It's on

"After the success of Hacksaw, Gibson has now started production on Berserker."
>Written by Braveheart screenwriter Randall Wallace
>Tom Hardy has replaced the faggot Leonardo DiCaprio
>Gibson to star as Loki

Is there any conceivable timeline where this isn't good?

Other urls found in this thread:

I mean Hacksaw Ridge was awful so maybe the better question is if there's any timeline where it is good

Now we just need Russel Crowe to agree to Nick Caves Gladiator sequel and cinema is saved

Hacksaw Ridge was a bit shit, but that was mostly due to the writing so maybe it will be good

Nick Cave as in Nick Cave and Warren Ellis?

The very same


How they bring him back for another Mad Max movie

>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor

Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?

Mel sucks at modern war, but he's just fine with everything else.
>Tom Hardy
I'm fucking sold.

I read the proposed sequel synopsis before but had no idea it was him that proposed it

Yeah I did the same thing, found out after hearing about it. He's very very good at everything he does though. The Proposition was excellent.

Shit, no idea he wrote that too, only know him from his music/soundtracks

I'm not getting excited about this till I see it, not after being burned with hacksaw ridge

>Has a problem with conscious objectors
Pretty sure thou shalt not kill was on a list of things thou shalt nots.

Horner was supposed to score it but died.

Imagine this song during Hugo Weaving's scene in the cemetery when he finds out Desmond enlisted. Weaving would get best supporting actor, and Gibson would get best director.

This movie was pretty decent in certain parts and tropic thunder levels of goofy in others.

Hugo was great though.

He's the only person involved in the movie that deserved an Academy Award. As usual they get it wrong again.

>having Loki appear

and this is the guy that is above capeshit, kek

He's a genuinely great artist across the board, I eat his stuff up

It's a shame that Berserkers weren't real, at least not in the way most people think

Looks pretty real to me. He's actually from Iceland too. If Mountain's not in it Gibson needs to be smacked.

oh shit, he dead

Do people really not like hacksaw ridge? Obviously the part with Vince Vaughn going on the Okinawa sleigh ride firing his gun was silly. But the rest of the movie (outside of the action scenes) was fantastic.

I loved it but this maymay started where the literally only 2 sorta cheesy moments got blown up into this narrative that the movie sucked.

Now that Mel Gibson made a forgiveness picture that people kinda were okay about as long he doesn't sperg out I think guys like Horner will return and Berserker will be the Oscar winning movie for the ages we have always wanted.

Hacksaw Ridge was all right but that was Gibson moving at an 8/10, if Hollywood backs him full sails Gibson can easily hit 11/10.

I really really liked it. I saw it in a cinema and i think some of those cherrypicked moments go over way better with the big screen and surround sound. The whole battle sequence also feels like such an exhausting slog which was really good I thought.

I thought it said Berserk at first.

kek same oh well

not our fault some people here still have standards

>Gibson as aging Guts

>news about the viking Mel movie Sup Forums promised us
Is this real? I'm not clicking on fucking vulture. Screencap or archive or go home. You better not be memeing on my hopes, OP

They're plebs who only know the Battlefield tm hyperrealist experience started by SPR

It says he has started production on Berserker. Other sites have mentioned negotiations with Hardy. Gibson has said he won't act anymore.


Me fucking too
Mfw its not

Mel as Odin. I honestly cannot think of anything more exciting than this.

>another movie for nu-males

>our ancestors had steroids

really makes me think

>Leonardo DiCaprio
>has banged every chick

>Tom Hardy
>plays pitcher and catcher simultaneously
>not a faggot

Really makes you think.




"Walking the beserkers path" just meant to live as a warrior. Kinda like the samurai. The vikings were quite fanatical, but not physically exceptional.

fucking lots of chicks is a good cover up for being a fag. Dude's not even married

>Tom Hardy

God dammit, Mel, you better make this fucker speak in a foreign language so we don't have to suffer through his mumbling. I'd rather put up subs than have Hardy mumble at me for two and a half hours.

>making an anti-war movie
confirmed for not watching it. He enlisted wanting to go to war, and he even had to face a court martial to get to go to war. 90% of the people who go to war don't kill people so what's the big deal

Griffith did nothing wrong


>the success of Hacksaw

Didn't it flop on box-office?


its either lorenzo or jesus 2 now, sorry folks

Should have been Cesare Borgia.

>tOm hardy

Think i'lll pass.
no thanks mel.

>Tom Hardy has replaced the faggot Leonardo DiCaprio
fucking irony

oh fuck off you guys just like it cause mel is all like "hope you get raped by a pack of wild niggers! fuck the jews!" so you guys are all like "wow mel is /ourguy/ desu senpai"

the movie was 6/10 decent popcorn flick but had a ton of cheesy ass scenes and pacing issues.

literally this
It's far more likely that we get another throwback to early 90s action films with cliched dialogue and historical inaccuracies than something decent

>throwback to early 90s action films with cliched dialogue
Oh god yes please based mel make it true

Fucking finally he's doing the Viking movie. Also Hardy over DiCaprio is a huge improvement, Hardy can actually act and look the part unlike DiCaprio.

back to plebbit kiddo