster, let alone a universal one.

People will die by the millions and technology will get rolled back hundreds of years if (when) it happens.

Only Musk can save us, by making us multi-planetary.


Nukes generate heat, concussive force and radiation. Outside the fireball and even near the edges the machines would be ok.

2nd renaissance is one of two things that legit gives me nightmares

oh fuck off, if this war bullshit were real you could just divert all forces to set off 932482309875432785903478568904378 EMPS at location of zero one, without being a retard and using mech warriors to fight on a battle field.

>create robots that can walk, talk and operate independently
>have the humanoid ones pull sleds
The humans were 'special' in many ways when it came to robots

It's not impossible or unrealistic in anyway to harden against an emp. A lot of your household shit already is.

Pretty sure my microwave and TV are not rated for an EMP attack, senpai.

Fact is the power grid definitely is not.

source? I know nothing about any electronics that could survive a close proximity emp blast


Forgot how great that that show was.

better buy a motorcycle then. roads will all be blocked and its the best way to navigate through the congestion.

You can't deny how super comfy KND's tree house was. Same with the dam from Angry Beavers.