Well no because

well no because

>*brings the mic closer*

every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.

i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go

>*looks over at the screen*

look at that ...

yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds

Other urls found in this thread:


I love Joe Rogan.

This was completely accurate and worth a kek.

Well, actually my theory is, I think the Atlantis people were just humanoids with gills... *exhales loudly* Evolutionary survival mechanisms, you read about that, right? Like when you get kicked in the face, it triggers your fight or flee response, like BOOM you just punch that motherfucker back. *explosion noise* We're animals, primal predatory instinct. That's amazing. Who knows? Yeah. A billion years from now, future Alien species will maybe wonder about us, like we wonder about Dinosaurs or these Ancient Civilizations. Who were these primitive monkeys who built towers of concrete? It's perplexing. You know I always think about, like, since we're evolved from monkeys, how come we don't have tails? Nature, man... Scary. Wouldn't it be crazy if... I mean. It's so absurd when you think about it. *laughs like a maniac* *lowers voice tone* You ever go moose-hunting? Man, I'm telling you, these things are FAST!

hey rogan...whatcha eatin?

jamie pull up that video of a man dying from getting fucked in the ass by a horse

Siracha is a literal meme

You know experts say oceans could contain over a million undiscovered species? Who knows what's down there, I mean water is like 95% of the earth's surface, you heard about that, right? I saw this documentary. Some sharks have teeth longer than my arm! I mean those things would shred you in half! We don't rule the earth, they do. Hey, you saw that clip of a monster truck jumping from an airplane? Insane, totally insane.

well no because

>*brings the mic closer*

every 10 milliseconds they're reassessing the situation

i was watching this match with Conor McGregor how he was reading his opponent 6 seconds into the future- jaimie could you bring that match up? yeah but it's because they're actually playing chess in their minds ... here we go

>*looks over at the screen*

look at that ...

yeah that kick was absolutely brutal! so you were talking about the current political landscape in the USA?

Heyyyyyyyy freak bitches





>So you're saying everything we know about the world is a posteriori knowledge derived from our interpretation of sense data transmitted from noumena, and that the mind is a separate entity creating a dualistic reality where we can also uncover a priori truths?

Wow... that's insane


Did you see that video of a lion getting jacked by an eagle? Holy shit Jamie pull that up.

You saw that documentary about ants on Discovery last night? They can lift like 100 times their own body weights, wow, how crazy is that? Jamie, can you find it? How RIPPED you think they must be if you put them under a microscope? That means, like a tiny ant could probably lift a kettle bell, just deadlift it like it's nothing, if it wanted to! Why haven't we tried to harness ant DNA yet to make like super ants steroids? Nature doesn't make any sense. You ever tried peyote?


"You're a scientist, maybe you can answer that. But what about the possibility of a gigantic mass-extinction event we would be so fucked. Is it really possible that monkeys were colonized by aliens with mushrooms?"



well no because

>*brings the mic closer*

Electroweak symmetry breaking (due to a Higgs field or otherwise) is believed proven responsible for generating the masses of fundamental particles such as elementary fermions (including electrons and quarks) and the massive- hey jaimie could you bring up that article? yeah, W and Z gauge bosons. Finding how this happens is pivotal to particle physics.

>*looks over at the screen*

look at that ...

yeah that zebra was fast, how is it even possible for the lion to catch up? that thing would tear you to shreds if it did.

Is your body ready?

joeposting is already the greatest meme of 2017

>Well yeah, I mean, it's just perplexing, that reptilian stuff? They have scales, like snakes, right? It's so bizarre. You know decapitated snakes can still bite and poison you? *clears throat* Yeah. I saw this documentary, these 600lbs anacondas, man, they eat jaguars. Just swallow them up, alive. Crazy shit.

>I'm telling you Joe. The snakes, the snakes, they're going crazy, the globalists are putting something in the water. You need to filter your water.

>Wow. Right. These water filters, they're amazing. Just amazing. Hey, you saw the fight on HBO that night? That face kick? Brutal. I'm telling you, he's a beast. Just nasty.

>ENTER CODENMA-*clears throat* CODE N A M E ROGAN AND GOT *clears throat* G E T 10 PURC-*clears throat* PERCENT OFF THAT'S CODENAME ROGAN *clears throat*

how far away is this

u tried

>watch a random episode to see if the memes are true
>guest's talking about politics and the subject of Russia comes up
>Joe interrupts him and starts going off about a Russian fighter
>"hey you know the Mongols conquered Russia for like 200 years? That's why this guy is such a warrior. He's probably a descendant of Gengis Khan. He's a fucking animal."
>keeps ranting about MMA for the next half hour
it's true, all of it

you know sourdough is very good for you

i love roganposting


Why is Joe so much more open-minded on his podcast than he was on Joe Rogan Questions Everything?

>Well yeah, it's a possibility that Bigfoot exists, but everything that you just said makes me feel like you're a compulsive liar that doesn't know what they're talking about


6 years in MSPaint
Thank you DMT



what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?

>For sure!

This is the only pasta on this website to consistently make me laugh out loud like a retard every time I read it.

*eats food with mic right next to mouth before joe yells at them to not do it*

which guest am i?

Bryan 'im not gay' Callen


HHUUHH?? FOR S U R E A 100% MERKS A DUDE, he's a Mmotherfucker! I think you'd be surprised

Cauliflower ear

Most fighters have it, Schaubs isn't even that bad.

It is, but it's pretty good.
Wouldn't mix it with Jalapenos though, and it would go better with white bread than brown bread.

His interview with Louie made me realize he's not that bad of a douchebag.

I listened to one of his podcasts, for about 15 minutes.
Heard him use a 4 syllable word.
It was quite impressive, actually.

Roganposting is great

But I wish Louisposting came back too

Couldn't agree more user.

Does anyone know other podcast similar to #725. It was essentially my paradigm shift..


How did I do?


>ywn watch joe rogan make first contact with aliums

Maybe the one with Jordan Peterson semi-recently
He put his thoughts on God very eloquently and in a way that unironically non-memetically really made me thing

He's done a few with hancock and a couple with carlson. he's also done a couple with Giorgio Tskolous the ancient aliens guy.

What a retarded typo

i think he'd be a pretty good ambassador for aliens, he's just so likeable and harmless. he'd be constantly showing them videos on his phone like animal attack videos and stuff.

I've watched every single episode ask me anything.

It's that butter in my coffee

>Woah, I just took a massive shit, that's insane, that's like a sasquatch sized shit right there. Do you think the sasquatch has to wipe or does he just let his fur get all matted? Jamie pull my pants up.


>They've found giant ape bones in South America, that's bigfoot and probably the yeti too, they lived 10 000 years age at the latest, so they were probably seen in the Himalayas
>Wow so you're saying there are still some of those around
>Definitely there are places where they're hiding, I mean we wear pants, monkeys can't do that so they're dumb, but they lived 10 000 years ago so yes they're hiding, but pants, idiot monkey 10000 years extinct, definitely I don't kno- Jaime video pull *clears throat* Moose Eagle Chimp in a threeway Mexican standoff

my asshole burns just looking at this

I love how Brock's tattoo is 55% hilt with a tiny fucking blade.


>white people


>philosophers? bro get a bowl with your silly bitch buddies and an hour in, everyone's a philosopher. just do it, stop talking about possibilities, you think alexander the great was great because of great thinking fuck no man he did shit

>jamie pull up that video of the nude greco roman wrestling...DAMN MAN THOSE ROMANS DON'T FUCK AROUND


Just listened to the latest with Bill Burr. I almost cringed myself to death when they were talking about child birth and he said it was almost psychedelic. What a fucking moron.

Eddie Bravo is gonna be there to

I eat something like that for breakfast. Eggs cheese and hotsauce then coffee and cigarettes. Makes you shit out everything in 10 minutes.

When is he going to have Richard Stallman on?


12 hours

what was your guys' opinion of shane's podcast? i was looking forward to it since his last appearance in january 2015 and was disappointed. he's my favorite joe rogan guest but he was sober because of some physical he was taking later and was obviously butthurt from hillary's loss, actually the conversation felt awkward at some points almost as if their politics have split over the last seven years

Didn't Rogan say a couple podcasts ago that Randall Carlson had stage four cancer?

If ISIS wants to topple America why don't they just send like 5-10 covert agents into the country with small vials of chilli powder to empty into national water supplies. You'd have the country on its knees within days. Wouldn't even have to be chilli powder, I'm sure the aroma of sweet paprika would remind most of them of capsaicin and be enough to bring on psychosomatic effects.

no, it is pho condiment that turned into meme ingredient by faggots

>schaubposters shitting up another thread

Reminder that it's Joe and Alex Jones today.

Get fucking hype.