How is she lonely

how is she lonely

Other urls found in this thread:

Actors are sociopaths.


women get lonely if they go five minutes without a new cock in their disgusting vaginas

She is shunned by liberal society.

She's childless and her vagina is nearing sand-status.


you don't have to be alone to be lonely

Learn to read you retard. She is literally implying that acting is incompatible with loneliness

Daily Reminder this shit tier, 5'5" goofy-ass meme musician was flown into LA personally by Winona Ryder for Claire's 18th birthday so she could fuck him.


they dated for years too

not fair

Cuz she looks like a glazed honeybun

>people think actors are not actual human beings

they aren't

Because she hasn't met me yet, the man of her dreams and the cause of her screams heheh more like creams amirite?

I bet you think pornstars are human too

they're just a little bit less

i went from being told i look like him to being told i look like russel crowe

feels satisfying man

That opening scene in that terrorist show where she washed her vag with a face towel got me way too hard for some reason... Not a bad looker, and she can act worth a damn too... Ugliest bitch ever when she crys though..